I mean... he has a point

I think the better question is why not include the pilot version as a skin too or rework her so she isn’t so niche. As it stands she’s a weaker hero with much better skins already available

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I think they are talking about Lil’ Ragnaros, that’s why Darak said her instead of him. And that’s why I posted that video.
But yeah, whatever, we are just players and Heroes of the Storm has no lore.

Skin totals:

Seven: Li-Ming, Sonya, Kharazim (3)

Six: Valla, Diablo, Kerrigan, Zeratul, Jaina, Sylvanas, Stitches (7)

Five: Nazeebo, Johanna, Leoric, Nova, Raynor, Tychus, Illidan, Murky, Valeera, Chromie, Kael’thas, Lunara, Arthas, ETC, Muradin, Varian, Li Li, Malfurion, Rehgar, Tyrande, Uther (21)

Four: The Butcher, Azmodan, Tyrael, Xul, Auriel, Tracer, Zarya, Zagara, Artanis, Lt. Morales, Abathur, Gazlowe, Greymane, Anub’arak, Chen, Brightwing (16)

Three: Cassia, Malthael, Genji, D.Va, Lucio, Alarak, Sgt. Hammer, Dehaka, Tassadar, Samuro, Falstad, Gul’dan, Zul’jin, Cho’gall, Garrosh, Rexxar, Thrall, Alexstrasza (18)

Two: Deckard, Hanzo, Junkrat, Ana, Probius, Blaze, Stukov, Maiev, Ragnaros, Yrel, Whitemane, Medivh, The Lost Vikings (13)

One: Mephisto, Imperius, Fenix, Kel’Thuzad, Mal’ganis, Anduin, Orphea (7)


I read some of it and is quite interesting ty

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Sonya have many, many skins and she’s not skinny. She’s a bodybuilder.

They still did not make a wrath of the berzerker skin.(earth elemental skin for non-diablo3 players) and that makes me salty.(especially because Rexxar and Zul’jin have one with no link to the lore or skills.

I think it’s more time based than anything. Look at Yrel, she have almost no skin choice. Yrel or the doll.(wich i think it’s fugly)
Glad she gets a new one, but i wish it was greater looking.

(P.S.: Give Medivh a shepard skin! :slight_smile:)

You have to look at it from a workload perspective.

For example with the vikings you’d essentially have to make 3 new skins for 3 separate entities. Any work you’d normally have with making a skin for an average hero triples for the Vikings.


I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or if you actually believe that is the real reason for the craft never setting on the moon.

Man… this sucks.

Some heros have never gotten new skins, but others, get boatloads.

Maybe if there was a community forum where players can create models and maybe share with blizz to help the tension?

Tidal Wave Rag with colour variants would look nice. And “Corrupt” (Like raven lord) would probably go well.

“Regal” vikings would be barons/kings all together. Maybe a summer skin for them too, with them having a raft instead of a viking boat.

Sorry, I know blizz won’t be able to make this happen anytime soon.

The Lost Vikings would like to have a word with you.

No skins since their initial release.

People can apply at the Company and make content for the games they like.
But yeah, gamers just want to “game”.
Players are cool, though, most become Heroes.

Activision: No sorry not sorry

we wanna milk all the money

Yeah, some people think money it’s important.
Not implying that only poor people do not have servants.

They could do it, they are just being lazy and making excuses.

They could make a water elemental skin for Ragnoros for example, instead of lava wave he does tidal wave. His other ult would be a big hammer that splashes and his other abilities become water themed.

Snowman Ragnoros, instead of lava wave, he does an avalanche. Instead of a hammer he uses a big ice club and everything is snow/ice themed.

Forest Ragnoros - Make him a tree with a mound of dirt. His weapon is a wooden hammer tied together with vines. His lava wave is a stampede of squirrels and all his abilities are woodland themed.

Void Ragnoros - he’s purple and/or blue and he essentially looks like a beefed up version of the void creature warlocks can summon from WoW with his abilities being themed around void energy.

Cosmic Ragnoros - Ragnoros’s body is like the Celestial bear mount, it’s full of stars with asteroid rock making up his face and belt. Lava wave becomes a supernova or maybe cosmic energy that sweeps the lane, his hammer is madeof asteroid rock, etc.

Shadow Ragnoros - his body is black and made of shadow while his face is a white alabaster mask sort of like that creature from spirited away. His shadows wither a corrupt things they touch so when he casts a wave of shadow it destroys everything in the lane and all of his abilities are shadow themed.

Liquid-Metal Ragnoros - same sort of theme, except metal themed and instead of holding a hammer, his arm becomes a hammer when he swings it. He’s basically inspired by the T-1000 from the terminator 2 movie.

Here you go Blizzard, here’s some cool ideas for Ragnoros skins I thought of off the top my head. Make em happen!


There you go, Blizzard! You (The Company) have/has been commanded.


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Wow. Nicely thought of. Nice ideas! 10/10 would want all of these to be in the game!

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The only thing that confused me is why they released Rag with 3 similar color variants? They could have released him with blue, green, pink, etc.

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Cuz his body is an animated texture and that texture may look bad with pallet swaps.

Like cpt above there wants someone to animated a horde of squirrels running or have other texture effects that either resemble current mounts or potential hero additions and their spell-effects

its easy to suggest stuff, less so to implement it


It would actually be pretty easy, the squirrel stampede can be done by having the front part of the effect be the squirrels running while a smoke trails behind them.

Marvel Heroes had a very similar type of effect with squirrel girl’s abilities. If that chauncey studio can do it, Blizzard’s artists definitely could.

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Well, just like they changed almost everything abt chromie,
the BLUE chromie,
with BLUISH Chromie shadows
with BLUISH Sands Pool ulti (dnt really play her :stuck_out_tongue:)
with BLUISH Q ability shot
with BLUISH W ability shot

it wil take time, but im HELL sure, if they make a BLUISH effect on ragna, with the lava wave also changed, it will b something that EVERY RAGNA player will want hav.

Chromie work was awesome, tht type thing should be done to others too,

Chromie didnt just get a new skin, her entire abilities n ulti n everything reflects a little from her new skin,

Thats wht HOTS should be going too,

Imagine a Big BLUE Ragna popping out of one of ours or enemy forts :smiley: