I can survive very well, very very very well
But it’s null and void if I can’t damage anyone can anyone assist me?
I’m not usually up for suggestions I don’t particularly like asking for help but I’ve got no idea how he deals damage
Oh and no I’m taking “press w boom damage” for answer XD
In short - as a tank, you shouldn’t care, but as Anub there is this itch to finish people, plus you might end up in the bruiser role.
Check out my match history from yesterday and if it seems respectable for you, watch some. Or simply copy my talents. https://www.heroesprofile.com/Match/History/?blizz_id=7457748&battletag=Aphandra®ion=2
Last, but not least, if you take beetles into the enemy Kael, you can deal a lot of damage to your own team. Does that count?
Also, Cocoon is over-over-over-overrated. Supposedly you draft Anub because of Cocoon and W, but in my experience these are his worst options. Then again, I play a lot of Anub, my only tank really. Also, I’m of mediocre skill but according to stats, it’s the same up there.
It’s really not. It’s an easy 5 v 4. You literally shutdown a target for a few seconds, which is huge. Sure I don’t expect lower ranks to use it that well, but I also don’t expect the enemy team to kill the cocoon
I don’t do ranked. Not as in I don’t play it I used to but not anymore and I can’t remember what it was (I mainly played auriel and diablo so kinda irrelevant)
It also depends on the scenario I’m in and frame of mind one day I’m a God the next day common scum
@all of you
Thank you for the input by what I’ve read it’s clear what I’m doing was a decent thing to do. I don’t particularly like relying on allies like he does but hey oh well
The most important thing to remember with Anub’arak, or any hero for that matter, is to be constantly weaving in auto-attacks. As a tank, you almost always have something in range, so you should be able to hit things consistently. While his AAs do not have the power of something like a Stukov, that damage does rack up if you are doing it all the time.
In addition, his level 13 talents do give him extra damage. I typically prefer Urticating Spines if they are clumpy, or Burning Beetles otherwise. Acid-Drenched Mandibles just isn’t that good in comparison, so don’t bother with it.
Even without beetle talents, your beetles can do a decent amount of damage, so remember to position yourself in such a way that they will attack heroes, rather than wandering off to a lane to hit minions.
Oh hell no. Unless it is a huge map where you won’t be team fighting that much, and need more push, Cocoon is one of the best heroics in the game. The key to using it is timing and target selection. I typically save it to negate enemy heroics, especially things like Tychus’ Odin, Muradin’s Avatar, Morales’ Stim, or Stitches’ Gorge. It can also wreck an enemy engage when they have a front line healer like Kharazim or Rehgar.
And that is probably the main thing to keep in mind with Cocoon, you don’t have to use it to start a fight, but when there is high value to be gained by removing someone from the fight. The enemy team will either have to change targets, or you have an easy 4v5. I have a lifetime win rate of 60% in ranked play on him, and I think I have taken Locust Swarm maybe one time, and that was on Warhead Junction.
It’s not so much that Locust Swarm is a bad talent, it is perfectly fine, it is mostly that Cocoon can be a game changer. Rewind is the same at 20. His other talents are really strong, but Rewind is just in a class all by itself.
It is kind of like saying, “Here, you can drive this Toyota Prius. It is safe, reliable, efficient, and will get you to where you are going. Ooooorrrr, you can drive this Ferrari!”
I think this is a really good example to explain the difference between talents. Some people sometimes don’t get what we mean when we say that some talents are just that good. Most say “but I like the other one better/I have higher winrate with the other one”. It’s just like you said, any car can get you where you wanna go, even that very old car, but nothing like using one that is faster and is much more confortable.
If you want to use the ferrari, you would have to drive it faster than the Prius otherwise it serves no purpose. But if trying to drive faster makes you crash your Ferrari, it is worse that driving the Prius more slowly. Depending on what you want it may be interesting the Prius for now. If at some point, you want to drive faster, you will certainly need to drive the Ferrari even if you crash at the beginning.
Not exactly true. One of the key things to remember with tank offensive heroics, such as Mosh, Cocoon, or Gorge, is that the knowledge that the tank has that available will affect how you can engage into them. Having everyone jump onto a Mosh ETC is suicide, so he can force your positioning by not using it.
It is similar with Cocoon, and not with Locust Swarm. If you know Anub can remove someone from the fight, you may want to hold off popping Odin, which changes the fight dynamic.
To go back to the analogy, if the person next to you has a Ferrari, even if they aren’t moving, you know you don’t want to challenge them to a race!
Of course, if the majority’s of the time, there were no race, I would agree. But the vast majority of the time, there is a race and you ability to drive the Ferrari faster without crashing it is crucial.
You are missing the point. During a team fight, just the threat of having Cocoon impacts how the fight plays out, even if you never use it. Locust Swarm, not so much.
This is the classic case of “git gud” tbh.
You don’t need to drive the ferrari at 300KM/h right away, but if you never practice driving it, you’ll always be stuck on your old car, which might break and leave you on foot here and there.
So, basically all talents can work, but some are just way better and will give you an increased chance of winning. If you don’t know how to use a talent, just practice.
I think it’s a niche pick but I actually don’t mind acid drenched mandible too much provided you have some CC on your team and you took Shed Exoskeleton(30% speed increase) at level 4. Yes I know bed of barbs adds a slow to your Q and is what most would pick with this but the speed bonus to your W allows you to get more auto attacks off and help confirm kills against certain immobile team comps, plus acid drenched procs off the stuns you already have and lasts for 3 seconds. This actually has nice synergy with the duration of your W and makes Anub more sticky in general plus the added mobility means you can run in to engage/get away at times too.
Provided you have the CC acid drenched mandible coupled with Shed Exoskeleton and Chitinous plating(for the CD) will actually do more damage than Burning Beetles or Urticating Spines in given situations where you’re able to get off a lot of auto attacks.
In general though what a lot of people here have already said about Beetle build is pretty accurate. Beetles and their perks just make Anub all that much better, give him sustain, waveclear, added damage, siege potential, and protection from skill shots among many other things.
The W build also has it’s viable moments and makes Anub much more tanky with some burst damage from spines(which can really surprise the enemy team that wants to jump on him) and helps confirm kills at times as well.