because you’re effectually illiterate. When people don’t read things, then they don’t understand things related to the reading material.
this is the topic likely to be cited for “admitting” anything but you are the sort to not actually ever reference anything, so people don’t actually know if you’re full of ‘it’, or actually informed, or just posting contrary things to ‘troll’ the boards. Not that the options matter, this is already too long for you. And it’s not like this is the only game that people have a dev trying to respond to “forced 50” to quote as ‘admitting’ something they didn’t read.
The statement of being ‘true’ does not mean they ‘admitted’ to programming the game for it, it is ‘true’ in that it is what people “experience” as a consequence of matchmaking existing, much the same as it is ‘true’ that people “experience” seeing a black and blue dress appear to be gold and white. However, just because the ‘sensation’ is what happened, does not actually mean that that is the “truth”.
However, it is far easier for people to keep claiming that something is rigged than it is to read 12 words past their imposed limit and consider they might be “wrong” about something.