I got a present from my brother 💙

this wont be the ONLY think youre getting, but i am also working on it :stuck_out_tongue: it will be BIG for sure :smiley:

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how come u can link the pic but OP cant?


Looks cool, send regards to your brother.
Also may I mention that you have nice, mature handwriting.

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Thank you.

Only true Tassadar players can.

Check the part about trust levels.

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Ha ha.

Not funny.

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that’s lovely coming from your own brother. nice drawing! x100 better than me in fact i don’t draw but i should learn it!


Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)

F in the chat for me bois ;’-(

that’s wrong btw i was silenced and lost TL3 but got it again so don’t worry about “must not have been suspended” part however if you didn’t have it before getting suspended you can still get it!

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Pretty sure that makes it worse. He wrote his own to and from lol. Did he Make the gift too?

what’s bothering you about him getting a gift from his brother? or better question what’s your problem with it? did you ever get any gifts before? he’s happy about it why are you so annoyed about it?


You are nice DrLogan :cupid:


Turnips always comments negative things in almost all the threads, he must be a little bitter.


yeah i really don’t know what’s wrong with him lol

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If I gave it to my sis I would a BJ for return

what…?!? ummm…

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I wouldn’t ask for any clarification of that comment, but that’s just me. :smiley:

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it’s just weird as heck why even make such a comment…

for attention of course.

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