How To Make HOTS Grow

they are based in commiefornia the worst state in the union by every measure. they have 2 to 3 billion dollar industries funneling money from the other 49 states and it still takes ny and texas or fl and ny to over take them. fl and texas are slightly under their debt when put together.

this is par for the course for them.

that said people got the report functions all wrong the company is doing you a favor. they are advertising they are dirt bags trying to find a way to steal money and that you shouldn’t waste your money. remember what you don’t have a phone? sounds like a company that deserves my money am I right.

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which came into effect with 2.0 when the over watch players demanded which are from riot games league of inbreds. one of the friends I have my best friend unironically told them in alpha not to do this one thing if they wanted the game to succeed. 2.0 the dev team changed and they said hey what could go wrong.

my buddy told me he was one of about a dozen that said it. that people who like mobas but hate league and dota this would be a huge point of interest. yes riot games and the fair play alliance this is all their ban bot does. you don’t get banned for being toxic you get banned for reacting to toxic people that go unbanned due to lack of a chat log. yes context does matter. it makes a huge difference. if they stopped banning finally well to late you already made enemies the sad fact of the matter is you did it once youll do it again add onto it the crap with diablo imortals and other bad anti consumer practices and you brunt bridges. you could unban some people and they still wouldn’t come back becauase we all know whats the game makes a come back you idiots at blizzard will pull the same trash again. get woke go broke period end of story. getting woke means you subscribe to known toxic ideologies in the truest since of the word toxic that have points where they discriminate on purpose to be “fair” you know feminazism and gender quotas? sure 10 years ago it made sense but now you got garbage like google and the bbc purposely underpaying men because of some wage gap that doesn’t exist because its illegal. you idiots are confusing wages with earnings.

hell if you are post here you already know they ban for swearing not what was actually said hints why they prevent you from posting with swearing now.

it makes you smarterrererer if you don’t swear am I right kek.


lol this reply was sitting in my drafts because i never actually got around to posting it

At some point I want to edit/update the OP to better reflect the state of the game (like finally being able to buy whatever we want), but I need to get Trust Level 3 back first.

Easier said than done. The replay/reconnect system is part of the game’s engine, so changing it is… complicated.

The problem with unique heroes like Abathur or Cho’gall is that they’re really hard to balance in comparison to “normal” heroes. Besides, if you have too many unique heroes with strange gameplay, you run the risk of getting too many of them on one team and degenerating the core gameplay experience.

Good news, apparently Storm League is doing just that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not overlooking anything. The declining population is declining primarily because HOTS isn’t as easy to get into in comparison to other games in the genre. DOTA 2’s “all heroes available” selling point does an awful lot to keep up the influx of new players.

I say that stuff all the time and haven’t been banned yet. :thinking:


Than you don’t play frequently enough to accumulate enough unjustified reports within a fixed duration of time to yield an automated account action. The standard gaming rhetoric is only used as a justification when you attempt to appeal the action.

Or maybe I don’t get reports because I’m polite about it. Usually when I say stuff like that, it’s accompanied by a suggestion or encouragement.

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I definitely think you are right in everything you wrote in that post.

But its also too late for everything there.

HOTS is ship that arrived late, in a wrong shape and color and docked at wrong port, probably even missed right continent.

You are absolutely right that HOTS is (was) king of “almost there”. Only problem is that thats all it was.

Sure, it was a lot better than for example Paragon, which wasnt case of almost there, but completely not there at all. In the end, it doesnt matter. Gaming industry like any other industry or life doesnt play “best try”.

Either you make it or you dont. HOTS didnt. Could, rather easily, but didnt.

Its not HOTS fault, its not DBro fault. Its Blizzard and Blizzard alone fault. Like everything they do now. Just company on its last part of journey. They can try (people in Blizzard), but now its only delaying the inevitable. Miracle only case.

Makes me sad.

Too long to read, maybe there are good ideas in there. Skimming around, basically not much other then asking for more cosmetics.

Problems with HOTS

  • Clearly it isn’t as much fun as other believe it to be, at least for the masses.
  • Population is clearly shown to have only grown weaker as match making has gotten even more sick with MASS differences in skill level. And blah blah blah all over again and again and again… and nothing except new heroes that break the game more.
  • Its not DOTA2 or LoL that is killing this game. If it was good then the players would come… or stay in hots case.

The problem with HOTS is the devs, and community which just wont admit the problems with the game. They have nerfed and buffed up and down heroes, they dont have much of a clue on what they’re doing other just crapping out more heroes.

Why it is not fun:

  • Match making is utter trash “whos going to get the 2-3 flower pickers this time?”. Ranking is trash. You yoyo for 1000 games to gain a rank with 5 minute queues with 5 minute lobby waits with someone just dc’ing 1/3 of the time to just get kicked to the end of the queue again. It is frustrating to get your butt stomped (and it happens 45% of the time). Wins feels … light, because all you did is stomp (45% of the time). This leads to a more frustrating experience then enjoyment, its just that simple. Players don’t wanna play that, not sane ones anyways or who didn’t grow with the game (the game can’t grow).

  • Hero balancing is … it really is horrible. You got MASSIVE differences even in the same role. You can even put Varian vs Sonya… and Varian will walk away with 80% HP, roughly. Speaking of Varian, multiple CC, invunerabily, high self healing, high, engage, multiple cc that just gets reapplied. How about Valla?, probably one of the most balanced heroes and sadly punished to hell for it. A 2ft roll while melee now have engages at the range she attacks!, and even further (Oh, those Overwatch heroes that even attack while moving).

  • The main problem is the CC in this game. It is… bloated; durations are crazy, radius, easy to hit opponents, multi found and on high damage heroes at that. The slows are gross, the duration + amount applied + some just reapplying. Heroes with CC are not getting anything taken away, in fact they get decent damage put onto the skills.

  • Damage is insane and some hero kits are insane. Mix this is the insane CC and its really not that fun and removes skill. Instead of out playing you just overpower and you can do it simple with CC even. Some heroes just single handed nuke another hero without them being able to do a single thing (just damage or even throwing in CC). It isn’t fun at all to face an unstoppable force “Oh, sorry you don’t have someone to make you invulnerable?, you’re dead”.

HOTS can’t grow just like SWTOR can’t grow, the community, devs, funds, they all just keep on believing they know better and doing the same thing over and over again getting nowhere. You all like the game how it is, you are the ones preventing growth. You’re all insane, but gl … maybe more next gen heroes , cosmetics, maps will finally attract and keep players.

Mmmm they could stop banning people! Bring back the competitive scene and introduce more game modes rather than boss push, boss’s push, and ridable boss push. Oh, escort (one map) and Towers of doom (one map)

you hate the patriots? what a loser

I don’t feel that way at all. Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft were really rocky in their early days and both were saved by putting the right amount of effort into the right places. If HOTS underwent drastic changes - especially the one about improving gameplay accessibility - there’s no doubt in my mind that it would immediately pick up a ton of users.

It’s pretty rude to skip a large post and then make a massive post of your own.

The first thing I ask for is better character accessibility:

So no, not really.

Just stay with the game, bring new amazing heroes/talents/design/gameplay/etc from time to time, and promote it when the time comes. This game CAN climb.

D3 and WoW were not effectively officially terminated.

I understand that well, but I want you not to stop the challenge
To be a more nice game :smiley:

hello friends i have Trust Level 3 again and the following edit has been made to the OP:

this is the part where i relentlessly shill the other HOTS-adjacent thing that i’ve been working on lately: a Gazlowe rework!


It feels like it’s been climbing lately. There was a bit of an exodus after the big announcement, but I’ve noticed the various HOTS-related communities I’m a part of have been building up again.

Have they, now? Was there an announcement that I missed? They seem to still be on the launcher for me.

I’ll never stop challenging HOTS to be better :muscle:

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its a temporary thing even im playing a few games mostly out of boredom.

hots was a good game. was. now its so depopulated and they hadn’t shown any intention of stopping the ban bot abuse. im 90% sure they only let me stay so they can say see whe don’t ban hur dur. no they aren’t banning me they are just removing the posts as I go inactive on the forums. im at around 40 and this is all they say.

ive been begging them to stop the crap with the ban bot abuse and will continue to where ever I see it in a game. companies don’t understand its retarded to caiter to these snowflakes that are never happy. these same people have been tested and are the whole problem when they aren’t present everything goes smoothly and with no problems.

if me playing the village idiot gets this fixed I couldn’t be happier to play the village idiot its been 10 years since a decent multiplayer game that wasn’t ruined senselessly came out


HOTS continues to be a good game and, if the previous patches are any indication, continues to improve.

Although I won’t argue that it can’t be better.

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You can’t make it grow when you allow a system to exist that bans away players for standard gaming rhetoric. In a game centered around violence, death, and destruction; people have been getting account actions in large numbers for saying things as silly as “git gud”…It’s quite ludicrous. That’s a California-based company for you.

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why did you bump a topic that’s been dead for four months to whine about being banned

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It was a suggested topic.

ps git rekt

So I take it Rita Repulsa didn’t work…?

Edit: Just learned the actress Machiko Soga died in 2006. HOTS will NEVER grow now.