I need Maiev advice

She needs one but like the maeive vault timer 13s to 12s.
This wont break her in masters and grand the gold plats more survival because fight tend to stay a lot longer

The fact only masters can play her is not a good design

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her skill floor is so high

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you will almost always go for naisha and Q build cuz thats what maiev good at with naisha you have insane camp clear potential and then you can clear waves so ez so you start the controling map from min 1 and then you have ma
p praio where enemy have to react and rotate faster and then you can get some pics in their rotations
maiev is insane early game hero but her late game is kinda weak so make sure to abuse your early game power spike
your a kinda bursty hero so dont pay attention to dmg numbers most of them doing fake dmg
in mid game and team fights you should play realy patiently and look for a good engage
if you get a 2backliner with your W and cage them its a win for your team.in most of the times
naisha doing insane dmg so use it in your engage its doing insane dmg to ba
ckliners your auto can kill them pretty fast with naisha
try to not miss your Q
and in late game you should look for flanking enemy team
just remmember as maiev you should always put a insane map presure in game naisha realy help you there maiev W build and others is just troll for making highlights for youtube thats why you will never see a
build like that in competetive match.

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She’s been heavily nerfed, such as virtually deleting the Naisha’s Memento talent.

I play her once or twice in every 50 games to remind myself how utterly dumb her kit is. Umbral Bind still goes on a full cooldown if it is dodged or misses due to a blind. This completely negates most of her function. On top of this, auto targeting, and inconsistent range parameters will often have it not grab targets correctly. And then Fan of Knives likes to hit multiple targets and not reset, too.

To that end, her Spirit of Vengeance build is at least reliable in its function. Despite being super hyped for her, I absolutely hate the hero, and she’s a huge joke to even play against. She’s never threatening unless there’s a dumb Samuro on your team and no CC (particularly slows). You can still setup an entire team around Warden’s Cage, but that just makes her gimmicky.

I recommend playing her Spirit of Vengeance build. It’s not as stupid as it used to be, where you had to instantly teleport in to do anything with it. Despite FoK and resets being a large part of her kit, it’s the most unreliable thing.