How to solve a problem like Tyrande?

I’ve taken the time to go through the whole META-Madness Tournament again to see, which Hero got played and which not.

Tyrande got actually played.
All in all, she got played four times (2 loss, 2 win). Only Morales (played 2 times), Li Li (played 1 time) and Whitemane (played 2 times) got picked even less than her.

After playing her in try mode. I have to correct my statement:

Actually is her range with her Abilities (Lunar Flare, Hunter’s Mark and AA) the same:

What I would change is the animation of her Hunter’s Mark. The Ability lasts for 4 seconds, but the Mark is displayed for only 1 second. If you don’t know that Hunter’s Mark is reducing the Armour of the Target (by 15%), you don’t know if it’s still active or not. This is mandatory for me.

Further more:

  • I would rework her into a Support. She is very versatile in her builds, but she gets only paired against healer, which makes her healing Ability Elune’s Chosen a must pick.
  • give her new talents on Level 4. Mark of Mending and Everlasting Light can’t compete with Elune’s Chosen in any form. These two talents are just trash imo.

this is probably a bit controversial:

  • give her more range baseline. She is one of only few healers with a basic range of 6. Every other healer has more range (even the old man can throw his potions farther than her), better self defense (Auriel, BW, Li Li, Uther) or a gap closer (BW, Kharazim, Lucio).

This all makes her the worst healer in the game at the moment.

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