I know there have been a billion OP Qhira threads...... different argument

Warning - text barf - TLDR is at the bottom::: Even if she isn’t OP and the meta will eventually catch up - she still isn’t fun to play against.

She does burst damage that is difficult to avoid(thus removes the evasion fun), penetrates minions, walls, and other heroes. She has a really fast “pull” - seems harder to dodge than Sonya - and can use it extremely effectively as a quick escape anywhere. Her burst combo refreshes quickly, and because she has solid vamp - she endures as well. Whether she sucks or not - she’s just annoying.

Add the political correctness affirmative action “strong ethnic prideful female” basically being able to take down anyone anywhere - that has zero lore in the blizzard universe whatsoever - doesn’t add anything. The game has been demeaned. Like I’m playing a child’s safari game - very G rated stuff.

You combine this with the recent movement speed buff (which I welcomed) - things are getting increasingly shallow.

Maybe its just the game itself needs to upgrade - a “hots sequel” - where there is some revolution in the fundamental mechanics.

To be clear, the MOBA genre has been pretty much rigid like this since 2003 and the very first capture the flag maps on Warcraft 3 season 1 (the very beginning of the engine!!!).

I remember when I first played this game in late 2014 - all the characters had a distinct, classic role - like you were playing chess. Each one was extremely unique from all the other characters. The way they meshed together was very asymmetrical and produced creative gameplay. Perhaps they focused on adding too many characters, not giving them enough distinction, not fundamentally upgrading the gameplay.

I can say that two lane maps were a very bad direction to take for the MOBA - maybe 1 two lane map would’ve been okay - but not so many. It feels like ARAM - and HOTS ARAM isn’t fun IMO - especially when you don’t know whether you’re going to get a two lane map or not.

Why not revolutionize the MOBA genre with new maps that keep the game fresh - instead of trying to add and dilute characters. Maybe 4 and a half lane maps- you can weaken minion waves, change their speed or rate, change the tower dynamics - make objectives larger scale and more dynamic. BRAWLS do not satisfy this as they are meant for very quick games as opposed to long games. They don’t seem polished or consistent.

In season 1 of HOTS - you could pick a healer and play them like a damage character - you could pick a tank and play them like a spec - there were hidden talent synergies. By calcifying roles - now they’ve forced loose QM comp match ups - when before - it was far more randomized and diverse - and comp imbalances would just be fixed with people selecting different talents to change their role. Now you enter a match - they feel stale - you feel extremely dependent on the team - you’re completely stuck in a single role and single gameplay avenue.

TLDR::::: Qhira represents broader unfun game mechanics, demeaning of game theme and maturity, a dilution of distinct characters, a calcification of character roles, problematic random two lane and three lane maps, lack of innovation in MOBA genre for 16 years despite the capacity to do that with new maps and modes(that brawl doesn’t satisfy).

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No need for personal attacks lol. I’ve been playing the game for 5 years and I think its becoming less fun. I gave my reasoning.

This is the right place for people to post their opinions on the game right?


You presented as a factual debate rather than a post offering a seemingly unpopular opinion.

But yes, if I thought this was just an opinion post, I would have ignored it and moved on. However, you still have the power to express your opinions on the forums as your wish. Not trying to get in the way of that.

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Are you responding to all the “facts” I’ve posited?

You say her burst is easy to dodge, I say its hard. What else do you disagree with?

Thats… really racist.

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Honestly I feel like the character itself is racist.

Why did Lucio have to be a “roller blading rasta boom box carrier” - Qhira has to be a “jungle hunter”. I mean you kind of have a blur when the character background is suppose to come from a region - like Li Ming having Chinese sorcery powers.

Why in a fantasy game does race and role have to be so strongly tied together?

Why can’t we have a black character that doesn’t resemble some kind of stereotype? Why is ethnicity playing such a central role when its a contrived character with no lore in the first place?

She seems like she might come from the diablo universe - but I just don’t understand - “random African safari girl” - why can’t we have black characters that have some unique, non-ethnic theme?


“different argument” i don’t see anything different in here it’s just like the past 500 Qhira threads. “not exactly 500 but you get what i mean”


I meant different argument than “she’s OP”. Rather “she’s unfun and represents broader problems with the game”.

i see you saying she isn’t fun to play against her. but how about winning with her in your team? that changes it all right? that makes it fun of course when was losing considered fun? never.

all of her abilities can be avoided btw it just needs good reaction time and know what you’re playing against etc. which means she isn’t op or broken if you know how to play against her and how to avoid getting hit by her abilities but if you choose to facetank her then die and say she’s op? that’s questionable cause so far i haven’t lost a single match vs Qhira i wonder why maybe cause i use my brain? perhaps.

she’s not an unfun hero she’s actually an interesting hero even while no one asked for her at least we got something and most likely we’re getting a new hero as well that was requested for sure @Blizzcon and i’m looking forward to it but totally not looking forward to people complaining about whoever that new hero is and how many threads are going to be up saying “QQ that hero so op pls nerf”


My wishlist for the upcoming patch:

Final Strike cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 80, reduced to 40 if it kills a hero. (Right now it feels more like First Strike rather than Final Strike with the low CD encouraging constant poke)

Blood frenzy bleed reduced from 44 damage per second to 22 damage per second.

Fatal wounds quest completion increased from 125 hits to 300

Healmonger bonus healing reduced from 204 to 102


So… “nurffff qhiraaaaa”

A little personal background on my opinion (please don’t attack me) - I have about 12,000 quick match games, and although people don’t see hotslogs as credible - if you look me up on there (you can sort the names FATE by number of games played - I’m the 2nd highest one) - I was almost 4k MMR for a pretty long time in the glory days of this game - I’ve played with the best players in the world for years. I absolutely love the core of this game - especially if you play at a high level.

I don’t make these criticisms lightly. Stop trying to demean my arguments. I have probably more experience playing this game than anyone in this forum - with possibly the highest climb on the ladder. There’s no reason to throw poop at me.

You believe QHIRAS abilities can be avoided - I find them difficult to avoid - and I was a top 100 player for over a year.

I play only quick match - and I’m telling you - in the current state - she breaks it. Even when I play Leoric - she can burst all my health down fairly quickly with one engage - and then has vamp on top of it. I guess like people said - you have to be in “melee range”. I do destroy her when I play Li Ming and other range casters. But she just seems problematic in the QM - I can’t put my finger on it - but whether I win or lose against her - it just feels like the game is less strategic and deliberative. It’s become “oh no, qhira came out of no where and is attacking, everyone run away until she finishes her 3 second invuln combo, try to save your ally in time - nope - he got bursted like always - time to counter attack! Whoops, she has full health because shes a vamp”. People complained about Kerrigan and illidan burst melee - but they technically are not invulnerable; illidan is destroyed at any time by ability powers, Kerrigan is destroyed with any decent CC or team burst.

Thanks for your responses btw.



I mean if her swinging ability could be CC’d - I think that would solve a lot of the problem. It might nerf her - but then you give more control over the swinging by the player.

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That’s way too much. Might as well remove her from the game entirely.
your 2nd and 4th are too much together

1 kills her assassinability which is fine, more for team fights
2 guts her trade damage/laning presence
3 is fine, keeps it from being op early given how easy it is to rack up stacks
4 just makes her way too squishy in any sort of mayhem or as soon as she enters

It’d be worse than illidan as at least he has evasion

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The “unfun” argument is the worst argument in my opinion - it’s like the only argument someone can come up with when there isn’t any real one. I can easily bring a counter argument and say “very fun” so what now?
I play since 5 years and the game got really fun since the Qhira release…

Also if you are a QM player only, you can’t really be a top 100 player…
Most top players are not even playing QM so you are not even competing against them.


Stopped reading there… Your thread title falsely advertised it had a different argument. I’ve read this same nonsense political stuff in every thread, it has no place on the forums.


She just had some bug fixes today with her bleed dmg doing bonus dmg. So let’s see how she performs now, but she still need nerfs.


reminds me of the movie “Black Panther”


I agree with this sentiment. And honestly, there are a lot of racist tropes in the game.

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