I love HOTS ranked :)

I just love HOTS ranked :slight_smile:
I just started playing ranked and I learn I need to have 50 wins :slight_smile: I’m placed silver 2-3 and by the looks of It I might remain in elo hell forever.
From this picture you can see I have 52 k more healing than enemy healer and I have 68 k hero dmg that is 4 k less than our top hero dmg in our team and 6 in game :slight_smile: . I also have 2 deaths that is the second lowest in game :slight_smile: Like what can I do to not get matched with people like this ? Can I just stop playing HOTS or I should keep playing and hope that higher elo will offer me something better ? Im really getting frustrated since I played some quick match games and there people was 2 times better.Send Help :frowning:

silver is not hell. sub-bronze 5 is hell. it actually does exist as a non-visible number where your rank shows bronze 5 but your MMR has separated from your rank for some reason and now you are literally in what is known as ‘MMR HELL’ here.

sorry but nothing is posted. please link something. :wink:

There are times where your opponents are more skilled than you and your team no matter what rank you are in, but in general you need to reach higher ranks if you want to lower the risk of your teammates not having good skill and decision making.

Its a numbers game, dont cry about one offs. Some games you cant win, most you can. Silver 3 is ELO heaven, I had 100% winrate around that ELO. Easy to carry.

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i would say that in the position you were in 2 deaths is not anything special. you were Li Li which is an easy healer with auto targeting heals. she has faster than normal move speed and overall you probably could have just sat in the backline all game pressing Q.

if you had said you had half the team kills as a dragon Li Li and almost no deaths i would take more notice but honestly Li LI is extremely easy to not die on and put out high heals with Jugs.

my thoughts on what you could be doing if you want to climb? try your best not to get stuck healing or tanking.

im not saying dont ever do it, but real talk here those roles cant ‘carry’ a game in the same way a good assassin can. if you have any assassins you are really good with try to do it.

with that said, the best things to do in those low ranks would be the highest wave clearing, camp clearing, solo lane capable, and likely self sustaining heroes. basically heroes that can rake in as much XP as possible while pressuring lanes and moving to help in team engagements when they need to.

  • Dehaka
  • Sonya
  • Jaina
  • Kael’Thas
  • Gul’dan
  • Falstad
  • Zagara

there are a few more… but a couple are a little more ‘niche’ and i wouldnt pick them up personally unless it was absolutely necessary. these here are solid picks that can really push games if you are good with them.

Elo hell has a different name, it’s called the place you belong.
Congratulations, you reached your rank. Unless you get better, you stay there.


I a little like new mmr system.
I hate it only because im old bronze player (astimation from old sh *t -/+200 system).
Otherwise work well…match you sometime with so good ,high game skilled player ;which player sometime Master game skilled.
Problem is im eternal Brinze 5 player(in over 2 year past time i not have so long free time to spend in ranked),and now current problem bronze 5 mmr points are -/+5,20 !!. :frowning:

Many players to now complain so many times in past time about this old win/lose 200 points,because they refuse to undetstand few human factors,which are ( i would count it)…
our feels,dependance a lot is it one player feel tired,fresh,how fast learn from his own mistakes,is it is distracted from something in our real life ,luck,draft heroes,talents builds.
Huge human /player issue is…cant get smart,in time decisions,when start tun back safe,depenfance alot from HP on his heroe,where is located on the map.

These count factor ,cuase many peoples think MM not work well!
Or peoples err himselfs!!
Indeed this is one most huge human problem!(peoples err himselfs)!!
And high part frim player base ,cant understand or admin to himselfs ,this is real human problem.
