"I can't fill" - Storm League

1st picks is for meta slaves
last pick if for people who fill

If you cant fill dont last pick

Eh, if you want to play a niche hero, donā€™t pick them first but you do need to let people know you are planning on picking said character. If you pick them first, youā€™ll get countered hard (e.g, playing Vikings into Dehaka), but if no one knows you are playing Vikings they wonā€™t plan and will likely draft a solo laner.

Besides, if you do get incidentally countered by enemy draft, it means you still can switch to a different character (for example, enemy team had Zeratul + Valeera so instead of picking Vikings I picked High Kingā€™s Quest Taunt Varian and just Taunted the ever loving crap out of them.)

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Who made this weird rules? But nevermind I donā€™t care anyway, because it sounds stupid af.

It should be enough, if people see my prefered roles, if they ignore it, then itā€™s their fault.

Counter? Meaningless in gold-silver.

nowadays, gold silver isnā€™t mechanically bad players, just uncooperative. Some character mechanically counter others. No matter how hard Vikings try, they wonā€™t be able to escape a good Valla if caught out of position (which is all the enemy team needs to do to counter vikingsā€“preventing them from soaking)

And thatā€™s why most games are still either being stomped or stomping.

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Why does it sound stupid?
Last pick litterly fills in the gaps your team needs

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In my experience counters can be very powerful even in gold and silver.

I like to last pick if looks like iā€™m going solo to try and counter their solo, it usually makes a huge difference.

I remember a recent game on Hanamura where I picked Leo to counter Hogger and I absolutely decimated them and won the solo lane with ease.

If I were to blind pick a solo laner iā€™d normally pick Imperius unless we lack waveclear because iā€™m more confident with him into most muā€™s. However vs Hogger itā€™s definately easier with Leo or Malth.

I try to draft smart like if our prepicks have a stronger first pick iā€™ll let thek go first and I try to not pick certain heroes until it looks like I wont face certain counters.

Like iā€™d say Diablo is my strongest tank but i"ll delay picking him if enemy Tychus is still on the cards.

My point is even though I think we have all won with ridiculous comps in Gold and Silver draft can still make a big difference.

If tank and healer ā€˜must beā€™ then matchmaking must be done by Role-Que and people lock on role of they heroes. If there is 2 or more people who choose tank (or heal), then they can pick other role, which they set in QUE, but last ā€˜tank-roleā€™ must force him to tank. Same if player choose ā€˜Flexibleā€™ role

At this moment, without this system people able to pick whatever team composition what they want, and this is right imo, there is no rules, no law

Well I mean no one is saying you have to carry your team because you filled. Just do the best you can and do your best to allow others to do well also. If you see that the Valla who said they canā€™t fill seems scared to go in, do what you can to allow them to feel confident to go in because they feel protected. Things like that. Not all players are gods. Not all players are exactly what you want out of a role either. Thatā€™s okay. But it might be the best they can do.

My thing is this. You have the ability to fill, whereas someone else may not. Who cares if theyā€™re just saying it to get out of healing or tanking or whatever. I find it hypocritical for one person to get mad at someone else for not filling if the goal of the first person is to have the best team possible to win. Isnā€™t that what you want? To have a team comp that gives you the best chance to win? Wouldnā€™t filling because you have the ability to, give you that? If you want them to fill you should be willing to fill also because you canā€™t expect something out of someone and not have that same expectation for yourself.

And how often do you win games where youā€™ve filled?

What if another person is also tired of tanking for a ā€œbraided DDā€? Who now gets to have a break? How do you decide? In that situation how can you expect someone else to fill because you are just tired of it, when they might be in the same situation? Are you automatically more special? I mean if you want to think of this ethically these are the questions you have to ask yourself.

If you have a positive win rate with a hero, and winning is what you care about, wouldnā€™t you want to set up your team well by playing a hero you have a history of winning with?

Look there are some options for you.

  1. Lock whatever hero you want, early and hope your team works with it
  2. Play QM and play whatever hero you want.
  3. Fill the best you can.

Thatā€™s all you can do. You canā€™t force someone to play a certain hero, in the end theyā€™re gonna pick what they are going to pick.

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Balance is usually the best approach, as in most things in life. You want to focus on a smaller number of roles to build the skillset make a real winning difference but have at least some options when you donā€™t get your first preference. Playing all roles is unlikely to be the best approach for an average player, focus on what you are good at unless you actually enjoy the variety, in which case go for it and play everything.

I got to masters 5/6 times, only ever playing solo, and I have never played heal in my life. I would never normally tank either. Almost all Grand Masters I have got matched with pretty much refused to fill too, usually maining 1-2 roles. So the best approach to climb to the top is probably to focus on 2, maybe 3 ropes but always pre pick and communicate early to minimize the chances of a messed up comp.

People saying ā€œif you cant fill donā€™t play rankedā€ while first instalocking an assassin, even though they have 100s of games on other roles, are the real trolls.


I typically have a quick scan of teammates stats and match history when lobby starts up.

If someone has spammed DD (particularly if itā€™s a bad pick or makes no sense in the draft) it comes across to me as selfish/rude and usually not helping your teams chance of winning.

If someones done their fair share of tanking/healing and they have a DD prepicked iā€™ll happily tank or a heal and prepick them so they know they can go ahead.

I have decent winrates on characters that are not tanks as well.

Also just because you can play a character there are more variables than just a high winrate for if a character is a good pick.

Not at all. Last pick is just the player, who picks last and itā€™s not set in stone that the last player has to fill, but he can fill. I hate this hidden rule that the last player have to fill, because that created that toxic environment where player insta picks sth. and force others to fill for them. None has to fill, but itā€™s all about communication or self-awareness.

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Why does filling creates a toxic environment?
You chose to pick last after all

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I hate OTPs and anyone who ā€œcanā€™t fillā€.

Sorry you canā€™t play 3+ heroes on most roles at least on average lvl? Play QM/UD instead then. Being a dead weight wonā€™t bring you anywhere.

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I donā€™t fill in general. You canā€™t give the HOTS potatoes the hero spots which require some understanding of the game.

Since I made that decision my winrate went up tremendously. In order to avoid bans I do everything the game allows me. I prepick at second one and also have only one preferred role. Sometimes you will get some trolls that pick your preselected hero, but it is just part of the fiesta Blizzard is offering as MOBA game.

Especially in SL every player should be allowed to show his best. And that only happens if you play what you want to play and are familiar with. ā€œI canā€™t fillā€ is one of the many design problems the game has.

Hots is just too jank compared to the other mobas. Others have role queue but since thereā€™s the support role in hots it throws off the standard roles that would play every game. This means you canā€™t get your 2 positions every game and risks a team not getting a tank main. Crazy.

But have they won as said hero? If they have I donā€™t see why they shouldnā€™t be them. Iā€™d rather have a good DD than a subpar tank because you wanted them to flex.

Same as my answer above. If the hero they want to pick has a good win rate, sure Iā€™ll fill tooā€¦ but thatā€™s because in order to build a team you need to make sure all of the players on your team are good with the heroes they want to pick. Your team can pick Johanna and Stukov or Rehgar all they wantā€¦ but if theyā€™re not good with those heroes youā€™re actually worse off. So why not flex so that your team can be what theyā€™re good at? You have the highest chance of winning that way.

Counters are a thing, youā€™re right, but this discussion is more about them not being willing to fill as a tank or whatever. Asking someone to change their pick because of counters is different that asking them to fill a role so that our team is well rounded.

That is true, but the win rate shows how they perform with that hero on average. Iā€™d rather fill for a dps that has 60% wr than ask them to fill the tank or healer role that they have 49% wr with.

If the goal is to build the best team possible, you should fill as much as you expect others to regardless of how often they, or yourself fills.

Have you actually played other MOBAs at higher levels? The roles are preferences in LOL, you arent guaranteed that role. When there arenā€™t enough people LOL autofills regardless of your preference and then someone has to play a role that they cant play against someone who mains that role and usually this is an insta loss at higher level, before the game has even began.


Thatā€™s more the exception than norm. You can train in 2 roles and be generally fine. The same canā€™t be said for hots

Did you know that your complain about LOL is the standard in HOTS? How does this proof anything.

I get one of the two selected roles in LOL nearly every match.