How do you improve your MMR?

This season I placed Silver 4 last season I got placed Silver 2 went to Gold 4 last season. This seasons placement games I was 5-5…

Last season when I dropped to Silver 1 (after a bad run) everytime I won I got positive personal rank adjustment till I went back up. This season everytime I win I get nothing. It’s like my MMR dropped an entire rank despite being level 700 and been placed between Silver 2/Gold 4 ever since they did the last MMR reset.

Now what I want to know is how I can improve my MMR? My smurf account was Plat 5 and I know my main account is older so shouldn’t move to much in MMR but I don’t get how this season my MMR dropped so much that with this terrible season placement I am not getting personal rank adjustment.

In my region there is no UR and I play ranked when its not a 10+ minute queue but QM is horrible and you get unwinnable matches. I would have to presume this would kill your MMR with each loss. So what is the best way to increase it?

:smiley: sorry u’re great player

Thanks man. I’m trying to lay off the rum while playing but :stuck_out_tongue:

Learn to carry. Unfortunately, that means playing dps classes so that you can compensate for that Raynor who is doing less dmg than your healer.

Just play matches. You want your MMR to be where your skill level resides. If your MMR goes too high, you’re not going to be able to win matches. If it goes too low, you’re going to start stomping people.

If you’re averaging about 50% in your last 50 games, you’re probably where you should be.

What you really should be looking to do is to improve your skill. Your MMR will follow.


While it is possible to have big impact with a specialist (now known as support) or a tank (as evidenced by Danatan’s Arthas climb), the vast majority of this game’s high MMR population are assassin mains as evidenced year after year on the GM leaderboard.

Knowing macro and having good decision making isn’t enough to climb. You have to also be really good on a micro level on heroes, preferably assassins.

Killing enemy heroes so they have to back off from the objective and you get one step closer to the enemy core, is one of the most efficient ways of ‘carrying’ in HotS (besides the basics such as soaking XP and defending lanes)

If you watch any Bronze 5 to GM challenge series, the player is almost without exception picking assassins every game. They average 15 to 25 kills every match with 0-1 deaths.
They are so skilled on a micro level they can get away with winning 1v2 or even 1v3 fights and force the enemy to back off from tributes, temples, altars etc.

Micro skills include evasion of enemy abilities and AA’s in close range combat, stutter stepping perfectly (big extra damage), body blocking a retreating enemy while attacking them, etc… The difference between even a classic hero like Valla when played by a competent GM is lightyears away from the average Bronze 4 playing her.

Unfortunately I’m not that good to carry (Plat is my highest rank). In my level and region we tend to get a lot of rainbow ranked matches when you finally get some. You get people that don’t know how to time camps. Not fight down talent/people. I tried to improve on that because I prefer non DPS roles.

Hard to improve if the matchmaking keep throwing him against someone who is out of his league though.

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On the contrary. That is the only way to ever improve. How would you get better as a player, if not by playing against people better than you?

Football teams in lower divisions have practice matches against higher league teams.
They rarely win (almost never) but they get very valuable experience by playing against people more skilled than themselves.

How could you ever improve in skill by constantly beating bronzes and silvers? How can you ever become high MMR, except by eventually beating high MMR’s yourself?

I got horribly beaten by high MMR’s when I was new (due to MMR averaging you play against them quite a lot). I analyzed my replays and tried to learn why I died so much against them. It took me 2+ years to even hit Diamond for the first time. It was a very slow gradual process.


Yeah, but one doesn’t improve if he got stomped so hard by someone who is 4 or 5 tier ahead him.

For example: If Bronze 5 vs Bronze 3, the game will take at least 20 minutes to finish, and in those 20 minutes, maybe Bronze 5 and Bronze 3 will learn something from that.

However, if Bronze 5 vs GM, the game will most likely take 10 minutes to finish, and in the entire game, the poor Bronze will do is just staring at the death timer at his fountain until his core got destroyed. In that situation, how is he going to improve when all he experienced was “instant delete” when he walk out his base?

I agree. I’ve been in those stomps and it’s horrible. When you are silver you don’t learn anything from dying 15 times against a 6000 points Master. They can barely walk out of the fort gates without being stunlocked and killed.

The game should only ever match you against someone 1-2 leagues above you. Not 3 or 4+.
There is a lot a Silver 1 can learn from losing against a platinum 4.

But matching him against a Diamond 1 will just lead to a one sided stomp most of the time, which isn’t a learning experience. Even if you analyzed the replay for hours the silver 1 would likely not understand what was going on.

What do you guys think is better. Having a smaller hero pool and try to one trick or a wider array of heroes. I’ve been trying to “master” them all. Some I can’t do any good with no matter how much a i try but I have improved my pool quite a bit lately (Late night QM isn’t a real good test though)

Also a side note: So today I managed to get quite a few wins after 2 AFK’s in a row which dropped me to Silver 5 but just progressed to Silver 3 with a killer win streak. Then lost a couple of matches (Someone last picked Valeera on tomb and had less damage and kills then me on Johanna) and got negative personal rank adjustment.

To me it feels like it turns out this season it’s trying to pull me down to even lower ranks. Last season at Silver 1 I was getting positive rank adjustment. If feels like the game really wants to make you play smurf accounts. Or maybe I’m just getting worse/angry (wangry?) and time to give up the game. Sorry about the rant!

Being able to play all Main tanks will improve your mmr. Learn and know all of heroes talents would also be great.

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Yes, matchmaking is awful, but you can always aim to improve your own skill regardless of how imbalanced the teams may be.

Because of the law of averages, your MMR will find its true home eventually.

MMR isn’t something you should want to improve. It’s your skill level that you want to improve instead.

Play with friends, find friends who are good players.

That’s literally the best way to improve your MMR.

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They need rework/redesign ranked gameplay

This thread just proved one of my points I wrote some time ago that “while getting better” you have about 2 games (in a row) out of 50 in order to “keep it higher” and do “realistic improvement practice”, lose those 2 games and a series of at least 15 games loss in the next 20 is on the run to happen

That’s the way ranked works = lost the promo game that was about to “kickstart” you to “new heights” you’ve never been before ? = time to test whether you really deserve/d it in the first place… During those games you’ll get:

  • Trolls
  • AFK
  • Selfish players that don’t care about rest of team’s weaknesses/strengths
  • Get matched with 4 predominantly ranged assassins (2 of which exclusively play only that) in draft
  • Couple of DCs on one of your best WR% maps just so in order to be tossed on your worst % WR map
  • Get a couple of DCs during a determining teamfight yourself (at a time a “convenient update” gets started via a background process)
  • Heck if all that wasn’t working to put you down “in your place” how about a “convenient” DC during draft phase of yourself (that certainly results in a “much wanted” -600 pts) to put you “in your place” again

Soooo yes, the game’s got quite a few “tools” at it’s disposal to “test your faith” before finally “allowing” you climb back and try again… ALAS, the problem though is = what’s the bloody point in being “held down at all cost” just so that you get 2 games chance to “prove yourself worthy” of progress to the Matchmaker

That being said = the “MMR compensation BS” should be put to an end and just rank/group people by rank and have them “slaughter the sh*t out of themselves” in a “closed loop” = i.e.:

Something reminescent to real-life’s leagues of team-games… If you got higher than you were ever before = congrats, you have a couple of weeks (or even up to a month) to practise/improve/proove-worthy and able to survive-longer/stay

Had even a document written about this, regardless, without getting into details, RANKED really needs to be reworked… EVEN IF the game’s finding faster matches or “better matched”, the role change was just one very-much-needed change in order to make things work but at the end of days it certainly should feel different than other playing modes in the game

Should have a leaderboard/stat-board, tournament-like-feel, rewards, maybe once game’s improved to be better again even playoffs/crucibles but that’s a bit far “pushing the limits” and certainly a “huge amount of dreamwork” ATM

Couldn’t agree more about the rework.
Have you got a link to your thread. Ill have a read. I did see this post the other day but i didn’t realised it effected your overall MMR until i saw it happen for myself.

I would but non of my friends play anymore. Even the ones whom i meet on the game.

It’s best to practice other Heroes just in case, yes. But it’s not to be expected to have them all mastered at once, if you have some good comfort picks that you play very well with, then best go for them. I’d say try to prioritize Warriors and Assassins.

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This is the link: How to Fix?/Save RANKED PLAY in Heroes of the Storm (Documented version) - #9 by Lostariel-21800

But it may be kinda overwhelming so linked you the last post where I tried to summarize my work… Either way if interested, go to the opening post of the topic and try to read the whole thing… It may not be factually worth much cause it’s based upon hypotheses but that’s what Blizz actually gave us most of the time regarding the MM

Consider yourself warned though cause I had quite a “writing burst” of what to say first, so yah = may be written in a confusing manner as a result, but think overall you’d understand :slight_smile:

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Problem is, you are on mercy of the matchmaker. Which is kind of random.
Last 4 games, I had a leaver/afker in team. Last game, he left after first 15 seconds and never came back.
No matter how hard we tried, it’s just not possible to win the game with an AI, unless the enemy is bad/screws up colossally.

Which they didn’t.
This game seriously needs harsher punishments for afk/leavers or loss forgiveness for people who are in team with such players.