We always play with 5 friend ranks, the deal here is when I win, I get 22 points, and when I lose discount me 30 points. Not just that, I always have more wins than losses and I think my MMR is really good.
I’m saying this is a bug. Please, check it as soon as possible, because I have had these issues for the last YEAR.
This happens when the matches you are getting are against lower MMR opponents than yourself. Wins are worth fewer points because stomping newbies does not reflect skill while losing to them might indicate you are placed significantly above your skill. This is likely caused by you having lower rank friends in your party, or that the lower player pool size is causing the match maker to make less fair matches.
The opposite can also occur. If you are matched against higher MMR players you will lose fewer ranked points for losses since the system already know they are better than you, and gain more ranked points for wins since it might indicate you are placed well below your skill level.
Hello, it doesn’t work like that. If you read the whole post, we ALWAYS play on five teams…my friends have the same ELO, everybody is between bronze 4 and silver 5 and everybody received 200 points or a little less (maybe silver received 180 points) ALWAYS I’m the only one receiving 23 points. As I said…something is wrong with my account, and that is why I posted here, in this forum after YEARS with the same issue.
This only occurs during placement or when the match maker is very unsure about where a person should be placed. The amounts you are receiving are the normal, and is indicative of it matching you against a weaker team. If you are not matched against a equal sized party, there may be an additional MMR penalty (extra MMR for match making purposes so you fight stronger enemies) added to your team which may also help explain this.
Players in Bronze 5 also receive and lose reduced rank points due to it being an extended tier so each rank point has more value. Although I do not think this applies to you (since you are silver?).
No, I’m Bronze 5. What MMR are you talking about? because in ALL THE SEASONS, I have more wins than losses.
As I said…I’m pretty sure this is a bug, so I’m waiting for a GM or Devops to check it.
Then that is why. You are progressing exactly as fast as everyone else, except you are still in the compressed MMR space of Bronze 5 (see dev article about this from years ago). Each rank point you earn is worth more than someone in Bronze 4 or above so you earn and lose fewer of them per match. Right at the bottom of Bronze 5 it is common to earn or lose just signal digits of ranked points/MMR.
This is because Bronze 5 is by far the biggest rank tier by player count. Instead of introducing silly divisions like iron, copper, wood, mud, dirt, e.t.c. they decided to compress all those would be divisions into Bronze 5. So this works correctly each point in Bronze 5 has to be worth a lot more because each point difference puts your skill above a lot more players.
That has little to do with MMR. MMR (ranked points) only care about who you won or lost against. You can have a 60% win rate but if this is from stomping the bottom of Bronze 5 then you can still lose rank if your 40% losses are against similar or even lower ranked players. The opposite can also apply if you are losing 60% of the time to very skilled players and winning 40% of the time against more skilled players than you.
The match maker tries to avoid unfair matches to avoid this issue. But since you are playing in a party it might be having to create sub optimal matches so your party can find a match in a reasonable time.
I can’t believe this is answered. I play LOL and HOST and if that is like you said, rank points are DESTROY, and not like that, is the worst trash ever created.
I’m still thinking this is a bug, if not, DEVS should re-check how this is…because is the worst system ever…Now I see why this game is almost dead.
As far as I am aware all good MMR/rank systems do something similar to HotS. Stomping less skilled players does not give much MMR/rank, and being stomped by more skilled players does not lose much MMR/rank.