I need some tips on maeiv plz

One in a while i play her a bit but i feel im more of a burden to my team when im playing. Even when we win i still feel im far from proper gameplay or strats with her.

Does anyone has like a guide or tips on the different gameplay styles , synergies and builds for maeiv ? She does look like a really interesting gameplay and id like to learn it properly but before i play more i tought it might be best i wait , take a step back and seek some advices from maiev mains so i could learn from that !

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Firstly - find Illidan!


I find when I can’t figure out a hero I just need to spam them until I start to figure out what I’m doing.

That said, here are some tips:

  • Practice hitting Q resets. That is the most important thing. Get used to the crescent shape and range.
  • You can teleport out to force a pull if you go in without E.
  • Practice her jump timings.
  • You can’t just poke nonstop with Q unless you have a dedicated support. Especially in lanes play it safe.
  • Make sure you are trying to force fights with pull if you have a talent advantage.
  • Don’t forget to auto attack. Especially with naisha’s memento, you can pump out incredible damage
  • In laning phase, rotate looking for ganks. You want maiev in the 4 man as she can clear a wave quickly then rotate, and ganks well.
  • You can take camps fast with naisha’s memento
  • Containment disc is very good if you can combo with falstad gust to isolate a target.
  • general melee assassin basics like choosing engages carefully and knowing your limits
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Level 1 - Always Naishas. You can solo the hard camp at level 1 with this pretty easily. Just use it to macro pressure the enemy team all the time. It’s also really good in teamfights and easy to reset it.

Level 4 - Always Blade Dance. It is really good to clear waves/camps, it does pretty good damage, it gets the buff from the level 16 Armored Assault and it is usually better than Pin Down unless the enemy is really bad and keep helping you get those Qs.

Level 7 - Elune’s Wrath. Extra burst on your Qs. If you are good at hitting them this does really good damage.

Level 10 - Almost always Cage. Even if you don’t have big tools to combo with it, it’s nice to just help your Q resets in general and to keep people in the place you want. Disc is good if you really need to isolate one target like Diablo with LB. Use it on him, disengage, engage after LB ended.

Level 13 - Bladed Armor. If you are still learning her, Shadow Armor is also good if you are not used to getting those Q resets all the time.

Level 16 - Armored Assault. This is a major talent for her. It boosts your damage so much (even Blade Dance AND Naishas). If you can get those Q resets + AA in a fight this will deal A LOT of damage.

Level 20 - Shadow Strike is usually the pick to kill one target. Huntress can also be good.

There are some players who like to go W build or even E build, but that’s just really specific to them. It’s like the W build on zeratul. You usually don’t draft Zeratul for the W build, as you usually don’t draft Maiev for the W/E build. Also the build I shared above is what people use at the high levels and it is the build that synergizes the most with her playstyle and why she is drafted.

What you want with her is generally just macro early game. Soak and do camps with Naishas and you already got some pretty good pressure on the map. In fights, you can either hide somewhere and try to walk at the enemy to get a good W/ult, but practice the engage with E + W/Ult as well, because it’s really good. Make sure you don’t waste your trait on low damage abilities, but also don’t hold it too much, it’s kinda short cooldown.

What helped me a little bit was going into try mode and just practice her abilities against the target dummies. Try every combination, engaging with E + W, Ult, Q resets… It really helps.

Hope I could help a little bit.


In not a main but I play her decent on nowadays high dia.

  • I like to put my q on release, and instead of spamming it, I take 0,5s longer to hit it right.
  • You can W minions in order to pull ennemys. Always takes them by suprise. When I gank I prefer to hold E as possible, in case they use moblity, or for body blocking but when someone is low do your thing !
    -What hail said , contaiment disc is actually good. Works also on protector and dragon
    -Instead of trying to do all the dmg yourself, try to focus 1 or 2 targets. Even if its the tank
    -Garrosh/johanna/kael+maeive is lovely
    -I like to pick her late especially against 2 or more melee
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He’s out there somewhere :smiley:


Treat her like Alarak meets Medivh kind of thing, don't get into fight before clearing the path to engagement first with your E.. You might even toss a couple rounds of E before actually committing to your W/Q/D i.e. close-combat fighting

Once being close combat what you need to do is make sure your Q hits more than 1 target, and in order to do so treat the outer arc like a line and nothing else being a viable hit, if not having a "clear shot" might be better to just move back and try later if possible to do it

Other than that = she's super good at clearing waves, simply E into a wave with Q on the backline and one shot each archer, wave clean. Perhaps in earlier levels might require hit a W in the minion wave as well to help it a bit but that's basically it
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Ofc this comment comes out :smiley: Maybe you can help him.

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A few synergies I like:

  • Maiev Umbral Bind build + TB/CS Varian
  • Maiev Fan of Knives build + Arthas/Johanna

“Do what you do best and follow me.”

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Get those q resets as much as you can

Pretty much do this build. I just got MVP and top hero damage overall with it. Definitely deserving of her “hard” ranking. Q resets are essential and learning the curvature of her Fan of Knives just takes time. You need to hit at least two targets to reduce her Q down to .5 seconds, as well as reset Naisha’s Memento. She becomes even more of a monster with Armored Assault at 16 with the talents Darak laid out.

It’s not that her W build isn’t viable, it’s just the most difficult one to pull off. You have to constantly get multiple tethers and pulls to maximize your damage output. Definitely something worth looking into the better you get with her. Her Armored Assault build is hard enough as is to play effectively.

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watch the videos from SpaBvogel


So far i feel im improving , which is a good thing. In some games i got impressed and got top damage with low death counts (1-2) which im actually glad so im getting better then when i started ! ( i really appreaciated the tips everyone gave it actually helped a whole lot !)

Now i just need some winning lol ( win rate is currently at 7% with maeiv xD )

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Glad to hear that! Just keep improving, the wins will come eventually. They also don’t depend only on you, so don’t worry.

Don’t let people talk you out of E at 1, the utility it provides with the CD reduction is worth it. I was taking E at 1 until the nerf, but it is still viable in some situations.

This thread is useful. I’ve been playing maiev on FTP and so far I’m loving her play style. Win rate is pants so far but I feel I’m individually doing okay in most games. I haven’t been top damage yet but I’ve been in the top 3 consistently.

What I’ve found is key is avoiding the temptation to force the tether pull. Originally I was doing this all the time, which kinda relies on allies following you up. As I play in QM I realised this was a bit lacklustre. That and most clever enemies will follow you to stop you breaking outside of E.

What I’ve done now is more often I won’t force it. If they run, they’ll get pulled. If they don’t, they’re essentially being forced in an easy Q spot, and maievs damage with Q spam is pretty brutal. It sounds simple and perhaps commonsense but I think for me the gimmick of her pull overshadowed the fact that it’s not always about pulling people, rather keeping them close one way or another. I’ve done a bit better since I’ve adopted this mindset.

Also, mana, allowing don’t be afraid to use E for poke. With the return on it, if you hit a couple of heroes both ways it will be reset for when you need blink. It also deals pretty nice damage, just watch your mana.

But yeah I’ve been running the build above pretty much, I tried out the W talent at 1 as well one game which was pretty decent. As I’ve got better at remembering to actually use naishas though it’s definitely superior.

I also favour huntress at 20 because it’s very easy to reset (it synergies with itself very well) and I’ve found the damage respectable.

I like containment disc a lot. Cage is great if you can get a lot of heroes in it, running in several directions along with a wombo combo. Also as said I play in QM a lot. Containment disc is really good for taking out a target at the right moment. The fact you can delay it is awesome versus heroes like Anduin or Kael when they channel their heroics. Its also really decent for taking dragon out of the fight, or a hard carry at end game. The cooldown is very usable as well.

Hoping to have more games with her late tonight and hopefully get some wins!


I’m sitting around 50% with her currently. Sometimes I get too ambitious with my pulls and end up doing more harm to myself before blinking out. I’ve found it best to toss out your E in a safe direction as you’re about to chain people. Once they’re hooked you can immediately blink to pull them. Also you can gain more W stacks by hitting a minion or structure near the enemy heroes to pull them in, instead of clicking on a hero clumped up with others. This works for gaining stacks against one target as they count as long as they are chained from the cleave. Haven’t gotten up to the 30+ stacks I see in highlight videos, but it has made finishing the quest easier for me.