First I want to clarify; I like having Nexus OG characters. It helps HotS and the Nexus actually feel like it exists. And let’s not dive into the confusion of Dva meeting the characters she once controlled from a screen…
What I don’t like here is it’s a random. We never heard of this chick before the reveal. With Orphea she was introduced and we learned about her and how she’s related to everything happening. We don’t have that with Qhira, she just POOF showed up.
Final note: I just rather see characters that we have been with for awhile.
Does this answer your concerns?
Next they will call you racist! 
Her lore, though adds to the game info and excitement and i agree is important in one way or the other,
But guess what? it doesnt effect her gameplay in the game 
Ans i just finished watching a pro play her in AI, she is just AWESOME!
as for the lore, let lose ur horses of imagination 
tht QHIRA is by far the most exciting and fun-to-play hero added, whose going to completely change team fights n make people go crazyy who r facing her
How good is her waveclear, how good can she solo camps?
Not good wave clear, none of her abilites make an impact
her E n D go over minions to hit heroes, so tht leaves her with Q n her AAs,
so its just like how nova would clear wave with her kit (without the explosive rounds)
solo camps, well the video i watched, he didnt go camps solo, but how much i see, she cant do solo camps either, as shes left only with her Q n AAs to do damage on things other than heroes,
But in team fights, its just fun to watch her play
PS: Her W does turn on when she hits minion, tht stacks r not shown n the damage is like totally nothing, so its not countable
I personally dislike heroes that are only good at fighting other heroes. Gives your team more responsibility to macro well. These heroes are fun to play for sure, not worrying about macro, just fighting ^^
true, thts one reason why i stopped playing Ming in ranked, even i just love that hero