I'm the guy who post a lot, AMA

Hell yeah, ShamWow™ best meme, take that FlexTape™.

Why are you so silly?

Better than being a soulless serious user 24/7.

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Darling may I ship you and Dr. Logan?


Go ahead.

Do you snack when you game? If so, what snacks? I will be shipping you guys, but I can’t on these forums they are very G rated darling.


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You should’ve picked Mercy!

Mercy is my 2nd most played character, I think I healed enough for a life time.

HEY! I didn’t give you permission!

Ok, go ahead.

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I know that feel, bro. I used to main Reinhardt and did reasonably good until I had a bad game and someone raged at me and crushed my self esteem with him. Then I played Dva until the same thing happened. I ended up giving up and playing Mercy because no one ever rages at a Mercy since no one ever expects anything from her anyway… sigh

That was until I stopped playing altogether due to lack of content. The feel when a supposedly “dying” Moba gets more and better content than the GOTY 2016.

Small indie company.


Truth right here.


Why do you like/dislike me?

There, fixed the question.

You are a pretty cool guy, weird but really easy to get along with.


Wow, looks like you have some brains into your head :3

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We are united trough the khala ,
We are never truly alone ! :+1:

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Embrace the Khala, Logan.


Thank you for contributing cool posts in the thread I made a while ago for Orphea skin ideas.

I rarely make new threads unless it’s to ask a question to learn something or to be creative. I focus on the posters that actually wanted to be a part of the thread, but the experience was ruined with CoC spam by a deluded, self-appointed forum police. I was really happy the thread was taking off with posters who were as earnest as I was. Now, I just have a bad taste in my mouth in attempting to make new threads.

How do you feel about Orphea as a hero? Good, bad?

Tips/mindset for hitting with Shadow Waltz?

How long do you think it’ll be before we see a new skin for Orphea?

What would be the first thing you would do once you arrive in space?

Do you think science and smart people who blow our minds are awesome?


She has a really awesome kit that I suck hard with yet I really want to learn and master it, please make more fun kits dev team, thank you.

I think I’m the wrong person to give tips/mindset over that since I already mentioned that I suck hard playing her.

I think she could have some potential skins for the summer event, something like a mummy skin would really fit her.

Or we can bet that we might get a skin for Orphea this Chinese New Year Pig Event that is coming this spring.

Anywho, her kit and play style can work in creating elementally themed skins (Earth, Water, Fire and maybe Air), Chomp being the elemental thing of course.

Throw a copy of Wheatley to space, it is destined.

Yes, Moira from Overwatch can confirm this, I wish humanity invest more in science, especially space, so much potential, so much truth to discover.


You just revealed your favorite tf2 class: