I love this game. Been playing it since it’s come out and have and have played every hero at some point. Despite this, on ranked I can’t seem to get out of Silver. No, I know I make mistakes and my main source of problems are engagements and knowing when to camp, vs obj timing. There’s variables and I know some of these are on maps like Volskya, Blaze shouldn’t be grabbing the turret if the enemy is on point, but I can’t help but feel as though I’ve had bad shot callers and I’m not good enough to figure out the shots needed to be called on my own.
So the long and short of it is I’d like to group with some people, unranked or ranked preferably, and help me to improve.
I know it’s a shot in the dark, but I’d love to actually at least get to gold.
Mains in each role:
Melee: Valeera, Qhira, Kerrigan, Murky
Ranged: Orphea, Tracer, Nazeebo, Zagara
Tank: Blaze, Diablo, Johanna, Mei
Bruiser: Maltheal, Deathwing, Artanis, Dehaka
Healer: Bright Wing, Stukov, Ariel, Ana
Support(My worst role): TLV, Zarya
If anyone is willing to actually help me “gitgud”
I’d love to.