How does Gold 3 ban over a Plat 5?

I’m at Plat 5 currently (700 rank points) - just got out of a SL match and a Gold 3 with about the same 700 rank points was banning. How is this possible? i’m 50% win rate in about 500 games this season. I do get a -12 rank adjustment every game, with about 50-52% win rate, for the past 8 seasons. Is the MMR and rank system that broken?

I checked his win rate, it was right at about 50% as well. What am i missing here???

Highest MMR bans, so that Gold 3 must have had a higher MMR somehow. Perhaps they had dropped rank by leaving draft a few times, so the MMR is much higher than the visible rank. I’ve seen similar in my own SL games.


Did you happen to see if he was in a party?

I’m beginning to notice that the system is prioritizing letting party leaders ban even in games where their MMR isn’t the highest.

I’ve noticed this in dozens of my games over the last few weeks, it happens enough that it can’t be a fluke or something off with HoTSlogs.

It looked like he was in a 2-man party with another friend. i’ve seen a few times with a difference of a few games or even a rank, but thats the first time i’ve seen 3 full ranks banning above me

hes in gold elo hell lime my friend was before his ban.

basically he plays well but gets to many trolls so even though his mmr is sky high he loses most of his promos to trolls. im having similar issues with silver even though im not silver because of the team vs solo ranked that my budy had.

ive had a 3 man with a garrosh int sabotage the game by throwing a Johana into the middle of our team… they picked tychus into Johana arty and lili after I picked Raynor so we could push the lanes.

ive banned despite a player being in a party. hots is a best guess not a fact of the matter.