As you can read many people have suggestions already. Thats what forums are for. But I saw you being multiple times salty on this forum. Also with daraks departure. Are you alright?
Transcendance could maybe give some aoe heals (with maybe giving kharazim some bigger self heal) and insight give mana and some shield to kharazim instead of cdr.
Issue with both trait is that extended uptime of punching faces is not common so they would need to provide ways to get some sustain in order to stay in contact for longer.
However i fear that either punching fast and hard with iron first would still be the norm or that either reworked trait would be so broken you’d tank several people while punching them to death which would break the game.
Underrated comment.
Think a aoe trans woule be great or that it links to a neirby hero for 50% heals. (Needs a nerf then) But insight needs a bit more oemph. Think if it maybe reduces the Q by 2s as a base?
How dare we discuss talents and trying to give featback in a moba forum😒