I stg this game has soft rigged matches

Played a bunch of Muradin and Diablo → Tychus or Malthael on enemy team almost every game
Go to play some Raynor → Tychus and Malthael suddenly stop being in my matches, and now Illidan and Lili are on the enemy team
Play some Alexstrasza → Kael’thas is on the enemy team, and Illidan is now gone from my matches

This is not a coincidence. What are the odds every hero I queue as is suddenly is placed vs strong counters every time, while conveniently the previous hero I play counters are no longer against me.

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I don’t think there is a blizzard goblin laughing and twirling their curly mustache somehow remotely controlling opposite player picks.

People will group up and play teams that are strong together.

There is some algo with the matchmaking such as dds get matched vs dds, bruisers vs bruisers, support vs support etc.

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Confirmation bias, since you forget all the times you played Raynor and had zero blinds against you, or played Muradin with no % damage dealers on either side.

But you remember all the times counters are present, and yes sometimes it will happen twice in a row.

The odds of blinders being against an AA hero in a match are 7% (afaik the game has 6 blinders - if there are more someone can correct me and the odds are even higher), and since most matches have two or more assassins in QM it’s 14%. Or every ~6th match you play.

The odds of running into your counters several games in a row is not very low. It’s not a rare occurrence given the game only has 90 heroes and many heroes counter your pick.

If you play dozens of games a week, you will run into a lot of matchups where your counters are present multiple times in a row. It’s statistically very probable.

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Since Blizz doesn’t force Hero picks on ppl and the MM can only put the ppl together who are actively queueing at the same time with -relatively- similar mmr, and it forms 5v5 teams, what are the odds that your Hero is countered on purpose?

  • Your allies’ Heroes are also countered?
  • What about the enemy Heroes, are they countered?
  • Does this occur in every match? What triggeres it?
  • What happens when counters aren’t available because ppl don’t queue as them in time?
  • What about maps?
  • What about Hero synergies?
  • Can you accidentally get an allied Hero who counters your counter?
  • What’s the purpose of an intentional “counter-system”?
  • Can this be explained by pure chance instead?

No one are trying to rigg matches for you. Those heroes you face are just popular in qm so alot will play them.

If game was truly rigged then every hero on both yours and opponents team would face hard counters and that is hard to do.

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Really wasn’t worth rolling an alt account to complain. Looking at a match history makes it easier for people to point at specific composition for the matching, instead of pointing out generalities to people that don’t actually know how something works, but they’ll complain that the universe must be out to personally get them instead of ya know, realizing that ignorance breeds superstition.

  1. QM matchmaking tries to mirror roles. In a match where you queue as a tank, that means the other team is going to have a tank, so the rest of the team composition will be different than when you queued as a ranged assassin, and there isn’t going to be a guaranteed tank anymore.
  2. Melee assassins (or those flagged for matching as those) have limited rules on compositions, so them appearing is more likely if other roles fill out to make the ‘space’ to have them. ie, if you’re queuing as an assassin, you might end up in an all-assassin game instead of a healer/tank one.
  3. The devs did not subscribe to the ‘hard counter’ concerns that players do, so your fixation on particular heroes is more likely because you perform poorly against them and less so in regards to them actually ‘countering’ the hero itself.

While you might fixate on malth or tychus for %hp damage, if you got rocked by Leoric, Imperius, fenix, sylvanas, valla, greymane, or the other myriad of heroes that also get %hp damage, you’d probably think of them ‘countering’ you too.

  1. In addition to different role matching, qm adjusts for different experience levels with a hero; if you play with a ‘newer’ hero, you mmr has more of a handicap compared to playing with a more experienced hero; by choosing a different hero you are thus likely to shift the average mmr that qm is using, so more likely to have a different composition. Similarly, if you queue as the same hero, you’re likely to just encounter the same players because they’ll have queued at the same time you did.
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I played a LOT of Raynor games. I’ve rarely been against comps with blind.

It’s not an entire coincidence because (if you’re speaking about QM) certain MM rules are in force that might make it “seem” like the MM is rigged, but it isn’t. Tychus is simply a popular hero and a ranged assassin with a unique % damage kit. As others have said, there are other heroes you probably didn’t notice like Valla (a more popular hero) which can also spec for %damage.

Heroes such as Malthael are considered “wild cards” by the MM, they can be matched vs any melee hero on the enemy team, even a Rehgar, it’s not a strict bruiser/bruiser match. I’d probably agree with you if you said role matching should be improved in QM, but that’s not what you’re claiming here.

I would also like to point out the absurdity of your claim, when you factor that we’re in 2023, Hots has been retired and fewer players are online at any given time. It would be very difficult for the MM to accomplish what you claim without inflating queue times, there simply aren’t enough active players for this.

As an avid Tyrande player I appreciate the Deathwing players who only consider % damage to be their biggest fear and discount or forget the significance of armor debuff’s such as Tyrande’s trait.

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The one thing I noticed is that I seem to face my counters more often when I use my highest win rates heroes in QM.

Like, I run into a lot of Valeeras, Zera, and Illidan (Mostly Illidan that I rarely see otherwise). But it may be that the game puts them in the “Diver” category and matches them together.

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Video game algorithms are rigged, its simply a necessity for people in a culture that has lost its way. Easy to see in this game, very easy to see in games like online poker, auto battlers, etc etc. Always listen to your intuition, not the normies who deny reality.

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I do. I’m sure I saw a posting for the job last week.


reinforcing ignorance is not sound advise.


but Xenterex! ignorance is bliss… or so I’m told…

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The trick about being open minded is to be open minded about it.
Dolores, do you ever question your reality? No? Good.

We all know the earth is flat, created by our creator god of choice and the skydome is just visual fluff. Anyone questioning that shall expect a visit from Whitemane. Hopefully, she departs with her line: it has been a pleasure.

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Completely agree. Most people simply don’t want to believe that games are dishonest, so it’s good to do one’s own research.



I can’t see why it would matter in online poker. Why would the game want one player to win over another?

If game was rigged then everyone would face hard counters to every hero they pick and that is impossible.

In some sports curruption do exists tho because it profits third-party companies that work in the shadows and profit from specefic teams getting the easy way to the finals or refs that are been payed to not be neutral. Dont know about casino since I dont gamble but people need to figure about about Hots matchmaker that playerbase is very low and matchmaker cant make balanced games out of what is available in que.

If you play mage and keep faceing Butcher or Nova then its because those two are popular heroes in qm and popular heroes always show up more then others.

People see a patton happen a few times and then come to the conclution that game is build to be rigged againts him only. There are no system in place that work like that in this game. Its just all confermation bias.


You make a good point Apandra, you can’t be open minded if you’re not open to interrogating your already held beliefs and this is something you have to do on the regular, not one time and it’s settled.

The problem here is what the OP’s calming is basically impossible with the current diminished playerbase of Hots. If the game only matched your heroes with their “counters”, queue times would be at least be (conservative) 10 minutes on the US and EU servers and smaller severs would never be able to find a match. There are no threads where people are calming they can’t find matches, so I doubt the OP’s particular assertion.

The other reason this claim doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny is by posing pose the question “What does Blizzard gain from this?”

The answer is “exactly nothing”, Blizzard has not equivocated in their lack of interest or support for Hots since the maintence mode announcement. There are no profits to be made from a “rigged” MM in Hots and even if this was a feature before Hots was retired, outside of MMR averaging, what the very selective “rigging” the OP claims would not be viable with the current state of Hots.

MMR averaging is something that exists in QM (even SL) and an argument has and could be made that falls into manipulative MM, but again, that’s not the OP’s take here.

Nobody here has made a claim that MM in video games can’t be “rigged” or at the very least manipulative for one reason or another. The point stands that what the OP is claiming specifically isn’t possible with the playerbase of Hots being so low.

I would also like to ask you why you twist or outright attribute false statements and claims to people posting here?

Many players also forget to check which heroes are in F2P rotation in any given week. Last week The Butcher was F2P and so naturally I kept facing him more frequently in my QM games and encountered a few mirror matches with The Butcher. Nothing was “rigged” as you noted some heroes are just more popular than others, so you will encounter them more often.


Good question and I believe you can figure it out since it’s related to money.