I want a Lucio circle color toggle *for me*


BAHAHAHA, mate who’s saying Im making up the definitions?

Have you read my post? You totally ignoring the examples in-which I am not the only one that has the same example. I also said google it, which I assume you didn’t both to do?

English is a universal language.

Let me give you some links, because you are too lazy to do it yourself, if you google “what is the worlds universal language” ENGLISH will pop up, “English is the most useful language in the world, and its “universal language” status proves that fact.”

"English remains the dominant language of international business and global communication through the influence of global media"

According to statistics shared by Babbel Magazine, the English language is spoken by 20% of the world’s population. Apart from being one of the most popular languages in the world, English is also the most commonly studied foreign language. Before we learn how it became a universal language, let’s explore a little about the history of English language.

English fulfills the requirements of a world language. It is spoken by people all over the globe, in many different countries. It is the primary language of business and commerce, and it is used extensively in education and academia.

English is without a doubt the actual universal language.

Now you obviously didn’t look at my reddit poll, where green is the colour of healing based from people’s experience and expectations.

Here’s the link again


And YES you can say based from the poll, green is a universal expectation for heals

I have given you tons of links, references to back up my theory where all you have done is type out your feelings.

Feelings are not facts nor prove your argument, if you have tangile primary and secondary evidence that YELLOW heals are common or universal, then please link the references. Just because a few heroes in the BLIZZARD universe uses yellow heals, OW uses yellow heals does not make it a fact that yellow is a common heal colour in other games, it’s universal in the Blizzard franchise not the gaming industry

Please read my previous posts, I have covered other colours based on different healing mechanics such as potions and med packs and which games uses them.

Pls follow your own advice. It’s embarrasing.

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LOL! Mate you been on my back on these forums for years, countering whatever I say. It’s now habitual for you to seek me out, I could say the sky is blue and you’ll find some statement to counter it. In all seriousness… why are you so obsessed with me?

So please tell me, what’s ‘embarrassing’?

Also, if we’re being petty, which you do that to me quite often, it’s spelt ‘embarrassing’, ironically, that’s quite embarrassing… don’t you think?

I mean let’s be real, if the British empire wasn’t biting every harmless video game in the butt red would be universal but that will never happen due of that stupid law that is really so hell bent over virtual story telling.

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I read the forums. If I encounter something bad, I call it out. This has nothing to do with you. I’m not after you, I don’t even know you or care about you.
But you act in ways that I want to call out. I don’t want your trash attitude and behaviours and I do everything in my controls to make a change.

I have at least the bare minimum of iq and eq to not think a typo (that happens even with mother tongues) is something to be embarrased about. But calling it out, especially in an effort to “fight back” on the other hand, is quite embarrassing and I would call that ironic.

The little I know and remember about you, is that you think that “redditors” are a special kind of “weird” folks, yet you keep asking them about stuff you want an answer about.
But the true hypocrisy comes after this. When your poll does not reflect your opinion and contradicts your stand, you claim “not enough ppl voted and they were all redditors anyway” (example: Aram 10 same Hero poll with its 2000 votes), but if they agree with you, it’s now the “universal” truth (example: your “heal colour” poll with less than 200 votes).
That is ridiculous. This doublestandard.
And that’s just one of your many bad takes. You delude yourself with being a man of science (“i am a man of statistics”), but you actually just cherrypick everything that agrees with you, no matter how big/small it is.

Also, I’m still waiting for your response here:

Bhahahaaha, mate, everyone that replies to my comments are constructive to an extent and don’t attack me personally. You on the other hand have this habit of attacking me personally to get your point across without keeping on the topic.

Again with the personal attacks, it’s only YOU that does it.

Wait wait wait… let me get this straight, you came to me FIRST to be petty in this thread (Going to start afking when i get put against a stack - #38 by hasher22-1879) as I typed your name wrong as ‘karabar’ without the ‘s’ and you called me out for it, and when I call you out on a typo, apparently, I’m the bad guy!? LOL! Mate, I am just giving the same energy you give to me.

Oh that’s funny, cause you do know there are different demographics and groups in reddit right? I posted the heals post due to the sheer number of people following that group in thinking there will be a good amount of respondents.

Also, yes I do stand by heroes of the storm redditors have different behaviours and mindsets compared to other mediums such as these forums, in-game and e-mail communications.

And you can’t compare two different polls i made in the heroes of the storm reddit thread vs a poll in an all video game user reddit thread. Apples and oranges mate. But to ease your mind, do you want me to go to another forum and ask the same question?

LOL, I am a man of stats, I stand by that and I have provided evidence of that in this thread. You on the other hand love to personally attack me to get your point across.

Also you have gone off out of this thread to find examples of what’s embarrassing… but yet you have no response on the data I collected in this thread.

I didn’t even get a notification until you just linked it just now and I’ll read it now, more reason that you audit me if you’re waiting for a response if you remember that, and that was 5 days ago.

Either you have a great memory regarding what I said on these forums or just stalking my comment and topic history on my profile, in-which I am not contesting. My point is that you’re putting a great deal of effort to belittle me and I can say with confidence, regarding what I know of you, I can’t even remember anything of what you wrote in the past, but you’re that guy who loves to counter and belittle me. There is no other user names in these forums when I see a reply notification that I think “oh, here we go…”, you’re the only username that I think that.

From what I can remember, you always tell ppl who don’t agree with you that they should read. To me it seems that you are the one having trouble reading. This isn’t an out of the blue first strike “personal attack”.
Also typing out “bwahaha” and other laughs is rude, and disrespectful.
You also call ppl lazy and other assumptions without proof:

All this to @ahh.

I made it clear that my name is Karabars, not Karabar or similar stuff, because I often see it misspelled. You took that as a “petty attack”, when in reality it was a genuine “I’m not sure if you wrote it incorrectly on purpose or not, but here’s the actual one”.

Delude yourself further.

Ofc I can. And I will when you cherrypick them with doubestandards.

If you want to get back on track, maybe focus on the thigns your consider “on topic”?
You attacked my typo and went into it deep, but now I’m offtopic? The lvl of selfawareness…

Happens nowadays. The forums got some minor changes and maybe that’s a bug.

Not sure how great it is, but I assure you, I didn’t take effort remembering it.

I’m not trying to belittle you, but understandable perspective when you’re the one who constantly laughs on others and claim they’re lazy or some other dismissive thing you make yourself believe so you can discredit their opposing opinions or facts.
But yes, I like countering stuff. Because I value facts and truth and debates help me and others achieving that.
And if you remember nothing I write, maybe let go off your -then baseless- prejudice that I’m saying what I’m saying because I want to cause harm and I want to get YOU personally.
You claimed I would argue against you even if you’d be right or I’d agree, because it’s easier to think that -to dismiss me- than to take what I say into consideration. Because I voice my disagreement with the ppl I like and I do the same with the ppl I dislike if I agree with them. So if you think I’m “after you”, then it’s more about what you do and say, than with “you”. But the same kind of delusion is to call hots-redditors weird because they disagree with you.

LOL! (Yes that was on purpose if you don’t see the satire behind it) Calling my behaviour and attitude trash isn’t rude or disrespectful?

When I type out a lengthy reply to someone that covers different areas and the only quote they give me is just one sentence from it, yes that is lazy.

The proof is when you scroll up to my reply to ahh and their reply to me regarding the word universal. So… Ahh is going to dismiss everything else I said to them and not continue the conversation?

But all means, ahh can quote whatever they want, I said what I said, they only know the reason why they didn’t expand the conversation.

That’s like me stopping this reply to you right here… I can stop, and by all means, this to and fro between me and you, in the macro scope of things, is not gonna matter next week or the week after… Cause the only people that care to get their point across is you and I at this moment. Do you think the OP or anyone else that reads this gives a crap on what we say? Except ahh cause they’re technically in it…

ahh said “All we’re saying is that it’s not at all universal” and I’m saying it is, given how one will use the word universal in a colloquial conversation… And I quote myself: “You and I have different meaning of the word ‘universal’.”

ahh also gave a google search definition “of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases.”

There are multiple definitions of “universal” and just copying and pasting the definition that comes up from a google search is just one definition. Depending on the context of the word ‘universal’ it can be applied to different scenarios and the connotation behind it can and could change.

Merriam website gives 5 different definitions


Also what I said about English being a universal language, by ahh’s definition, any article (which I linked for your reference) that state English is a universal language is wrong by definition, but any reasonable person would understand what the article is trying to say and not take it literally.

That brings me to a mini segue, the word literally… how many times have you heard this in a conversation but they’re not doing the thing they said literally? Example: “That was so damn funny! I’m literally dying right now” or “I went to a concert and there were literally 5 million people there! It was packed!”

The point is, any reasonable person can understand and communicate the different non-dictionary meaning and connotations.

One could debate there is a ‘universal’ greeting that transcends throughout everyone and in all languages and cultures. Someone could say to you “the word ‘hello’ is a universal greeting and you should be safe using it when meeting someone with a non-English vocabulary”, but again, someone could argue that Hello is not a universal word at all, even a hand shake or hand wave could be deemed as universal greeting, but by dictionary meaning, it’s not.

Is a universal remote really a universal remote when it can only detect and control a certain number of devices? By book definition saying it’s a universal remote is wrong, but any reasonable person would just know it’s a remote that can control a lot of devices if it’s compatible with those devices.

Mate, as I said, I am giving the same energy back to you. How the thread was going, the last thing on my mind is to misspell your name and for you to pick it up on purpose to correct me? I mean, if someone was to trigger someone based on spelling their name incorrectly in hopes they get offended it’s quite comical. I legit, don’t see anyone purposely spelling someone’s name incorrectly for some kind of reaction.

For example, let’s say you wrote my name as Haser22 and I called you out on it that it’s “HasHer22”, you have the minimum EQ and I assume empathy is included there, so be in my shoes, if you saw that in the middle of a lengthy debate, you’ll be dumbfounded as well.

Hence my call out to you on the word ‘embarrassment’, cause you did it to me first. Again, same energy mate, same energy. You can definitely call me petty on that, I ain’t denying that at all.

And yet you’re the one that is calling my attitude and behaviour ‘trash’… isn’t that belittling?

Go look at all the replies you quoted me over the last 2 years, majority of them is you countering, dismissing or negating what I said. There’s always something you have to say to what I said. No other users are as argumentative and countering as you to me for some reason.

You say you like countering stuff because you value facts and truth, but yet, when I give links of primary and secondary data to prove my theory or assumption, apparently that’s not good enough but yet, your word trumps me for some reason and apparently I should take that as fact.

Based on this thread

  • You have not given your thoughts on OPs suggestion, I guess targeting me gets your off, just a speculation…
  • You came in and gave me examples of yellow healing which I acknowledged
  • Then you completely go off topic for some reason and say “Pls follow your own advice. It’s embarrasing.” NOT quoting anything I said previously to that comment to back up your statement and I had to chime in and ask what’s embarrassing? And you fully go off topic quoting other threads which is not related to what the OP said nor my replies in this thread.

Please quote me where I said hots-redditors are weird? I said they are mostly meme people…

Please quote me where I said hots-redditors will disagree with me? I said “But it’s reddit, not these forums or in-game or non-reddit users so the will be skewed. Wish I can get a poll here as well.”

I never said they would disagree with me, I never said they were weird.

HA! (yes again, done on purpose), I could say “sorry, I disagree with this”, but HA! is just too fun to use.

I am looking at the thread now (ARAM Poll (reddit), keep same hero matches? - #5 by hasher22-1879)

  • Where did I say “not enough ppl voted and they were all redditors anyway”, you put it in quotes but I never said that, I also used the search function and it’s only you that said that quote in this thread. Please stop making up statements I never said to form your own made up argument against me being hypocritical and contradicting
  • When did I say if the reddit ARAM poll does not reflect my opinion in contrast with the amount of people that voted which is 1.4k that voted not 2k, that the poll is deemed invalid because not enough people voted?
  • I said in my previous reply in this thread towards the heal colour poll, “So what do we know from this small survey?”… I never said based from that poll, green heals is now the “universal” truth… I did say “Players, based on their experience, majority of voters expect healing to be green”

I never said what my vote was in that ARAM poll thread if all same heroes should stay or go. I did say “the overall poll is to get a feel.”

While I have my opinions if it should stay or go, I never ever debated the poll votes. Where in that thread I vocalised that the people voted for it to stay are right or wrong ? Or those who voted to remove it are right or wrong?

been there done that, boring rather be a holy priest

I’m not my mother she ran a warlock, I’m not gonna cramp her style I’ll stick to my priest-ly habits

YoU WhOt MaTE?! the mere thought of such an idea sickens me, he is purely my “bestie” on the side along with orphea and Alarak if I’m feeling spicy.
but to replace whitemane and auriel from the top?!
and if anyone tries to change my main I will bap them with these fists :facepunch: :facepunch:

I’ve looked at some different game generations and genres, I think it’s less that green itself is used for health/healing, but rather green numbers are used to indicate that something has gone up. eg. If I look up DOW Jones, it’s green if it goes up, but orange if it’s down.

A couple of examples in my collection:

  • Megaman games (and other capcom properties) use yellow for health bars and blue for healing.
  • Metroid games have used yellow/purple.
  • Fighting games tend to favor warm colors for health bars (yellow or red, but sometimes a vibrant green) with some using multiple tones to indicate full/mid/low HP, though healing is rare in that genre.
  • RPG’s tend to use multiple colors, usually for the elemental source, but it depends on the UI. Some use red/green to indicate bad/good, some use blue/orange instead. If enemies have bars, they may be a different color from ally bars so hp/health/damage may all be different colors.
  • For games that have poison, that might be dark green for bad, and then light green for good.
  • Kingdom hearts does use green for HP, and hp recovery.

While a number of games do fall into red/green as compliments for damage/healing or hp/hurt, it’s not uncommon to find examples of purple/yellow or blue/orange, though people may be less inclined to think of those examples. Some of it may be tied to the UI so colors relevant to the character are going to usually be a ‘good’ thing either by matching their color, or by being the compliment so it pops out in the screen.

Other cross-over games tend to stylize the characters and colors to follow the rules of that specific game, so it’s kinda off that HotS tries to keep visuals of the cast from their home game and arguably leads to some coloration clutter and many games usually create a system for the player to learn [color] is bad/good.

RTS games tend to have team-colorations, so that probably adds to the clutter of coloring for HotS since it kinda does that too.

I see nothing wrong with personal customizations options. In fact, I don’t see a reason they shouldn’t be an option.

Extra workload, and work priority. Assuming the game was still being updated, there are more important things than adding extremely minor options to random things.

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Assuming continual development, you could argue that additional colour options would be a higher priority as currently we only have a very basic colourblind option in the settings.

And seeing as the game is running on the same engine as starcraft 2 and you can change team colours on the fly in that game, it shouldn’t be that difficult a thing to code for HoTS.
While it may be a minor thing, more accessibility is always worth striving for.

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That’s not a mass accessibility change though, that’s one option for one ability on one character.

personal customizations options… …I don’t see a reason they shouldn’t be an option.

I was under the assumption that Xivilaikhys was talking about ability colours in the board term and not just Lúcio’s Crossfade ability.

I don’t think calling out behaviours is disrespectful. And since you were already disrespectful to other posters and me as well, I don’t think it would be unfair to give that back to you.

Then maybe link one that agrees with you?.. Because the one quoted by @ahh (and imo) means that 140 ppl out of 200 is not universal. Especially since previously, you said that from 1.4k (not 2k, I misremembered the number) votes with 1.1k with yes we cannot be sure that the overall consensus is a yes.

It would be. But I didn’t try to provoke you with correcting my name, and to me it’s really weird and telling that one would consider it as an attack (even after they were told multiple times it wasn’t).

All I did was this: *Karabars (about my own name)
What you did: “it’s pretty embarrassing to mispel that exact word, haha, got ya!”

But you assume that correcting it is to trigger you?..
Look, many ppl I talked with thought genuinely that my name is Karabar, and the “s” is just the plural symbol as common in english.
There are many ppl who don’t read words letter-by-letter and it can be missed for a really long time (like many ppl genuinely thought that HailFaLL was HailFail).
And I was called candybars, carebears and other stuff in friendish banter or by trolls outright to get a reaction about me.
I correct those that seem to be non-intetnionally mocking, just so I remembered and known correctly. Not to rile up someone.

You saying they’re “meme ppl” and in a context which tries to discredit their voice as general / “universal” is what I meant by “weird”.
You claimed that reddit is reddit (meme ppl), thus we cannot be certain, that the HotS community would mostly want 10SameArams. Meanwhile, less than 200 is enough to claim that “green is universal for healing”…

It’s linked, so I won’t bother quoting, but you said it by claiming it’s not conclusive enough, because it’s just reddit, and not everyone. And as you and I both said already, you consider reddit to be “meme ppl”.

But you did say that it’s “a kind” of “universal”.

No one said you did it there. But you did make it clear. It’s a big no to you.
And the reason why I find the “only 1.4 votes with 1.1k with yes, not enough data to be certain the playerbase like it”, but “200 vote with 140 yes to green heals, gamers expect heals to be green” to be silly and unscientific. It’s a weird doublestandard.

I’m not saying this is some urgent thing that needs to be added, I simply stated I see nothing wrong with it, don’t think there’s a legitimate reason they shouldn’t be an option.

I know the situation the game is in, and I understand why it isn’t going to happen, but besides active development being nonexistent, cosmetic/color changes shouldn’t be problematic.

You were right. Or any color changes.

the game already allows customization for how each ability can be cast, so user adjustment already has some ui in-game.

It’d also be nice if owning skins unlocked palette options so players could mix/match color combinations instead of using one ‘best’ for a given hero.

More options for users to customize their experience should always be welcome.

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