How to be excited over anything?

Lets see:

  • balance patches with more than a month distance between one another
  • no hero entire year(in 2015 I remember one time they announced 2 heroes in 1 big patch)
  • bad and flawed heroes not touched for years
  • skins are basically copied from OW
  • no maps
  • reworks mostly make the heroes outright better instead of different(valla 1 button 1v5 win at the start)
  • 97% winrate 5 man stacks in QM
  • in storm league everyone is either 49%-50% winrate with 15k games or 75% winrate with 200 games. Everyone has 5 different accounts to smurf on and master players still die to towers
  • silence system that is gonna inevitably silence you after you point out your suicidal teammates that cant handle being reminded that they died in the same way 13 times in a row. Honestly thats not even a big deal with everyone having 5 accounts they can switch between.
  • Halloween event and skins missing 10 days after Halloween
  • might as well reach 2 months without patch at this rate
  • blizzard getting sued(very hypocritically too since these are the guys that would remove “sexual” quotes from their games and lose ties with anyone that is even suspected of being sexist)

So tell me what should I be exited for??



How? This can only happen against AI-level players.

Because, you know, the game is all about TEAMplay.

This happenes in EVERY f2p game.


There is an expression that goes something like “make your own fun”, the same applies with expectations and “excitement.”

It’s well known HOTS is now a classic game with a small team that looks after many titles. If you can’t alter your expectations, then you’re probably going to be frustrated and perhaps it’s best for you to find another game to play.

  • A strong roster of heroes, all of which are viable, although some will always be stronger than others.
  • A good variety of play styles in all roles, meaning you can generally find a hero you like.
  • Several game modes, so if you like a chance at balanced comps, you can play draft, and if you just want to let your freak flag fly, you can play QM.
  • Some incredibly creative and beautiful skins and mounts. Skinergy is winergy!
  • Some of the best voice acting in the genre (I’m looking at you, the VA behind Tyrael!).
  • Multiple maps, so every match feels different, and different types of strategies can come into play.
  • Godswaps never get old.

While it is true that this game is well past its Golden Age, I still find it fun and rewarding to play. Remember, some people see a glass as half-empty, some see it as half-full.

Me, I see people carrying drinks and figure there has got to be a pitcher of margaritas around somewhere!


Quite simple, if you’ve experienced games with online feature like CC Generals or Warcraft III, where you don’t get content patches, only fixes and you could still enjoy the game in the past. But I understand that this is hard, when you have other games from the same genre as LoL with better support, but still it’s possible.

I know what you mean, but that’s not true though and we both know it, because maintence mode =! classic mode. The former is a game isn’t playable, because it’s in maintence, but classic is, but just almost without support.


Being exited or not being is a choice of human.

I’m not exited. It doesn’t mean you should be too. The choice is yours after all.


Don’t have the link now but the dev on reddit already said new content patch is coming ‘soon’.

So probably around the time the season ends. Even if it’s just balance patches, that’s fine.

edit - Nevermind, found it.

Rest assured that the Heroes team is diligently working on finalizing the next patch and we will release it as soon as we can. We love you all and greatly appreciate your patience.


This isn’t really true.

Historically, the devs have been very good about maintaining patch consistency.

This patch is taking longer, but it will (hopefully) be a content patch. Those take a bit longer than balance patches to push out.


Personal achievements. Epic wins, highest leveled hero, Come backs, not playing on BhB.

  1. Didn’t check but prob true. Sad.
  2. The year can still have a new Hero (but true, that even 1/year is pretty bad and not even that 1 is guaranteed).
  3. Which Heroes?
  4. Skins are not copied from OW. OW fans often complained about HotS getting better ones.
  5. You mean no new. True. But i think the current 15(?) is more than enough.
  6. Reworks often touch Heroes that became bad, so making them better is fixing them.
    New Heroes/Reworks are often op (not for sinister or greedy reasons), but they’re balanced after 1-2 patch. Which is slower now and that’s not good, agree.
  7. That high winrate only happens in low pop servers due to a few smurfs abusing the situation.
  8. In SL, I saw many different winrates, but the general idea is either having 48-52% wr (stagnating) or higher/lower if ppl climb/fall. Only natural.
    Like smurfs should have high winrate as long as they beat ppl below their true skill lvl.
  9. I’m an active player for almost 7 years, I often chat ingame, adding advices, shotcalling, pointing out mistakes (sometimes even getting in pity fights with flamers), I was never silenced.
  10. I miss Halloween a lot as well.
  11. I’m missing any point here.
  12. Big companies contain a lot of ppl. Ppl are half angel half demon. So there are bad ppl, the more ppl you “have”, the more likely there’ll bad ones. Traits considered “bad” can help getting more power/money, which has corrupting proporties of its own.
    This game has nothing to do with how some dudes were pigs in a big company. They didn’t work on HotS from what I know.

Okay I’m back…

I see you guys proved my point. I asked what I should be exited for but instead of giving me something, what people did is just tell me that the issues I have with the game are either exaggerated/aren’t real/exist in every game so it doesn’t matter( :smile: fanboys). So basically nothing then…?

Imagine having to resort to trolling because you lost the argument fight. If you want to discuss this subject then at least make a proper comment that prove people wrong insteed of resorting to trolling.

Calling people fanboys just proves you have no intend at having a proper discussion and then resort to name calling casue you lost the fight.

Give me a reason why people should take your thread serious now after you showed your true face.


Alright bro, I’m not sure what you expect here. If you don’t want to play this game, don’t. Simple. You’re not joined at the hip.


OP should just stop playing Hots. seems like a toxic player, good riddance for the rest of us.


Did I said that I hate you? :joy:

Not since yesterday :slight_smile:

Some people accept the situation that HotS is in while others whine and choose to be negative. This is a well known consequence of HotS being relegated into a classic game.

Again. Read above. If you personally can’t get excited with the game’s current cadence, I suggest you find another game to mix up your repertoire.

There are 90 heroes in the game. The “bad” Heroes don’t always mean they need a full rework. Some do of course, but not necessarily. Besides rework, and making maps and skins, take a lot of development power. And skins being copies from OW?? What did you just join at the OW cosplay event? If so then you hardly have any rights to talk about this.

By all means, 1v5 an enemy team as Valla, clip it, and post it here. And the goal of a rework isn’t to make the hero different, it is to make them better, healthier, sometimes more accessible and/or easier to balance.

Okay so a team game shouldn’t allow people to play together with their friends? Sure they can implement some rules about 5 man only going up against other 5 man, but then you’ll come back here and complain that the queue is too long and yada yada yada.

Okay and? 50% win rate is perfectly normal? If it’s higher than that then they’re probably partying and going up against solos or duos. If your problem is with partying then see above argument. Sure you can separate it into Hero and Team league again but don’t whine when queue times sky rocket.

I’ll admit the silence and reporting system is a pain in this game. The best advice I can give is just to control yourself and not say anything.

Again, the developers are split between all the classic games so they don’t have the resources or time to necessarily make new events. Even though recycling events seem like a minor thing to do, we don’t know why goes on in there with crappy management and the likes holding back.

Yeah well then so be it. Be grateful they’re still making patches.

I do hope this isn’t you defending SA in Blizzard. You have to start somewhere with the small things before the big changes. Changing sexual quotes is terrible in its own but if it paves the way for larger changes then by all means.

And the company should cut ties with anyone doing Sexual Harassment when proven.

TL;DR why the hell are you asking other people what makes you excited? At this point it’s a matter of you needing to learn how to manage your expectations instead of lashing out at the developers. The truth is you’re not entitled to anything and certainly not how often a classic game needs to pump out content to make you happy.

Oh so now it’s other people’s responsibility to get you hard for a game you already don’t like? How childish can you be?

The reality is what the reality becomes. And that is the fact that HotS lost significant resources and support to continue making big new contents. At this point if you’re still complaining about that then that’s on you for not being able to come to terms with reality.

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So tell me what should I be exited for??

Nothing. You must be at peace with the state of the game because I doubt many of these things would change anytime soon.

I personally just play the game cuz I have fun doing so. I like the Heroes, the playstyles/kits and how they represent the characters I know.
If you need constant excitment (hype for something new), then this game is not for you atm.

Huge +1. Also: Johanna :heart_eyes: