I want a Lucio circle color toggle *for me*

I don’t play OW, I want the option to change any lucio healing circle I see to be green for me. In the heat of battle when I’m swapping colors a few times I don’t want to have to think about it. In hots green means healing.

Again, I don’t care what other ppl see, this is the same as color blind mode option, what I see on my UI, a toggle to use or ignore. This shouldn’t affect anyone else one bit.


I suggested this years ago when lucio was out and I got flack for it… go figure. Mostly comments: OvErWatCh is YelLoW, ThEre iS a PlUs SyMbol For HeAling… etc

Green is a universal colour for health but in OW it’s yellow which is perfectly fine.

I still get confused when I see yellow and the + health sign cause in the middle of battle switching, I still think green is health for semiotics reasons.

A colour switch would be a nice option. But i’s never gonna happen

Off topic: I am interested to see why yellow/gold is the healing colour in OW. Mercy’s beam, moira’s and Zen’s healing orbs are yellow… I wonder why they didn’t go for green which most players are used to


Many healing effects in the game are yellow, not just those from Overwatch. Auriel, Kharazim, Yrel, Whitemane, Anduin, and Uther all use yellow healing. There’s also Deckard, who has red healing. While green is used most often for healing, it’s far from a “universal colour”.


I haven’t seen any authoritative answer nor have I played overwatch at all, but it’s likely tied to the palette the game uses. Yellow and purple tend to contrast more in the animations, so that likely carries over into the vibrance of that game. Since awareness of color blindness has increased, they may be reducing the use of red/green as contrasts since Overwatch is much brighter than warcraft’s or diablo’s tones.

It could be nice if HotS’ layout settings allowed players to adjust effects for their own UI esp since some particle effects and spell colors have had some issues with the game. e.g Deckard potions being red when red = enemy team; Angelic Diablo spell effects getting masked by old Sky Temple, and so on.

However, HotS doesn’t really have a ‘universal’ color for healing and each universe has mostly remained referential with a slight nod that most characters have all their spell particulars suit a particular color, with only a few examples of characters that use more than one. e.g Ktz has all ‘icy’ colors despite him using multiple schools of magic while thrall gets different textures and colors for his abilities, tyrande’s spell particulars change with her skins, so some aspects of the game are all over the place.

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Can you give examples outside the Blizzard universe?

Also Stukov, Morales, Rehgar, Malfurion, Alexstrasza have green healing colours.

In gaming, green is most often used for healing and yes, that is considered ‘universal’ and the term universal is not a rule, law nor policy for game makers to have heals in a different colour, but to make healing more recogniseable, game designers safe bet is healing and it transverse through games over time.

Sources state green is mostly used for healing:

- https://www.fanbyte.com/games/features/a-proposal-for-standardizing-color-language-in-video-games/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJIe85dpRUo

Games that have green healing, mostly spells or some particle animation:

  • LoL
  • Polygon
  • Mario (1 Up mushroom)
  • Final Fantasy
  • Resident Evil
  • Jade Cacoon
  • Fortnite (Mist spray)

Now if if a common real world item such as a med pack or potion, games will use red or red and white

  • Unreal tournament
  • Crash bandicoot
  • Half Life
  • Wolfenstein
  • Zelda
  • Fortnite

I am sure there are games with yellow healing, but I cannot find a game outside the Blizzard universe with yellow healing. But there is alot of threads and debate about yellow healing for Lucio.

I am not saying there isn’t any games outside Blizzard with yellow healing, I am sure there is a few, but yellow for healing is not common. And you can’t blame OP for wanting to switch colours.

Yup, I agree and understand Blizzard will keep the colours true to their original in Hots, and I am not contesting that at all, like it will be weird if Deck’s potions were green but also green potions for health outside Diablo is not really a thing. Most games like Diablo that I played have red potions.

This is basically it, other forums have questioned yellow healing in OW and no one can give an answer, only Blizzard knows the answer but people can speculate.

But my answer to yellow healing is that, it’s Blizzard’s colour for healing.

- https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/why-is-healing-yellow/430194
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4qil8b/lucios_healing_aura_is_yellow_because_you_should/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/7twj1k/why_is_lucios_healing_boost_yellow_and_his_speed/

I’d argue healing effects are completely random.
Nature healing is green. Holy healing is yellow. Shadow leech is purple. Water restoration is blue.
What’s consistently green, including Lucio, is health gain value indicator (the +2).
Health loss is damage class and target specific (me or target, physical or magical).
In Lucio’s context I also tend to mess it up.

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Jazz Jack Rabbit 2: red (the original most common, due to the heart and blood being red, which represents health).
D&D: health potions are red, Holy Magic (which are the heals): yellow.

Elden Ring: (has) yellow

Might and Magic: yellow and blue

(Lúcio has yellow, because other Heroes have yellow there as well and green means gogogo!)



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Thanks for the list, and I’ll quote myself

Also, I already covered potions (mostly red) which is irrelevant to the yellow healing topic, but it’s just an additional semiotic reference to healing items.

But overall, if a study was done based on healing colour out of all the games released now, I am confident green would win.

Or maybe release a survey to gamers, what colour should healing be and it will be interesting to see the results based on player experience. I assume, green and red would be popular choices.

No one is saying green isn’t a typical healing colour. All we’re saying is that it’s not at all universal, so having Lucio use his home game’s colour scheme isn’t breaking any rules.

Also, if you went through every game, I think red might beat out green, because of the association with healing and the Red Cross as well as red being the most common colour for health.


I’ll quote myself:

You and I have different meaning of the word ‘universal’. In my definition, universal is a term where an element is the majority in any given space - the space could be in gaming, the world, clothing, material, housing…

For example, you can google this: English is a universal language in this world, you may not agree that is universal but according to stats, English is the most spoken language in the world whether it’s fluent English or not, people are able to understand and speak it to some level of degree, that makes it universal.

Apply that to green healing, and green is a universal colour for healing throughout video games.

But let’s say for yellow healing, you could say, yellow healing is universal for Paladins or Overwatch or whatever space that has majority of yellow healing.

We’re talking about healing not health.

I am a statistics guy, and I like to dwell into real-world primary data if a theory or assumption is made.

Here’s a poll I made in reddit in a random gamer forum


As of writing this, 155 people voted, 62% said they expect green to be healing based on their experience, next is red at 20%, 3rd is blue at 10% then 4th place is yellow at 6%.

With this data set, it’s interesting to see that blue is winning over yellow.

So what do we know from this small survey?

  • Players, based on their experience, majority of voters expect healing to be green
  • We can assume gaming semiotics have conditioned players to expect green heals, like I assume poison abilities to be green
  • Red came 2nd, which has obvious connotations such as red health bar, potions, hearts etc…
  • Yellow isn’t a popular colour in representing heals, but it’s not to be eliminated as it does have it’s uses given the type of character or game, (paladins, overwatch etc…)
  • Orange is not associated with healing, voting at 0

So why all this effort?

It comes down to the OPs suggestion, based on primary data, experience, research and OPs experience, heals can be green and suggesting for lucio’s heal aura/graphic to be green as an option is a reasonable suggestion.

We don’t look at Khar and Uther and say “then change them to green as well”, well no, because they don’t have a permanent graphic aura around them 24/7 to indicate healing colour semiotics.

I assume when you are healed, the numbers are green. It would make sense for the healing aura color to match so it is easier to see what is happening. But this comes at the cost of variety.

Though numbers typically are green for healing, no matter what type of healing it is. Damage dealt or taken is usually red. Numbers are much easier to read because they indicate a standard to show important information. While effects can be much harder to discern.

As an option, bring it on. But like all things that would be nice to have, it won’t happen. OP will need to get used to it and adapt.

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Me when video games violate the Geneva convention every few seconds because they wanted to use a red cross.



of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases.

You don’t get to make up new definitions for words.


Totally not to nitpick.

Health potions are red in all games I’ve played.
A quick check of GW2 screens on Google reveals and reminds that most healing abilities I used (on ranger and elementalist) are water based, hence blue.
Green is certainly the color of nature and natural restoration, be it druidic or shamanistic.
In WoW the main healing class(es) are priest(s) and using holy (yellow) powers.

The only universal I’m seeing is complete random variety.

I think the problem isn’t the yellow aura as such, but speed being green, with the yellow aura generating green numbers. It is designed for inherent confusion.

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personally I want everything to be purple.
just to be contrary and add nothing to this thread.


There is actually a green-ish tone to the yellow’s hue in Lucio’s waves. So you can argue it already has green in it. It’s a green-ish yellow. Hehehe

Embracing the shadow priest in you?
Maybe a step further and embracing your witchy warlock vibes?
Time to transition to a Gul’dan main?
(Anything else deep purple?)


BAHAHAHA, mate who’s saying Im making up the definitions?

Have you read my post? You totally ignoring the examples in-which I am not the only one that has the same example. I also said google it, which I assume you didn’t both to do?

English is a universal language.

Let me give you some links, because you are too lazy to do it yourself, if you google “what is the worlds universal language” ENGLISH will pop up, “English is the most useful language in the world, and its “universal language” status proves that fact.”

"English remains the dominant language of international business and global communication through the influence of global media"

According to statistics shared by Babbel Magazine, the English language is spoken by 20% of the world’s population. Apart from being one of the most popular languages in the world, English is also the most commonly studied foreign language. Before we learn how it became a universal language, let’s explore a little about the history of English language.

English fulfills the requirements of a world language. It is spoken by people all over the globe, in many different countries. It is the primary language of business and commerce, and it is used extensively in education and academia.

English is without a doubt the actual universal language.

Now you obviously didn’t look at my reddit poll, where green is the colour of healing based from people’s experience and expectations.

Here’s the link again


And YES you can say based from the poll, green is a universal expectation for heals

I have given you tons of links, references to back up my theory where all you have done is type out your feelings.

Feelings are not facts nor prove your argument, if you have tangile primary and secondary evidence that YELLOW heals are common or universal, then please link the references. Just because a few heroes in the BLIZZARD universe uses yellow heals, OW uses yellow heals does not make it a fact that yellow is a common heal colour in other games, it’s universal in the Blizzard franchise not the gaming industry

Please read my previous posts, I have covered other colours based on different healing mechanics such as potions and med packs and which games uses them.