How to hit alarak's combo all the time?

Vector Targeting 101

i try to pull towards me or the opposite far away where they’re going or to my team.

Butt hug your teammates and let them take the punishment, then you can combo easily.

I’m sure Cain will be here soon to give you more information. That guy is a master at Alarak. Soooo. Just be patient.


Start with his E (with complete quest talent) to slow your target, then perform the combo. Hiding in the brushes also works.

Mastering how to use telekinesis will generally enable you to land it almost all the time with a few exceptions like with maiev’s jump.


Pull and immediately cast in the direction they should be pulled to. Compensate for whether you take OPplied Force or not.

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Put W onto on release, and Q on either release or quick, then do the following.

Click, Drag, Q, done.

practice in try mode until you get the feel for it, and keep in mind you can pull targets through you if you’re close enough.

Note, not a master at Alarak, I just play him a lot.


Level 57 Alarak here.

Wouldn’t recommend taking Extended Lightning if you’re a novice Alarak. Chances are you won’t complete the talent, and you will have succeeded in doing little else besides nerfing your own damage. You should almost always take Sustaining Power (better sustain = better solo lane) unless you need the range and can almost always complete Extended Lightning to reverse the Sadism loss. Examples of range being helpful are needing a channel interrupt on Towers of Doom or Cursed Hollow, a mostly backline team (take full E build here), etc.

As for landing the combo, it’s really just practice. There isn’t some crazy trick to doing it. When casting the W, click and drag toward you, let go, and immediately cast your Q in that direction. It helps to put Q onto Quick Cast as well.


Level 50 Alarak here.
I really appreciate your comment, but i think this is just matter of how you prefer your playstyle, personally i find more useful Extended ligthing because not only apply slows, also increase range and provides a bridge to the best Alarak’s build currently, yea, there is a possibility of never acomplished but c’mon, you gonna use Alarak only in cordinate play when you know that the enemy be as 4 or 5 mostly of the time. Also QM is a true hell to Alarak, i know because i spend a LOT of time there and is really a bad place to train your highlord, however i miss the point here, the truth is Alarak’s combo is just one perception of him, several times you need to wait to use your W to help your teammates when they cast something like AOE habilities, so even when is important to know how to use the combo, i recomment practice it with slowed opponents and Extended lightning is the key to do that, also 40% of Alarak is catch some fool in the middle of you Q so it is not a bad idea to start to training as soon as it possible, however that is just my opinion and a variety of opinions always is something positive.


THANK YOU. Dear god, I hate it when alaraks do this, it’s the same concept for every hero with a quest, if you can’t complete it don’t get it.

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Honestly, the 10 Sadism isn’t that big a difference, and getting the larger range and slow is. Hitting 5 heroes with center hits is pretty easy, and once you have the range, you have a much better chance of hitting three to complete the quest, or getting to 15 for the slow. Although few things feel as rewarding as completing the quest early, the trade-off on a minor spell power increase for a better E is worth it to me.

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How often do you think I get alaraks that actually finish.

10% is about on EVERYTHING is still noticeable.

Using everything on one hero is 650, which means 10% less would be 585, which, sure, is basically an auto attack, but this also applies to healing.

Not to mention the other talents that you give up picking here, one is CDR on high health which is easy to accomplish, that amounts to 4.8 CD on lightning surge, 9.6 CD on telekensis, and 6.4 discord strikes.

The other is straight up more healing, which helps if you’re playing in the offlane.

I’m not saying that the quest ISN’T good it’s that it’s worse than just picking a talent if you can’t complete it because it makes you worse off than when you started.

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The damage you lose isn’t 10%, but 5%, so it isn’t as bad as you think. The Sadism lost is 10%.

Edit: The range on E you gain just from hitting 5 heroes is often worth it, as you can hit more people, and hit people from a safer distance, putting Alarak at less risk, and making his poke more effective overall.

HELLO! Level 176 here.

I set everything to Quick Cast on Alarak, but it’s recommended to use release on his W for accurate pulls.

When you point on the target, hit W, drag them to your direction then quickly hit Q. I emphasize when comboing on him is getting skilled in how fast you’re able to land it.

Every millisecond counts whether a mobile (Tracer/Genji) will escape Alarak or get crushed during Silence.

Remember, Telekinesis can also be used for mobility. Press Alt then W towards the direction of your cursor.

Applied Force talent increases the range/pull of Telekinesis for pure combos. If you want to do more DPS- Hindered Motion offers this approach & synergize with Mocking Strikes at later time.

Finally, keep practicing his combos where it becomes second nature on Alarak. You will get used to it in time.


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Hi guys thanks for all your responses! I think I just need way more practice. But I really hate the feeling when I miss the combo, I always feel like the teamfight was lost cos of me (and it probably was).

Maybe I should use a more forgiving hero lol…

There is also a lesser combo that has it’s uses:

Self-cast W + Q.

The idea is to push yourself into range for a Q. It’s not always ideal, but when you need to close the distance quickly, it can be incredibly useful.

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Dont bother landing the combo.
Just pick Applied Force and watch how everyone run away from you.

(jk, but this talent is bs :D)

I usually get the slow talent at 7 to help land it consistently. Pull towards discord first because it has shorter range then lightning.

Just aim correctly. Don’t overshoot by pulling too close from your position because they might end up behind you (more chance of this happening with applied force).

I’m not entirely sure but you don’t have to pull them all the way. It can be a short pull too or you can wait until they run away so you pull them at max range.