I'm moving to europe

Welcome to the EU Server, where the Queue Times are short, the player in general better and the META quite different to the NA Server.

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It’s called being “attendant”, silly.


We even hate to see a Aba on the other team. How great is that!!

Enjoy! I do have my account set up on EU for those times I want to play with EU friends, and I may see you over there every now and then. However, I am affected by the ping, especially when I play a hero that is very reliant on proper timing, such as Diablo.

Do note, you will have to re-add your friends who play on both servers, as the friend’s list doesn’t transfer, like most of your account.

Been wanting to go play in Europe for so long but the ping for me is very unstable. I did try again last month first with ai to level up heroes but ping says no. I am disappointed because I wanted to experience what EU is like.

Anyways, I wish you the best in your EU adventures.

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The latency is too high for me too, you could get away with playing Li Li or Raynor, but that’s about it. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be with any skill shot intensive hero.

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oh I didn’t know you were from Detroit

Cows roam free in the place I live.

This is my reasoning as well for why matches seem much more challenging in EU. Simply a larger population of players = harder to climb up in MMR than in Oceania or US.

And the ping difference is not that scary tbh, a hit of 30-40ms on average, except on the West Coast where it might get too high to enjoyably play on EU.

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Good luck, have fun across the pond!

I had the same experience the other way around, switching because EU players feel horrible. During my first 20 matches. Lost only 3. Legit newbies being afraid of everything, playing slow and carefully.

Admittedly, I felt bad a few times, destroying the opponents so hard. Not (just) me, my entire team was nice.

Latency isn’t terrible but you can feel it sometimes. Obviously some things become impossible to dodge or hit due to it. It’s about 0.2 seconds. Perfectly viable with complatible heroes.

Had some very tough matches today, unfortunately Alex isn’t good to begin with, not to mention hard carry. With people actively running out of W despite telling them it’s a heal.

Well, Alex is worth some tweaks (swapping 1 and 7 Q talents would be my idea, with nil healing until 7 it takes really good comeback skills - the level 1 has no effect on its own, and the 4 options are irrelevant/dysfunctional), it’s sad when a healer’s only viable build is all about damage talents. Other healers have been reviewed and damage capabilities stomped. Until then, guess I’ll just learn that she is a mage and unbind Q.

(ps.: I did heal 10x as much on Alex as the opponent. Lost by 3 levels anyway. That’s the impact of healers. Nil. All about Bloodlust, Nano Boost and Stim Drone.)

Enjoy the placeebo effect

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I enjoy the constant buffs and reworks for the heroes I play.

Just kidding

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My personal thought?
They have more languages, so they aren’t necessarily able to communicate.
This forces players to become better as individuals to climb.

However, while I find them to have a bit better micro and 1v1 capabilities, I find their teamwork and overall decision making to be a bit worse.

I don’t think it’s as different as people say though.
As for climbing, I’m approaching my US rank though still have a little ways to go, and I’m still at 70% win rate.

I really don’t think that this is an issue here. English is used in 99 % of the matches, even if the players are barely able to write comprehensible sentences. Most european are able to speak English. Pings are commonly used to tell the others what you want to do next and this even in QM.

That is true. Pings get the job done, and I find most do speak English.

Just had a few with only Russian or French.

Do you play in NA? :open_mouth:

For the last 2 weeks , the incompetency of certain players has been… A bit too popular.

You might be correct, but it could cut both ways. As the EU has a healthy and active playerbase it should in theory make for more even matches. I’ve been told by friends who play on the EU it’s extremely rare to get rainbow games in SL where GM’s will be matched with Bronze 5 etc., which can happen often on the other servers.

I think it would be easier to climb to your correct skill level where matchmaking provides an even playing field for both teams rather than mixed ranked games. It’s just a theory though, if you’re already Master or GM skill, rainbow matches would probably make the climb faster.

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Yes I do. But I don’t really play anymore. I just hang out in the forums.

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