I mean, I doubt anyone can take her seriously with such a cute face, like seriously look:

From all night elfs, why she has the cuter face?. Both Azhara and Tyrande has serious mature looking faces as well as random night elfs:

Maiev was already an amazing female character but her face revelation only made more amazing since no one would imagine she was that cute, just look at any artist interpretation of her before:
See, everyone expected her to have a tough-looking face and I can’t blame them since she has that voice and attitude and I find hilarious that the most “accurate” drawing of her face was that generic shoujo drawing I like a lot:
Imagine working as an artist for HotS and then you realize you need to expose her face in order to complete the AU skins and when you ask for more details to the WoW team they basically said “She is the most beautiful night elf ever, with an anime like face, just be careful of the size of the eyes” and then the artist is like “really? Maiev?” and the WoW team is like “that was the intention all this time”.
People say reality and expectations are disappointing but I think sometimes is just better, now my headcanon is that she has that raspy voice because her voice is as cute as her face and she tries to sound meaner. Anyway, I’m gonna play Maiev now. Good job HotS art team, good job.
Maiev was an anime girl all this time, we were blind to not notice her obvious yandere and tsundere behavior.
Wait how do you know she has a cute face, is there an image of her face? Is one of the pics in the OP her face or is it tyrande, I’m confused
First photo in body of OP is Maiev.
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Is this current art literature canon or is it just a temporary art skin theme? Is this her first reveal without her mask off for the first time? This Warden. I initially had a hard time thinking it was Maiev. Did Blizzard pull a Samus moment??? It seems even the most beautiful, petite and feminine can make Illidan run in fear.
She appeared without her armor at one point in Legion. The High Priestess skin is definitely non-canon.
Aww fair enough, still they did a wonderful job with the artwork.
Isn’t that to inspire fear like the executionner’s mask?
As much as i like tyrande and even maskless maeiv their voices are a turn off for me.
Didn’t maeiv’s voice actor get throat surgery between WC3 and Hots?
Yes she did
People complained about Maiev’s voice, asking why Blizz changed voice actors. Turned out, yep, surgery happened
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In Legion, you actually see Maiev Without her armor… but low and behold she is using a basic female Night Elf model… white hair pink skin basic
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If you were expecting some sort of dramatic reveal, then you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.
This isn’t the betrayed-hardened Maiev that scowls all the time and feels she’s been undercut by Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, etc etc. This is "generic night elf face that won’t be animated’ put to the palette of “War of the Ancients” Tyrande.
Generic nelf
Tyrande; very different from the purple/green colors she picked up after Warcraft 3.
'Serious" face is generally indicated with heavy lines, cheekbones, and features with the eyes. This maiev has her cheek bones covered, she doesn’t have visible irises, and she’s not going to be expressive because the model isn’t going to be animated.
But even then, she still has full lips, an actual nose (with bridge), her eyes have lids, lashes, she even has lacrimal caruncles, and it look like her jaw opens downward (as opposed up upward) which is pretty far from “anime face” She had set features on her face, rather than basic shapes that rotate out for other shapes when the face actually has to move – hit up nartuto, dzb, onapeace, etc etc and they’re more like Mr Potato head caricatures with how optional parts of the face will be when going from “serious protagonist face” to anything else.
In WoW, there’s a legion quest chain where you have to rescue her while she looked for her brother. She is in a cell, without her armor which includes the helmet so you can see her face. Obviously, after you help her retrieve her armor, it’s basically helmet time again.
All those mentioned franchises are well know for the bad or generic drawings of their female characters, perhaps you should watch/read more series that features more interesting facial expresions rarher than the most comon shonen manga wich art direction is designed for combat secuences.
I used those as examples as I would be sure you’d be familiar with those to convey my point as I surmise that if you were more particular to other works, you probably wouldn’t be having this complaint. Your descriptions are fairly generic, and derived from the “anime” slander, which is generally used by people not familiar with facial details and expressions, particular for ones of “style” and thus use blanket terms like “anime” to hope they convey more meaning than not.
Obviously Maiev wears a mask so Illidan can’t see her blushing when she yells at him.
Thats not a mask, thats a muzzle. Crazy birch :F
I actually really like the 5th image from the top. Minus the boob plate, that’s the best way I could imagine Maiev’s appearance.