Introducing average rank?

Hey guys
i thought if maybe it would be a good idea to introduce average ranks which will be shown next to your current rank( maybe only visible for you). I think the idea of ranks is sometimes not very accurate or even confusing. No player can stay for a long time in the same rank because matches can be random as same as the outcome of these. All players tend to jump between different ranks and divisions or go on random loose/win streaks.
Introducing an average rank would give a more clearer picture where your skill level is roughly at.
For example: If someone plays 100 games in gold 3, 50 games in gold 4 and 2 and 20 games in gold5 and 1. Than his average rank would be gold 3 which is probably a better indicator for you to know where you skill level is at.
You can maybe even make a statistics screen where you can see how much your skill have improved over time (like Hotslogs had it). In my opinion this would be very helpful to see if you are improving over time or not.

That’s a good idea, I never liked the profile only showing your top rank points of the season anyway.

“Average season rank” would be more useful when going over profiles.

I don’t think rank is a good approximation of skill.

Average rank would not help with that. It’s just a word and a color that shows up in your profile.

rank is basically your MMR. We don’t have and probably never would have a better meassurment for “skill” than that.

Rank is not MMR. Otherwise, gold and Silvers and Plat could not end up matched in the same game.

gonna just forward the answer from shapeshifter since i don’t know how to paste links. If you click on it you will find the link.

That’s my point man. If rank and MMR were the same thing, and players are matched based on MMR, then gold players would only be matched with other gold players.

But what do we want to fix by creating average rank?

Not fixing something but helping players to get a clearer picture. Thats what Hotslogs had and it gave you a pretty good insight if you are improving over time or not. For example as i changed to a monitor with quicker response time i could see my MMR increasing. But It’s harder to see little positive or negative changes because everyone is hopping between ranks. As in my example for a player beeing somewhere between gold 1 and 5 it’s hard to tell if he gets better at all or not. And random win/loosestreaks happen often but they give you a false picture where you are. But if you could see your average rank is improving than it’s a strong indicator that you are doing the right things.

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Fair point.
Though would it replace your current visible rank or they’d have to add it somewhere other players can see it?

actually seeing others average rank could probably lead to more toxicity. As we all know it happens that players go on huge winstreaks climbing even a whole division and dropping like a stone than. The average rank is an indicator for this and people would maybe attack this person and blame them for the loose because of their average rank. So in my opinion it is better to keep it secret but i guess everyone could have a different opinion here.