I have a 70 percent winrate you noob

I saw a Qhira player on my team once who had a 65% winrate (Keep in mind I control for Storm League all seasons when looking at winrates)

By level 10 I was just Facepalming and wondering how on earth this moron got that high a winrate, just so many amateur mistakes not least of which being being grappling onto a tank that has an unstoppable (it was either Anub or Jo). And then still trying to do the full 180 degree’s.

My winrate in storm league overall seasons isn’t actually that impressive but damnit this was some next level dumb, and somehow had a 65% winrate on a hero he knows nothing about.


Sounds highly likely this person was boosted or paid to get boosted - very sad.

(Yes, people do pay for this sort of thing, can’t link to these ‘services’ though)

The winrate was from the GM who ranked him up. Now he just ruins countless games being in whatever rank he paid to get.


Trust me I can believe it no need for a link,
Honestly I doubt evne bronze players would let that kind of amateur Qhira play fly and still get a psoitive winrate it’s that bad what this guy was doing.


i almost wanted to report an alarak like this

86% season winrate in sl, over a hundred alarak wins and extremely few losses, maybe 5 alaraks in the entire world are this good

suddenly on 11 game loss streak in his match history, could not even hit a telekinesis properly let alone the full combo, missed discords even in close range, died 7 times with almost no assists and 0 kills, like an AI main would do if he suddenly jumped into ranked

if there was the poster image of someone who bought their rank he would be it, but idk if reporting him would have done anything.
im not sure if its illegal to have grand masters log on your acc and rank it up


Sounds like the Alarak me and Harbinder had once. He was high master but was feeding to a 0-8 score and could not hit a single combo.

Either those players are trolling or just plain boosted with the help of 5 man premading with better players then himself.

Its actually sad to know tons of players in this game are properly boosted.


People are making the assumption that a player maintains the same ability to play over time. Little things like changing residences from university to their parents home could be enough to go from GM to gold due to lag or worse hardware. They might also be tired, drunk or other influences which decrease human performance.

Should they play under these conditions? Probably not if they care about their rank. However nothing stops them from doing so as it is a free world.


If I were to guess, it was a larger map where he could not properly farm his Q, or it was Blackheart’s Bay. In the later case, if he was the only player doing camps (and I am speaking purely in theory here), I could imagine the game ending in 20 minutes with his stacks being under 200.

I had an online friend way back from my Diablo 3 days, we used to always play together and he never could rank higher than Gold. One day I was matched with him and he was playing Zeratal, a hero he had never played in QM or the then Hero League.

I whispered to him during the game to say hello, but he didn’t reply. He played like a master on Zeratal, it was well, uncanny, he carried. We both knew each other by our real names and at the end I whispered again to him, complementing him on his play and I asked a personal question.

Well he got my name wrong and pretended not to know me and I reminded him I was on his friends list and he suddenly logged off. The next time I saw him in our QM group I brought this up and asked if he we using a boosting service. To his credit he admitted he was, the funny thing is after this he deleted me from his friends list. lel

His account got boosted to masters, but the last I saw it had fallen back to gold, so it seems crazy to me anyone would spend money for this.


Its not only in Hots Boosting is a problem. It is in Wow and in Diablo too.

In Diablo you hear about alot of people who use botting programs to farm Grifts 24/7. I sometimes when i log in when a new season starts must of the same people who were top 10 last season is top 10 again next season. And when you check how much gametime they have on that hero the first week they all have about 4-5 days played with no stop. That cant be done without botting. Also Alot of guilds in Diablo only invite people who has those cheat programs installed or you get kicked.

What goes for Wow i just saw a clip from a famous and well respected Wow streamer yesterday and he just confermed that Wow has gone Pay to Win now because all the top guilds in Wow has all bought boosting service and payed alot of money to get tons of gold to buy all the BoE items on the server. As an ex semi-hardcore raider in Wow that does not comes as surprice to me as i have known this for a long time that Wow has gone bad now and top guilds are cheating, exlpoiting and paying alot of gold from boosting service just to get world first now. I dont even folow world first races anymore since i know all the top guild who fight for it are all cheating to get it.

I guess it was becasue he felt guilty about it in the end and he was not worthy to be your friend anymore so he left you. BAD FRIEND BAD HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME (angry BW noices)


At least you have to give the person credit for honesty. Most of them never admit it and will have funny or weird excuses for why they suddenly became a 12% win rate player and magically forgot how their main heroes work (the ones they just had 80% winrate with a week ago for hundreds of games).

His account got boosted to masters, but the last I saw it had fallen back to gold, so it seems crazy to me anyone would spend money for this.

That is exactly why paying for such services is absurd; You do not become diamond or master just by having a portrait of that rank.
Not any more than you would become a world class ice hockey player just by buying the Stanley Cup trophy. It wasn’t earned.

I struggle to think how these people’s thought process works. There is no other outcome except them falling back to silver, gold or whatever their real skill level is. It’s a complete waste and ruins dozens of matches in the process while they fall back down.


This is a good point that is often ignored. We are human beings and not robots who perform constantly on the exact same level. I would also assume that many players don’t care too much about their rank and that’s why they also play when they can’t perform on their highest level. No matchmaking system can predict such behavior.
I would feel more comfortable in QM when i am drunk but then friends invite me to SL…

There’s a difference between “I’m a bit rusty, haven’t played this hero in 5 days” and “whoops, I forgot the entire kit of Zeratul in 5 days and die every 30 seconds even though I just ranked up with him from Silver to Diamond 1 last week with 89,9% win rate and 60% mvp ratio”.

Boosteds who had high ranked people play on their accounts for money should be banned because they destroy the game quality of the rank they falsely obtained.


I cried a bit inside when our top damage dealer was me on Ana.

For those who don’t know, Ana should not be top damage when the team has 2 assassins. Or in any case at all.


Getting boosted doesn’t make a lot of sense to me anyway. What’s the point of having a high ranked account when the owner can’t play on that level? Does the owner enjoy loosing a lot of matches? Do they enjoy the journey from GM to Bronze? xD It’s like the opposite of smurfing where you get a low ranked account for a lot of easy wins…

In that sense smurfing and boosting are probably the same problem. Both sabotage matchmaking and create imbalanced teams.

Because some people are lazy and just want to pay themself to highest rank insteed of spending alot of energy climbing himself.

me: I will get murky, he is good on temples
random potato: if you pick murky, I will troll with valeera
me: Murky is good (i lock him)
random potato: (locks valeera) you have 35% winrate with him in league
me: yeah, because of people like you.

game ends, we lost.
Had top siege, hero damage, exp and kills.
But yeah, hard to say it to 11 deaths troll valeera.

AKA: winrate doesnt matter sometimes

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Either they want to see their friends see them with the “playing storm league” icon while they have a high rank even just once in their lives, or they want the portrait.

Otherwise they’re psychotic if they think they deserve that rank with no proof. And they will drop down as fast as they bought it…

Indeed, this just ruins games for everyone and the person paying for it will just fall back to their usual rank. I really don’t understand it, for me at least it would ruin any sense of achievement I would have by climbing myself.

I’d rather be mostly in my pleb Plat rank where I sometimes climb to Diamond, than have someone cheat for me so I could be a fake master.

I didn’t know there was so much of this going on in WOW or Diablo 3. I must admit I had some friends in D3 who 2 days after a season started would be running 130+ GR and I wondered how this was humanly possible. Cheating at games, I don’t see the satisfaction anyone would get out of it.


I mean… I can buy it if it’s just trying to get out of literal bronze 5
I’ve heard horror stories from down there you’d have to be a diamond to be able to solo carry that level of stupid but if you belong in silver or gold you’re stuck if you ended up in bronze 5 somehow.


Each season i always check top 5 how much play time they got on his char and many times you can see they have played like 100 hours with no stop and are already G120-130 within 2-3 days and full gear and highest gems.

But thats because those people are useing botting programs to farm billion of exp/hour and in Grifts they use map hack programs to find the fastest way out of the map without spending time finding the exit as you should in the fog.

But i have seen Blizzard just updated their anti cheat system in D3 some years ago and they announced on the D3 forum that thy had wiped half the ladder clean of botters at the end of the season in both season and non-season.

But yes when you see someone who has 120 hours played the first week of the season you know they are botters cause you cant play for 7 days straight without passing out becasue of no sleep.