Just played a match against Ocek and their team’s first ban was Tychus. I choose to believe it was because they recognized me. #famous
Are you Kith the tychus god?
It was a call out for sure.
Good thing my avatar is never who I actually play.
can i get a selfie with you and/or an autograph pls
Gotta change it up all the time. Keep 'em on their toes.
I like Tychus and I think I’m pretty good at him, but I’m pretty sure it had to do with my massive effortpost about him.
I’m so happy that was what it actually was and it wasn’t a coincidence.
Tychus feels like one of those sleeper demons who will wreck your entire team if not properly dealt with. Dude is scary in the right hands.
lol same - I just think Yrel’s face accurately portrays my every mood
Wow, you must really like him lol. Respect ban for sure
I have been seeing a good number of Samuro bans recently. I am positively flummoxed as to why anyone would want to ban Samuro…
I wait patiently for someone to do this when I queue in Unranked.
People should really ban tracer or D.Va, most games go full stomp mode for some reason, when I play these two.
Played with some one-trick ponies (Xul and LiMing) that already caused some troubles during the draft. In the end we won (not really because of them) and in the next match they ended up in the enemy team. I haven’t banned their one-trick heroes and they picked their one-trick heroes again. I hope they realized i haven’t respect banned their one-trick heroes on purpose to be disrespectful towards them. Then they got owned