I used to think blessing of the bronze was bad

But then I realized it’s GLOBAL. Wow. Now I love it. I’m casting it all the time, helping allies out whenever a skirmish is happening, feeling useful even when I’m not there for whatever reason. It’s so good. Friendship with piercing sands ended.


If they want to make me choose the others they have to remove Piercing Sands.


Or you just close your eyes and choose randomly.


Honestly piercing sand is just way too good to pass IMO. Unless you can’t hit any of your Q I would pick piercing sand 100% of the time.


I say the choice is map dependent.

I don’t know guys, piercing sands is great, but if you have some good allies, getting the whole team 35% faster basic ability cooldowns for 8 seconds in almost every fight might just add up to more damage. Not to mention the movement speed.

Really loved it before the buff. It made our ETC so tanky :star_struck:

I think Blessings of the bronze is actually a good talent, but competing with Piercing Sands is just hard… You already get a lot of cdr from Temporal Loop, so piercing just makes you chunk the enemy team really hard when you use it.

But yeah, it is not a bad talent, just think it’s hard to pass on piercing.