Is Mei really boring or am I doing her wrong?

Picked up Mei. Played some games. Tried some talent combos. I don’t think I am playing her right because she is wicked boring to me. What’s the consensus?

what build are you doing?

the snow ball one?
ice wall or snow ball heroic with her w build or her disabling one that empowers her

Well everyone has a different taste of gameplay. For me at least Mei is fun for sure.


She’s mobile and combo-y enough for me to not be boring.


Depends on what build you go. I always go the lifesteal build for Mei which is fun.

She has quite bad waveclear(W does a chunk of dmg but behing a fairly long cooldown to bother) and damage overall so it’s not the tank that makes big plays all the time, but shes’s quite mobile and has slow CC on nearly all abilities, she brings a lot of combo potential and punishes players out of position.

I feel like the only thing holding Mei together is Crystallize and as soon as that choice becomes off meta, I will already not be reliant on a talent to be a good Mei. Same for Ice Wall; it requires good vector targeting skills to make work and is really versatile in its uses.

Her waveclear becomes above average if you pick the level 1 W talent (increased dmg on final hit) and the level 4 E talent (cdr and mana return for more dmg to wave).

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“boring” is more a word describing the person using it than the things they’re trying to blame.

Given the slew of your usual complaints generally being “you” problems, it’s more likely to be par for the course that your usual not-paying attention and engaging with particulars is gonna amount to your perception of mei being a “you” thing too :confused:


If she isn’t getting pregnant after 6 months, probably.



But to answer OP’s question, my favorite part about her is knocking people into my AoE stun. I like zoning tanks so that’s fun to me

is this standing for the snowball heroic PeskyBerry?

“boring” doesn’t make any sense in this context. this is a competitive game. either she’s good or she isn’t. enough with this “boring” nonsense. this isn’t a game of animal crossing.

Casting blizzard, and then pushing with Icing, is what I meant.

And I actually like Ice Wall, which also works well with blizzard.

I see and hopefully can clearly understand what you meant by that along with who ever else reads it

She’s a combo hero, and doesn’t do much on her own. Her CC chain and being the hardest tank in the game to kill is what makes her good.

She feels very similar to ETC to me. Just a big, tanky, mobile ball of disruption. For me, the most fun I have on Mei is setting up ally CC or comboing with allies, and peeling/bodyblocking.

I don’t know your preferences, but if you don’t like ETC, you probably won’t like Mei.

I think before asking if X hero is fun or not per sé, you should first explain “what is fun”, specially to yourself. Then you can answer if X hero is fun or not by yourself.




Hey I ask about what build he or she is doing with her and I haven’t gotten a reply about it!

Competitive or not, it’s still a game. Primary function is to entertain, so yeah, people should be having fun. But boringness is subjective I’ll give you that.