I'm starting an Experiment named Storm League

I have uploaded the tiny amount of 2595 Replays to HeroesProfile to update my profile.

Following the link to my HeroesProfile Page:

As you might see, I haven’t played ranked at all. In my CV is only one unranked Match. The rest is QM and a tiny bit of ARAM (which shows no match at all, although I uploaded a few replay Files of them). I guess the Site is still not in the best shape for including every information found in the replay-files.

I have a nearly perfect 50% Rate of lost and won matches. Which doesn’t surprise me at all since everyone is playing QM on the peak of his/her performance with no one boosting or screwing the matches.

I will start to play ranked as soon it’s possible for me and I will document my way through this Experiment.


Map names look awesome if intimidating to spell in German. Never seen those before.

I have a nearly perfect 50% Rate of lost and won matches. Which doesn’t surprise me at all since everyone is playing QM on the peak of his/her performance with no one boosting or screwing the matches.

At last someone is getting balanced matches. The forum was swamping in complaints lately that the OP is always at a disadvantage.

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50% winrate doesn’t mean he has balanced matches. Would have to comb through to see how many times its 30-2 kills or 2-30 kills.

I’m sure my amount of Data is big enough to be valid.

For sure there have been stomps but in both directions.

His sample size is ~2600 games, doesn’t mean he doesn’t get an off-match every now and then. It’s the average that counts. On average he wins and loses 50%.

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is also interesting

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Okay and what about the average number of stomps in both directions. lol


was a stomp I have won

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I am so using “Garten der Angste” whenever I refer to that map now. Good luck, Ironymus!


I’ve finished my placement matches.
The first two where a blast and fun to play.



The third one rather not. One guy hovered stukov and really wanted to play healer. After looking up his Statistics (Bronze 3 and 5 Levels on Stukov) I decided to make a bald move and locked in Alexstrasza first…
So the Opponent had every eventuality to adapt to my pick. They went (Raynor, Varian, Tyrael, Li Li and Kel’thuzad). We played (Stitches, Tassadar, Cassia, Thrall and Alexstrasza)


Unfortunately Heroesprofile shows only the first placement match even when I uploaded all replay-files, so I won’t use this crappy Tool anymore.