How to hit alarak's combo all the time?

I usually get the slow talent at 7 to help land it consistently. Pull towards discord first because it has shorter range then lightning.

Just aim correctly. Don’t overshoot by pulling too close from your position because they might end up behind you (more chance of this happening with applied force).

I’m not entirely sure but you don’t have to pull them all the way. It can be a short pull too or you can wait until they run away so you pull them at max range.

Practice and self improvement :+1:

To me it’s similar to Kerrigan, as soon as you use your W you Q into where the W should be pulling to. It should be that you if your miss your W you end up missing your pre loaded Q, not that you waited to see if your W landed before Q’ing.

LVL 575 Alarak here ,

If your targets Collision-Circle (red circle around him) is inside your Telekinesis range ( yellow circle around you) , he gets hit by Telekinesis. If he is not zigzaging a direct pull will always hit. Even with Applied force.
If he is zigzaging, you could miss him. Delay your Q a bit after the pull.
Get the lvl 7 slow talent (Hindered Motion) for a bigger combo chance.

For a even greater hitchance, there are a few things to consider:
Enemy Hero’s abilities to trigger (maiev’s jump / LiMings Teleport /… )
Allied Hero’s abilities to combo with (Diablos charge / Garrosh’s throw/… ) [ Pull+wait for them]
Enemy Hero’s abilities that make it impossible to hit Combo: (ETC Facemelt / Raynors Q / …)

Without W:

Skillshot so that the enemy is “between your little stin and your big sting” so you could only miss if he just stops moving.

With Deadly Charge:
Charge Exactly behind enemy and spam your Q while youre flying.

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