I like current Tassadar


And this argumentation is just … irrational. “The hero is bad because he doesn’t fit my expectations” instead of “the hero is bad because his kit doesn’t work”. Instead of “reworking” a perctly fine hero into an other one they could just impelment a new hero that is a proper “high templar”. It makes no sense.

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This isn’t LoL or DotA. Blizz heroes have a lot of history behind them, people expect and want heroes to be similar to their lore/gameplay counterparts, at least to some extent. For some, tassadar’s heroes of the storm version is clearly not similar enough. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it irrational. And it wasn’t a question of bad but rather dislike, as the OP asked.

I agree that this would be the best solution, but blizz didn’t talk about adding another HT. As far as concepts go, blizz hasn’t ever revisited one anyways so the chances of another HT being added are pretty much zero at this point.

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I can agree that a hero’s history and lore should be reflected in game play. The deciding factor for me is how the hero feels to play. I like a lot about current Tassadar but I acknowledge that he doesn’t live up to his lore as well. I just want Tass to keep what myself and others like about him. I don’t want him to no longer be the hero I enjoy now. I want Tass to gain more viability without losing what is fun about him now.

Honestly, it’d be cool if Tass had Archon as a different form entirely, something like Greymane, maybe the only shared ability being shield, or maybe not even that. Different set of abilities with a shorter attack range or somethin. I used to main him but the biggest problem i always come across with people i shield is them not attacking while they are shielded, not taking advantage of the leech, very problematic imo.

I never really use Archon but this is a cool idea.

I really think all of his issues boil down to the barrier not being very good. It needs some kind of change to be better. Maybe reducing its up time while lowering the CD? How about making all damage (basic attacks and spell damage) done while having bubble heal a percentage of damage dealt?

The shield idea is nice, something like Whitemane. as for the wall, i feel giving it status effects to people within it’s range would be nice, an aura of sorts that emanates from the wall that negatively effects enemy heroes, reducing armor/travel speed/attack speed, something like Xul’s wall but without the damage.

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I love almost everything about current tass. He brings a lot of utility and can give his team a bit of everything it needs or is missing from the comp. He can provide shields, vision, damage, lane clear, CC.

I’m also a fan of old tyrande as she was also in the same mould as tass as a utility support and a jack of all trades kind of character. I get that in draft play there’s not much of a place or specific role for heroes like old tyrande and tass but I play QM only and in a mode where you never know what is needed or missing from teams characters like tass can fill any gap to a degree.

Im blizzard will do a great job making a dps mage tass with hopefully some form of Feedback ability but i’ll really miss abilities like Shield, oracle, his slowing tickle beam, force wall; abilities which although are not exactly tass in terms of lore they are what really define the protoss playstyle.