Is Forced 50% winrate real?

My winrate is 50.5%. I have wins where it’s like the whole enemy team is bots and I don’t feel happy getting free victories. And while I can accept losing, I had entire teams that just really make you question them. While if I get a winstreak it gives me leavers & afkers a few games in a row till I’m back at 50%.

I read about the forced 50% winrate, and apparently it’s done so that bad players don’t uninstall the game, players need to win enough matches to keep them playing. But it is making the game unsatisfying to play to know that I’m not winning because of my own skill but because of the matchmaking system. It has me thinking recently if it really doesn’t matter what character I play or if I should even try anymore. I’m already guaranteed to win by getting carried by my teammates.


There’s no forced 50% winrate. It is just something people say to blame the system instead of themselves when they get stuck in some rank or when they lose a match.

The only thing that exists is a matchmaking system trying to give both teams the most fair match possible, which means both teams have the same chances to win (50%). This is how a healthy system should works.


strange seeing you saying this about such a broken system like this despite you knowing it’s broken hmmm


a “forced” 50% winrate is literally the entire purpose of a matchmaker.


The purpose of a matchmaker is to give me free wins?


no, the purpose of a matchmaker is, if you are currently winning < 50% of the time, to match you with easier and easier opponents until you are once again winning 50% of the time. and vice versa. you can interpret this as “giving you free wins” or whatever else you want, but it’s just your own personal bias seeping into the analysis.


Maybe that’s the intention but the way they’re doing it is stacking all the good players on one team while the other team is mediocre. So whoever is going to win is already decided.

It gives me “easier” opponents but it also gives me teammates who are much better. I don’t have impact on the outcome of a match. I can be a useless feeder and still win if I do the bare minimum, because the rest of my teammates are going to be stacked to make up for me.

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I mean, I didn’t say the system was good :joy: But it does not force 50% winrate on everyone.

If you are winning several games in a row, the system will try to match you to opponents who are slightly better. Because these are the opponents it believes you should face. If you fail to win against them, then it will put you against opponents that it believes you have a 50% chance of beating (Which will be a bit worse than the ones you lost to) The same way that if you lose several games, it will try to match you with opponents of your level, so that you again have a 50% chance of winning.

The only two players that this does not apply to, is GM#1 and Bronze 5 bottom player. Because it cannot find players of equal skills to them.

How it picks your team mates though I have no idea. But it seems whack to me ,as I can usually tell when I’m going to start having worse teammates.

After winning 5-6 games in a row. I was paired with team mates that the GM#1 would have lost with.

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This is what I’m saying. Yes it gives me easier/harder opponents, but my teammates aren’t matching up the same with the opponents.

Game will give me harder opponents, but weaker teammates.
Game will give me easier opponents, but way better teammates.

So a match ends where the enemy team gets 0 kills and my whole team is just stomping. This wouldn’t be possible if everyone was around the same skill level, to have a match where one team has 30 kills and other got 0. The teams in this game aren’t equally skilled.


When you are “in the middle” meaning, you haven’t gotten any streaks either way. You should get fairly even games. You will notice your allies making misplays, but your enemies are too. It’s just harder to notice.

However, you DO have impact over the outcome. In the post I made about 5 stacks. We won the game. And I believe that I greatly influenced that outcome. By the information I gave, timing merc camps, and my draft pick.

If I hadn’t drafted properly, hadn’t timed merc camps, hadn’t pointed out ganks to my team. Structures that we destroyed would have still be standing, we would have gotten less xp, and the enemy team would have had an easier time keeping up, as their lanes wouldn’t have been pushed. And my DoT as Malthael, was a problem for the enemy Uther.

I didn’t needlessly fight into sound barrier, waited for Garrosh to use his throw before engaging, and didn’t use last rites until Sound barrier was used. It was on me to pull my weight. And my decisions helped cause that win. Yours will do as well. Otherwise, there are games that you won that you would have lost.


forced 50% is when they throw the most useless player’s in the whole game in your team while the enemy team aren’t as bad as these player’s you’re dealing with. that’s the forced 50% you’re looking for. that’s how “good” this system is i don’t see where it tries to give both teams the most fair match if 1 team get’s garbage and the other team stomps this garbage…

this is just not acceptable to force people to play in 5 stack or deal with such a horrible experience like this.let alone new player’s to the game who deal with veterans and ruin the game experience. yes playerbase is small but at least “try” to make it balanced rather than making people hate it


I understand what you’re trying to say, but once you win that match and it puts you above the middle. It will just make your next game a decided loss on purpose (give you leavers). Is it a coincidence that my winrate is at 50.5%? I’m just feeling conflicted right now, I always believed that I had an impact until I saw my winrate.

This means that even if I get twice as good at this game, I’m still going to be at 50% winrate. Even if I play like garbage I will still win the same amount of games. It then makes me ask why should I even get better at this game if it doesn’t change anything.

I agree if we’re at the middle we have more influence over the outcome of a match. Those are the most fun matches, but those fun matches get overwritten by forced losses. And then you have to sit through some forced wins till you’re back in the middle. So even if the game sometimes give you fair matches, it will still throw you through a streak of one-sided games till it resets itself.

Now that I know how the system works it is really disappointing.


Keep in mind, there are some cases where the game cannot determine the best match. “Young” accounts have a high level of uncertainty. The game just doesn’t yet know where to place them, as they haven’t played enough games. That’s why new players are always banning in their first few SL games. Because they have a perfect MMR.

Sometimes also, a player will come back to their accounts after not playing for a while. Depending how long they were gone. It will throw the game out of whack.

It’s not a decided loss. It’s just harder. But if you pull those wins enough times, it leaves you alone for a while as it adjusts. Because you’ve proven that you should be where you are.

Your win rate will be close to 50% unless you are one of the game’s top players, or unless you are not at the level that you should be at. The best GMs get around 70% WR. No one gets 90%. It can vary based on heroes played of course. My WR on Tracer is around 75%. But the hero itself has limits, and if no one on my team take camps. I can’t take them myself, and Tracer is a bad laner. So if I’m forced to lane, we’ll take structure damage.

If you play really bad, you’ll find that you’ll rank down. If forced 50% was a thing. Then everyone would be more or less the same rank. And it would be impossible to rise or climb.


If you got all bad players in your team and the enemy has all the good ones, that just shows how mmr is messed up and needs a full reset. It doesn’t prove forced 50%. People getting boosted, people getting placed in the wrong ranks, the old PRA, and lots of many other things already broke mmr for most of the players.

If the system reaaaally forced 50% winrate for everyone, no one would ever climb or anything. Everyone would just be bronze 5. Also, if the system forced 50% winrate, this would be a hell of a system. Blizzard should get a medal for it, cause a system like that would be actually amazing.

With the amount of leavers afks trolls toxic players in this game, it is not hard to get one every other match. This is not the system forcing you to lose though, it just shows how bad the playerbase is now.

Having a 50% winrate means you are at the place you should be right now, considering you player a lot of games.

You wanna see how there is not forced 50%? Just literally throw every game for 100 games. Just afk in base for a while, intentionally die, don’t join fights and all that. Literally play like the worst player in the world. You will see that your winrate will probably be 20% or even less.

If you get twice as good you should climb until you get to the point of 50% winrate again because you got to where everyone has the same skill as you have (in theory), or at least, same mmr. Sometimes the climb process is slow though.

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people asked for MMR reset and was ignored. also guess why they don’t want to do it? because no matter what happens it’ll remain unbalanced and hiding the MMR is the proof of it being unbalanced. if anyone can say otherwise well explain to me then why are they afraid of showing the MMR of each player? because it’s obvious. it’ll show how badly this system is


Oh yeah, that is true. But still don’t prove forced 50%.

Also keep in mind that it doesn’t need to force 50% to be bad. I still agree that blizz MM and mmr overall is bad, but I know it doesn’t force 50% winrate.

Yeah it is true. I have played almost 100 games and hold a 60% win rate and if you que with randoms, they give you the worst of players and I am currently plat2. If you solo que and are winning alot, they will match you with worst players to prevent you from ranking up.

the game being unbalanced only leads to that thinking. when your game quality is that bad what you’ll think of? you can’t just avoid saying it’s their fault i can’t blame a player that has such a terrible experience cause the system decided to throw random horrible player’s in that player’s game and worst part is most of the time they don’t listen to what you say. they just ignore you ingame and do their thing and then you lost

nothing is being forced yes. but unbalance = as bad as forced losses that’s how it looks like to anybody with such game experience like this.