Is Greymane's Darkflight (E) ability supposed to make him unstoppable?

As Qhira, if I use my E (Revolving Sweep) ability on Greymane as he is leaping to me using Darkflight, my E will not hit him. Is this intended?

It should hit, watch the replay at slow speeds to see if you missed. What you saw on screen and what happens in the replay can be different

You probably missed. If it had hit, it would have stunned him briefly before you start spinning.

I watched the replay. He was in mid air literally directly over my hook and it went right through him

Was he super close? Her e hit box does not start at her model, it starts a little bit after that. I would recommend making a post in bug reports if you still believe it was a bug. I have not seen the replay, so i can not say.

You missed your E. GM is not unstoppable mid-air in neither E nor R but the hitbox is not on the same spot as body just like with other “air” units.

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Both E and GftT have, or at least had, inv frames. It was common practice to abuse it while diving under the forts to dodge the slow.

It seems dashes disjoint the ability.
Blink darkflight teleport bolts and i think i pulled it off with cyber agility

this is most probably it.

I remember looking at an uploaded replay at slow speed where it seemed like VP caught illidan. And it was a hitbox issue.

Was doubly stupid because I told Blizz[censored] that Huginncord seemed to have figured it out… Only to be told that blizz[censored] was Huginncord. That got me to chuckle a bit.

said bug report:

that being said, feel free to send your replay to and they’ll be able to check to make sure everything is working as intended!