I Feel Betrayed

I’ve put thousands of hours into HotS. I’ve played over 5,000 games. I’ve watched the game religiously on Twitch.

And you just spit in the face of this game’s fans, just as you did the Diablo fans. You say that you’re committed to bringing us epic experiences. Yeah, what commitment this is shifting a game that’s only four years old into maintenance mode.

I’m not spending another dime on Blizzard games if this is the treatment we get. Congratulations on selling out to China, Activision. You’re not Blizzard anymore.


this has been a long time coming.
game never took off as an esport.
never pulled large viewing numbers for tournaments OR streamers.

the game will still exist, and will still be fun to play.
just no more pro scene. not the complete end of the world.


All I can say is it is going down the route of Konami, as I was discussing with my boyfriend some time back. I just see so many parallels here and it is anything but positive at this point. The company could easily become Konami 2.0 at the rate it is going.


how much have you spent on the game? …as a curious side note.

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I don’t know off of the top of my head as I’ve done it sporadically since closed alpha, but I believe the ballpark is three or four skins and three or four heroes (before HotS 2.0. I never purchased a loot box, because I’m not into gambling).

Probably around $60-80 on HotS.


so with over 1.7k hours played it seems you have easily got your money’s worth. yes?

sorry… math error. corrected them hours.


You’re pretty strongly missing the point here. This is a game that people are still playing, a game that people are still expecting content both in-game and outside of the game (streams), and now we get news that we’re no longer getting official streams and the influx of content is likely going to be slowed down significantly.

Meanwhile, we have big-name devs moving to a frigging mobile game instead. It is very likely that HotS is being cut in order to fuel their China-centered projects.

Essentially, that news post says we don’t matter anymore. We’re not important enough anymore. We aren’t worth enough to them anymore.

It says their bottom line is more important than their most loyal players.

Edit: Clarification of language. Still the same meaning.


I just feel screwed over by Blizzard as a whole this year, they screw me over in Diablo, they screw me in WoW, and now they screw me in HoTS. Starcraft basically gets nothing and I’m gonna stop playing that before they screw me over there too.


Don’t worry I am sure Starcraft will get screwed over too since they’ll likely be pouring in more resources to Warcraft 3 Reforged, which ends up being a direct competitor.

But hey considering that they are already making changes to Warcraft 3: Reforged, such as rewriting certain things. Don’t hold your breath on it too!

But yeah I feel ya on the betrayals… I suddenly don’t feel like logging into HotS for now…


i dont think i am missing the point as blizzard will keep supporting the game.

let me ask you…
if you bought a game from a dev on steam for 29.99 and they released it. said it was the final version. would you accept that? yes you would because your expectation is that is the full game. so then say the dev generously gives you 2-3 free DLC and then leaves to go pursue other game development. would you get mad and demand more? maybe. however, you cant really expect them to give you more free stuff out of what they already said was a full game.

this game is free. it is basically complete as is. they can stop anytime they want and it would still be complete.


Yeah, you and I both know that this game dies the second they decide it is “complete.” Mobas can’t survive like a $30 singleplayer game on Steam can. It needs a community, it needs constant updates, and it needs pro games for people to watch, learn from, and get excited about.

That news update effectively says two of those things are dead (community, esports), and the third is getting slowed down (updates).

That news update effectively says this game doesn’t matter anymore, that we don’t matter enough anymore. It feels pretty crappy to know that this game is a lamb brought to slaughter for the likes of Diablo Immortal to consume.

Actually, I have a better word than crappy. It’s downright insulting. I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face for all the dedication I’ve poured into this game.


I play since beta, but i have still some hope to the game, maybe i am wrong :frowning:


It really killed my motivation to play reading the announcement.


Honestly, it’s probably what they want, so they can cut the game entirely and push more resources into mobile microtransactions.


Blizzard sucks hard now. Sorry. It just is what it is. The company I grew up with is dead. I feel betrayed too. I feel scammed and I hate this company now.

Blizzard is destroying all of their own games. They’re nothing more than mobile app developers. Hope they have enough talent left to drag and drop some existing models in Unity.


You realize they are being forced to make these cuts because not enough money?


K. not enough money. Haha. I think you mean upper management is draining this company.

Activision doesn’t have enough money? Give me a break dude.


without the power of the esports scene (which includes pros, heroes of the dorm, etc), interest in HOTS is going to be at an all time low, ensuring the game dies even faster. I’m disappointed but not surprised: HOTS has been mismanaged for a while and I guess they’d rather kill the game themselves than try to get quality developers onto the game.

Just another example of what happens when you don’t have good devs on a project.


As much as it sucks something you really love is being treated this way, take some time to centre your perspective.

Its a game. You have paid for the enjoyment you have had for however many years you have been playing.

These companies owe us nothing, and we owe them no good will. They made a business decision which by definition does not consider our interests.

They can the game and we all go find a new one. Maybe they bring it back or something like it. Maybe they sell it off to someone who cares more about it.

But the level personal insult or betrayal felt by some people here speaks to a lack of understanding on the actual relationship we had with Blizz.


If they would have just set their expectations to not be “pie in the sky esports money” and focused more on the health of the game and the community, maybe things would be different. “Esports” ruins everything. Thanks ActiBlizz shareholders!