I know this was brought back because of feedback. Consider this feedback in the opposite direction. The new mode with everyone being the same hero sucks.
It’s novel for the first 2-3 minutes and then it get super old and unfun, with the only exception being maybe Junkrat games. I played an all Genji game a few days ago that went nearly 30 min. 15 min in and both teams still had towers and forts. It was pure agony. All four of my teammates at the end were like “damn, glad that’s over.”
Because it’s random and a 5% chance, sometimes you get it frequently. Some days you don’t get any. Some days you play 5 games and 3 of them are this mode.
Anyways, I know a lot of people seem to love this mode. I do not. I hate it. I was super excited that there was a hotfix for my favorite game after no new patches or content for forever, and this mode just sapped all the joy right right from it. I went from “holy crap Bliz is actually paying attention to this again” to “wow Blizz is actively trying to troll us into quitting so they can finally make the case for shutting it down”.
Just play QM. Like 90+% of players there spend the entire game fighting mid anyway. (And you get to play any hero you want. And there’s never more than two of the same hero, one on each side – which is extremely rare.)
You were probably asking them but I’ll share my personal opinion since I used that word too:
In my opinion a normie when it comes to the context of HOTS is someone who came to HOTS due to hype that esports generated back in the HGC-era and then left HOTS when they felt that the game was dying
They don’t love the actual game itself like most of us on the forums do and just played it casually
I have had a few friends like these in the past
And I’m not looking down on them for that because not everyone is the same
I’m just irritated that the developers listened to people who barely play HOTS over the real warriors who still keep the playerbase going strong despite all of the ways that the developers have failed us
Xenterex indeed does exist and believe me you DO NOT want to read one of his posts because they’ll leave you scratching your head because he’s way smarter than you are and his posts are like a hundred times longer
I don’t really have any strong feelings about why someone plays. I’m mostly annoyed by people who play a game they are clearly unhappy with. It’s normal to have some complaints but the overall they enjoy the game, and that’s ok with me.
Yes, and what does that have to do with anything? Maybe English 101 is what you need instead of a dictionary filled with misinformation?
Reddit has a lot of engagement though. It’s relatively way more active there than in the forums. That alone kinda disproves that all Reddit users that play HotS only came by for the Esports because… they’re still there. They post fan arts, gameplay screenshots, hero builds, memes, etc. Plus it’s way more accessible for outsiders to use an available and general online platform like that than to load up a specific game forum like this.
I simply think it’s not very sound to say that HotS playerbase in Reddit are less valid than the ones in the forums. Yes it can be annoying that blizzard tend to ignore the forums, but that’s probably because reddit offers anonymity and accessibility.
I used to be an avid forum member but now i spend more time on reddit. Doesn’t make me any less of a HotS fan.
“Normie” is slang for “neuro-normal” which basically denotes “not autistic”. Although I do not believe it was conceived as a pejorative, it can be used that way [by autistic people].
If meant in that context, then it explains a lot about this poster imho: the frequent references to IQ, assertion that “normies” don’t enjoy research, etc.
From your explanation it seems that I understood the meaning of the word, and the OP is calling people, normal. Whether they have a mental issue or not. This would mean the OP is not a normie and has a mental issue. Works both ways.
Either way, we still don’t know the answer to the question that was posited to Xylord, but got two replies from the troll that did not answer the question. Instead they assume I’m asking what the word means. Which wasn’t the case.
I never said that everyone on reddit was a normie nor do I say that they came to HOTS solely for the esports scene
And keep in mind that a lot of people over on reddit are people who are coming to these forums as well
My problem with how the developers handle things is that they prioritize feedback from reddit users rather than people on their own official forums
I would hold the opinions of Karabars, Minky and DrLogan in higher regard(even if I happen to disagree with them) in comparison to anyone who posts about HOTS exclusively on reddit because I know that they’ve played HOTS to the point where they know what they are talking about
Who in the world told you that you are less of a HOTS-fan for spending more time on reddit?
I may have gotten confused
Please ask me again and I will try to answer you to the best of my abilities
An offensive fact is still a fact
The average person is simply not the kind of person who does in-depth research when it comes to the world around them or even what they generally talk about
I have often met people who simply say that they’d rather not know or do not care enough to know deeply about things they were previously seemingly interested in
They just want to be percieved as right and valid rather than actually factually objectively correct
pureblood is just a walking double-standard spouting ‘no tru scottsmans’. Regardless of what is actually posted, they’ll be ‘right’, something else will be ‘wrong’, and don’t mind that they often embody the thing they’re trying to deride, ya know, if they’d actually bother to read something instead of copy/pasting one liners from the elsewhere’s of the internet.
part of the issue of forum ‘feedback’ it that it often just boils down into complaining about things by forcing a polarized response. If the experience relayed just comes off as “I’m miserable playing this game, and now there’s a change that makes me more miserable” is being weighted against a “I love this game and now I have something more I love about it” then people are more likely to respond to the positive feedback loop than they do the negative ones.
Functionally, there are heroes that do make for a bad time in all-mirrored, but that doesn’t mean the only option is to thus turn of the hero matching aspects. It could mean that more heroes could be removed from the pool to better enable having experiences that tend to be more positive than not. Other times, it can simply be anything being unfamiliar to people that are content into a defined niche and arguably don’t want any change.
Posting demands for polarized responses makes things seem like posters don’t want to play the game at all and are contrasted against communities that are sharing what they liked, and encouraging more people to want to do the same. Nuances toward making things better through adjustment are probably going to come off as better than the “all or nothing” rifts some people keep demanding life turn out to be, and that’s just burning bridges all around that leaves people alone and miserable… if they aren’t already
No no, You’ve answered the question just fine. I was trying to say Pureblood replied twice and didn’t answer the question. Even though I didn’t directly ask them, I was hoping my tone would even dissuade a reply from them. It’s a little contrary yeah, but that is what to be expected from them being on my ignore list. You did not know this, I’m sure. So no worries.
Perhaps if they researched the definition of the word…but we know how that song and dance goes.
I wouldn’t waste too much time trying to figure out this puzzle. Likewise, I have so very few people on ignore, but this poster (and their alts) comprise all ignored users but one.
To say this poster isn’t here to post or discuss in good faith is an understatement. They are just here to poke and provoke (I think attention seeking) and they always deflect and reply with some pithy non sequitur, which I assume is supposed to be very clever, but reads more like if ChatGPT was trained by using 4Chan as the primary dataset.
Yes, their “normies” rhetoric is essentially ableist, but I’m not sure if they even understand the real meaning behind these catchphrases. It reminds me of people who call anything “woke” because it features a single POC.
You should really bring out your old “troll away” GIF, the forums have gone temporarily (I hope!) crazy since the last minor patch.