How To Make HOTS Grow

  1. Reduce q times by combining TL and HL

  2. Ban only AFK where they are AFK for say 10 games in a row at the start for most of the game and just use silence for salty people where they can still talk to their friends. Kicking off all the salty people has ruined the game and destroyed the player base with no new people joining to replace the leavers.

  3. Like Hearthstone, reduce the grind it takes to move up on lower levels. For example on silver and bronze, you only have 3 ranks to move up.

So for example you do 3 ranks in bronze, and you finally make silver and then you can’t fall back just like in Hearthstone, you move 3 ranks at a time and for example once you get to rank 15 you can’t fall back to rank 16.

Considering Blizzard owns both of these games, I don’t know why you can’t implement this change.

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The moral of the story is that HOTS doesn’t offer enough to the player to hook them and keep them hooked when all it has to do is make things more available. If it can manage to change that, then it’ll succeed in the long-term - just like its competitors have.

how many times do you people have to be told flat out the reason people don’t play anymore is the ban bot abuse? the game is in death spiral because league of inbreds and overwatch players aka the same communities demanded a ban bot with hots 2.0 which alpha players explititly told the first dev team would lead to all of this.


you have a ban wave. k everythings fine still plenty of players

5 ban waves alter. a huge chunk of the people who try are now banned for “flaming” -what a joke these snowflakes are-

now you have a mm that isn’t workin g right that needs to be changed that’s making people mad

another 5 ban waves praobly less now

same problem trash mm again because the people who care and actually try and again banned by feeder trolls who grief.

it just repeats over and over until there is nothing blizzard can do with out unbanning people that where banned over retarded bs and even then it wouldn’t matter as long as the ban bot stays since they are done now between this game overwatch and league of legends.

blizzard was told in alpha. the first dev team took it to heart. then 2,0 happened. I have several friends that where alpha testers this is exactly what lead to them being banned. eventually no matter how chill you are you get the ban hammer it took them 2-3 years in game for them to finally say enough.

you are basically playing a dead game with the people who are the problem and killed it at this point.

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Which is why we need HOTS to be easier to get into (see: Step 1).

Considering that they announced this at Blizzcon, I’m hoping this happens sooner rather than later.

This would run into the problem where you get people who make it to Rank X and then don’t fight to maintain Rank X. The solution would be to rely more heavily on MMR and have the Rank just be a number, but that begs the question of why you have the Ranks in the first place.

Do you have a source for that? I would love to see some evidence of those claims.

You know, I feel I can get pretty nasty during HOTS matches: getting on to people for playing recklessly, telling them to die less often, giving them a hard time for taking bad talents or Heroics, so on and so forth. I’m level 1150 (almost none of those levels being boosted by a stimpack 'cause I’m poor and unlucky) and I haven’t even been Silenced yet. I hear an awful lot of how easy it is to get Silenced or Banned in this game and honestly, I’m starting to think that the problem is just the people who got Silenced or Banned - not the system.

I think a better tactic would be getting more new blood in the system than unbanning toxic old blood, but you do you.

Which was a big mistake IMO.

Basic problem is that your PERSONAL rank determine OTHER 4players…
Simple if you play very well and have best dmg,exp,etc. from all 10 players but have one AFK/troll/noob in your team = you lost SAME rank point that players with 0 dmg, etc. SAD story!

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They need to fix the engine with all that money they’ve got. This game has no anti aliasing, how stupid is that!? The coding is poor and Blizzard games kill your hardware. This game uses more resources than Crysis 3 does at 4k which is just stupid.

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you don’t understand how this works everone of you don’t which is why you refuse to acknowledge the actual issue…

im trying to find the streamers name but there was a streamer that was banned 2ish years ago the devs had to manually un ban him his viewers wanted to test the system and mass reported it lierally doesn’t matter what you do there are only 2 condition for a ban

enough people reported you.
enough people are brats and as a result couldn’t handle anything you said up to gg just gg no gg ez and reported you.

this is why more people leave then stay I doubt blizzard would leave alpha posts up I can search the one guy and see if I see anything since I know hes banned he was a irl friend who was just a try hard who feel victim to this nonsense and handt had any issues until a year after 2.0 was in full swing for the above reasons he started having issues.


ya I cant find the guys posts which means they where removed this is the same garabge league of legends and riot games pulls and large chunck of the player base after 2.0 was from overwatch meaning league of legends players if you weren’t watching the streamers move when overwatch came out then I cant help you

as for the streamer who was a false ban im still looking for it.

ive been flagged about 20 odd times and had this account constantly put on hold cause the trolls im referring to think its funny or cant handle the truth doesn’t really matter which. I personally liked this game I find it unplayble for the same reasons I find league of legends and overwatch unplayable.

remember facebook who recently got flagged for false bans and lost stock value? or the youtube drama about this.

its not made up it does happen far to often even. again all that matters with these ban bots is how many people report you which means the more you play the more likely you are to be banned. if you saw some of the brain dead statements ive seen you would feel the same disgust me and my friends feel for these cancer cells.

in hots for example there is hl tl unranked qm and whats it called. the bs player vs npc mode.

all of my friends told me they saw this is so if you play ranked I know yo have seen it

“im here for fun teehee”

we got tl unranked qm and the edit in brawl it was called brawl that took way to long. and you choose hl aka ranked to “have fun”

do you not see the problem with that? “blizzard has no intention of even thinking about removing these game ruiners” is how my best friend put it.

he intentionally got his ban and if yoy wanted to test it I remember reading you could just report your main with alts over and over and verify it. long in over and over don’t play on the alts at all and just report the main while only playing on the main. youll get one soon enough as long as you remember to use the chat for little stuff. like gj gg and ty

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This game NEED reset MMR button! Simple reset to same position in matchmaking of a new account, not need global reset but individual reset is sufficient… Becose is bad if alt account have top diamand a and same player SAME SKILL have in other account silver…

How do you figure out a smurf from a main account?

How To Make HOTS Grow?
Give players freedom of speech and dont silence people for trash talk. When people dont like what the other Dudes are saying we have the fuction in this game call “mute”.
Prohibiting people from talking has never helped a system.
So please delete this stupid reporting system in which the talking is punished.

People are denied freedom of speech and that from a developer from the USA holy molly


There is no such thing as freedom of speech in a private company where they can set up their rules on their products that you are using.

I don’t know why you all even use this argument it’s not even funny.


People just do not like to repress so they go.
Sure you can do as company what ever you like to do but see what happend.
And yes its not funny to forbid people from speaking freely as company or Land.
When you prefer a system like this fine i cant so i go and play a game that me alowed speaking freely.

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game pretty much deserves to die. there has to be consequences for their horrible abusive penalty system. when my account is in jeopardy on the whim of some kid, im not going to spend $$$ no matter what.


Darling this is just one of the reasons I stopped spending scads of cash on this game. Also as aside, someone posting in these threads is a notorious player on the ANZ who has at least 20 alt accounts who throws games from Master rank all the way to Bronze.

This person used to just level up another smurf to master, but with the rank changes he just started buying masters accounts and doing the same. He’s never been punished and is posting in threads about how this game deserves to die and anyone playing is stupid. Where he single handedly destroyed thousands of matches by gaming the badly designed punishment system.

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As long as the matchmaking is as horrible as it is, the game will never thrive.

I’m level 600-something in this game. About 300 of those levels came with like 6 heroes (kerrigan, Artanis, muradin , Diablo accounting for nearly 250 of them).

I’ve been playing the game since the Artanis release and I think over half the roster I have at level 1.

I just like playing the game and want them to keep the servers up. If it won’t grow, fine. If they release 1 hero a year for the next five years, fine. There is so much more for me to do just with what is already available. I’d be fine if they kept a skeleton crew on to support the game.

But if they flat kill it and shut down the servers, they will never get my business again. EVER!

And I’m not bluffing. I’m only one man, but I’ll never buy an activision/blizzard game again if they shut off the servers.

This from a lifelong Gillette shaving products user who stopped (permanently) buying their products the day that the hated patriots put the Gillette name on foxborough stadium.

Saw this after making a thread about a friend and I deciding to leave after coming back. None of the points highlighted in the op really impacted my experience at all. If I had to create a list, it’d look something like

A.) Match quality. I lost most of my matches but I didn’t mind that, I lost a lot for a long time on OW and other games until I improved. But with HoTS what stood out to me was that all of my matches, with only a few exceptions, were pretty one-sided and I’m including the games that I won in that list. Que times are already long for me and when you combine that with lopsided matches it gives the impression that the matchmaker is just an afterthought (which going from google and forum posts seems to be the opposite sadly).

B.) No /surrender. It’s an old horse, it’s been beaten to death, but if you’re going to throw lopsided matches at me after long que times then I don’t feel bad for wanting a /surrender so that I can at least move on. I play games to have fun, I don’t owe blizzed a turn around in my match, 1/20 times a turn around might happen and that’s neat but it means there were 19/20 times that I was forced to just sit there and feel unhappy because otherwise I get a penalty for leaving.

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You’re going to have to explain what you’re talking about.

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with what you’re talking about. I’m going to remain skeptical until you show some proof. Keep in mind: I’m not saying that you’re lying because it certainly sounds plausible, but I’m also not going to buy what you’re selling until I see it myself.

Not to be rude, but I think your habit of making derogatory statements about these people that you don’t agree with (such as calling them “cancer cells”) might have something to do with it.

Harsher punishments for smurf accounts and/or outright deletions of smurf accounts would probably be better.

Most people admit it as a point of pride or something.

Y’know, I’m hesitant to listen to someone whose name is uncomfortably close to a racial epithet.

Also, there’s a pretty big difference between taking away someone’s right to express themselves peacefully and opting out from reading their text messages because they’re being unpleasant.


The matchmaking would be better if we had more players.

As I said to someone else: the more people playing the game, the better the match quality will be. Step 1 would directly improve general match quality (and drastically so) by A) bringing in more people and B) allowing people to play the characters that they’re most comfortable with instead of being forced to grind or rely on the Free Rotation.

I’ve been playing MOBAs for a long, long time. In DotA and LoL, I can recall a major comeback happening maybe… three times, total.

In HotS, it’s happened more times than I can count.

HotS does not need a surrender option. What it needs is better rewards for hard-fought games (like extra gold/xp/mmr) and loss forgiveness (aka if the losing team had an AI and it died at any point, then the loss doesn’t count against the team’s gold/xp/mmr).


Lmao pretty accurate.