Insane Acti/Bliz Thrash-Quotes Compilation

Jeeziana louisiana, how long are single posts allowed to be?


So thats not what that means? Can you explain it then?

If I was bored enough darling I could troll the forums an compile a opposite list of positive quotes equally as redundant. These are discussion forums, both positive and negative opinions and everything in between are going to discussed.

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Woot ! First 2 posts !

But in all seriousness , why are my post categorized as "blizzard fan boy " ?
I genuinely dont like activision , why should i ? They always oversaturate their own games or end up messing it up.

Activision is the reason we got diablo 3 the way we did. I was highly looking forward to buy sekiro: shadows die twice as ive been a big souls fan , but after knowing activision was going to be their publishers i went from a "im buying this game 100% on release date " to " absolutely not !! " because i know they will force from software to changes things so the game isnt too hard or fit the game for the skill levels of 10-14 year old players .

Like i said , they always end up burning everything they touch.


I wouldn’t take is seriously. I was quoted with a joke post about the current state of AI. If being mildly and satirically critical of the AI changes in last patch means I’m a hater, I’m ready to accept that mantle darling.


He isn’t saying that you’re a blizzard fan boy I don’t think. I think it’s just that your post was made in a thread with that title.

I stand by the two post so I made in this OP.

I actually had a few better ones in other threads though. What Activision has done to blizzard is downright criminal and makes me very very sad


Just so everyone knows, my quote was completely changed to the opposite of what I actually said. That’s not how quotes work. Also, the reason why nobody’s name is in the quotes is because the OP altered the quoted text. He probably didn’t realize that the new website was smarter then him.

The full quote is:


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I doubt you could get even half as many as he posted, heck I doubt you could get even one quarter of the amount of positive quotes.

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Get this trash out of my face. All of the things you quoted from me were taken out of context and/or massively overblown. Yes, I believe that HOTS could have been done better and yes, I believe that it has made some pretty poor decisions re: content generation and finances. But criticism - especially valid criticism - isn’t thrashing and the stuff I’ve said doesn’t come anywhere near “insane”. I don’t know why you decided to reach so hard when it came to me, but you have massively misrepresented my stance on things.

And you know what else?

I love HOTS and if you took two seconds to look at my profile and read my highest-rated reply, you’d know that. It’s honestly impressive to me that you didn’t, considering that the thread itself is centered around anonymous Blizzard employees talking about how HOTS was a failure.


Just do what I do, report for trolling.


how much time did it take you to write this post? How is it possible for someone to white knight this hard?

that is exactly the point of this thread. i saw much more hate than anything, it was unbelievable how quickly things have turned around recently.

indeed you are right, this was a misquotation. there is an explanation, but it is irrelevant. just know that i never noticed, the speed at which i was working with my mobile device and some kind of strange word-wrap error cut the text in half and i highlighted it improperly, i would hope anyone else who noticed something like this would come forward. i would never misquote someone on purpose, because i know from experience how the hawks operate around here, they catch any and every mistake so please continue on. but it is not the first time i have made this error. mostly i was rushing.

then correct it, but i basically take things very literally when i see them.

probably no more than 5-10 minutes, but i was overwhelmed by this negativity. i read the forums regularly and have NEVER seen so much hate at the same time, talk about out of proportion.

My comment was very mild, it was not hateful by any measure darling. It was in fact a tiny joke about the current state of the AI changes. If you have had a human player replaced by the new AI you would understand what I said was in fact a very huge understatement.

Many posters created threads regarding the problems with the new AI, these problems have been now acknowledged by Blizzard. If people did point out these problems, it would no doubt take longer for Blizzard to find out about them.

Many of the comments you posted, often out of context in your main post are not hateful. You are using that emotionally charged word in an attempt to deride mostly valid and respectfully expressed criticism.

I did:

But if you want me to break down everything you quoted from me, bit by bit, then sure - I can do that.

This is a criticism of the way Free Rotation works and against the nature of the Collection, not a “thrash” of the game itself.

Again: Criticism of the financial mechanics behind HOTS, not the game itself.

This one really ticks me off, because you knowingly and willingly cut the part that clearly demonstrates it’s just a criticism of the financial aspect of HOTS:

I do not believe you. There’s too much willful misinterpretation going on here for you to be “taking things literally”, and I’ve only looked at my own quotes. From my perspective, you’re just a lazy troll looking for attention.

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I had so many other quotes, and instead you chose that one? Hahahaha, although I am aware how it sounds, I do try to sprinkle in some constructive criticism as well.

I love the game, but there are so many things that are lacking. And every time I try to give some suggestions they get shutdown, instead of at least entertaining the idea.

OP must be either drunk, or Activision fan boi.

Some of these posters actually make me miss HOH’s prattle.

I’m still shocked that a misleading thread that is taking some of the comments out of context by quoting in specific areas is still even up.

Mods pls.


Actualy, its not the true developers of their games being the problem. Its the management higher up. They force their developers to do the bad things like rushing games, adding microtransactions that everyone hates and trying to leach the max out of the players.

Activision used to be a good company that made great games (i loved THPS1-3 and CoD2 for example), they had a lot of good games on the PS2. But all that seems to be gone once they became too big.

Even valve suffers from this same thing, but so far they still only a few bad games (ricochet and artifact). But there is a major diffirence with valve. Games are not their priority of income, so when they make a game, they can try to make it good and just take their time. A luxury activision and EA dont have.

So even though its poor they got fired, we can only hope that it was the right thing to do, as it might reduce the costs for a game a lot.

But the problem is, bad decisions destroyed their reputation. if i know a developer is good, i would have no issues preordering a game including its season pass, even if its costs €100. But EA and Activision have such bad name to me, i generaly will not even look at a game of them unless its at a €10 price tag and is entirely single player. Just so i can be sure that i can avoid all their microtransaction trash, and also be sure that i havent paid to much for a game.

They made a lot of mistakes, and they are in a state where the only way to recover is to make good games again. But then you get the news that they want to introduce p2w elements in CoD bo4. And thats enough for a reason to simply never trust them again. They dont learn.

It is strange, some things the mods jump on in seconds, other threads can go for weeks that break every rule in the COC.

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