How Many laps of the game board have you done?

I’ve been playing HotS a bit lately, but 0. not playing this stupid event.

Waaaaah, I don’t like free gold and loot chests!


Once for 4 accounts, so I guess technically 4 times lol…tedious, but I got some nice xmas mounts and skins…so am not complaining. Doing a 2nd round on one account as am playing with the bf on it.

I haven’t even completed 1 tbh, I just haven’t had the patience to play QM or URD.

Don’t pay attention to the rolls. Just hit the button and then close it up top with the X. The quest will be right there. Spending time looking at the dice roll is just a waist when you could of already been in an AI game.

Get a group of people together with AI boost.

For XP Contribution games - Use TLV to just soak lanes. can easily get this done in 1 game on adept or 2 games on beginner.

For Siege use Hammer ( or any other specialist. knock down everything including the walls/wells/structures. Harass heroes off and go for clearing the wave as you get the contribution for that).

Multi kill is easy. Just mob with the rest of the team on AI beginner

The only one that is the longest for sure is the Win 3 games. For the other ones that want you to win with a support or a warrior, just use your lowest level support or warrior so you can get the extra boxes for leveling them

In fact set it up so your list displays heroes close to leveling and just use them in order to complete objectives. If you are partied with 4 other people who have boosts you can generate about 10 boxes an hour this way.

I’m on my fourth lap, and I really love this game board. Stoked to hear it’s extendee to Febuary. :slight_smile:
One of the things I have come to like about it, is the diversifying heroes I play to complete the quests have started to grow on me. Especially Ragnaros for the siege damage and EXP quests, which surprised me.

Granted, I have to mute pings a lot since folks thinks putting me in a teamfight at like, level 2 is a good idea (it’s really not) but beyond that pretty grand.

Valla have grown on me with basic attack quest. Wrecking the place with her. Same with Dehaka when there’s 8 Merc camps taken quest, and Mephisto for spell damage quest. Never really used any of these that much before this event.

I almost passed my 2nd lap but I rollled one for the first time and I’m one jump away to finish it, lol.

Currently got 3 complete round iirc.

0 and it will remain at 0. I’ve uninstalled the game after the frustration that is QM.

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Have you tried it again with the new QM rules? Longer queue but better team comps from my experience.

Should honestly only quest farm if you are doing versus AI for the instant que times. Doing it any other way is hit or miss and wait times are atrocious

QM is so awful right now, the game is borderline unplayable.

I’d take long queue times if it meant better games, but the games I’m getting right now are worse than even before the matchmaking changes.

  1. I’ve been busy since the event started :sob:
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How in the hell did you guys get over 6 laps? I’m still at 3, nearing my fourth today.

Where can I buy enough spare time to finish at least 5 laps… .-.

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I haven’t even finished 1 lap :frowning:

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You can finish event quests in as little as one game that lasts less than 10 minutes. I’m surprised so many here have less than 5 laps.

Wow I feel like such a freak… I’m at 14 laps LOL, I’ve been using my Holiday break to its best! That said… STILL NO FRICKIN STITCHES OR UNICORN! I’ve gotten a crap ton of D.VA skin… the game has been trolling me with the D.VA legendary skins, I don’t even like playing her! I’ve gotten Valeera and the lion thing mounts and the green Dehaka-saur skin. At some point I may just cave in with buying if I see another D.VA legendary skin…

I am at 2150 shards at least…


14 also.

I wonder if there’s a limit. :thinking:

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Would be probably 5 if QM worked as intended.

You can farm pve. There’s no waiting time.

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