How do I get out of Bronze/Silver?

I am asking for me, AND one of my friends, because honestly I’m getting kind of annoyed at the system.

It used to be that every time I won (or lost) a Storm League game, that I would get nearly 150-200 points … not the case anymore.

Just recently, 2 matches I have won with me being with a friend that has played HOTS for … quite some time.

We won both matches … and each match I got around … 50 points …

My friend is on an even shorter end of the stick, he got a WHOLE WHOPPING 8 POINTS PER WON MATCH … WOOO HOOOO!!!

I’ve literally been told by 2 Diamonds that I play at a level above them and A Master and another Diamond that I play virtually at their level with Alarak … yet I can’t get up there, much less leave Bronze/Silver despite having nearly 60% win-rate with my Alarak main within the past 2 months.

I don’t understand … what am I doing wrong? AM I doing something wrong?

Do I have to play better in the match by doing even MORE damage than over 80-100k hero damage on average and die even LESS than 2-3 times on average?

Am I just trash despite getting MVP as Alarak both of those winning games and my friend dealing nearly 200k siege damage as Ragnaros?

Is there a way to NOT be put in bronze 3(me) or 5(my friend) despite winning ALL THREE of your placement games?

Does the matchmaking and rank system just degrade your point gain over time?

Why does the database not track my stats correctly?

I don’t know the answers to these questions … please help … I need it.

Watch that guys Storm League challenges, I honestly learned more from him than all online guides combined. He is a former professional and an every season Grand Master who played for Cloud9 and Naventic, earning $150k from HGC.

(Quick tip you will find out fast from his vids: Soak a lot more exp and kill a lot more minions than you are currently doing)

Also, playing in a premade party of at least a couple players greatly decreases your chances of getting feeders or AFK players.


I’m not saying you’re not better than Bronze/Silver, but keep in mind that really few players can truly evaluate others’ skills especially since ppl playing together often cover macro as a party and individuals shine in micro, which is a lot easier to master and starting from Gold/Plat ppl can do really well with their Heroes.
So your friends(?) might be biased and you might do better in a team, but to climb you need to be good even with bad teammates. Doing good with good teammates is a lot less skill-requiring.

But on how to get out of Bronze:
Play macro heavy Heroes. Heroes who can push hard or get camps faster.
Heroes who don’t need Healers and Tanks to babysit them.
Heroes who can dual down enemies naive enough to approach them alone.

Bruisers: Sonya
Ranged: Azmodan, Zagara, Sylvanas
Melee: Gazlowe
Healer: Rehgar, Kharazim

And Alarak is really teamdependant, so even if you’re an Alarak god, if your allies don’t create opportunities for you and don’t protect you, you can’t do much.


So much this. I adore the hero beyond words, but he is utter and total trash without a decent front line and people who fill their part in the macro game.

If you want to rank up try something else, something that can accomplish macro alone without help from anyone. Because you usually wont get help in low ranks. You have to do the heavy lifting yourself.

That heavy lifting is not mega kills btw, it is the constant drudgery of clearing lanes and doing camps. In gold you can have games where your entire team refuses to do these things. It then rests completely upon you.


Can you send us a replay with a list who you play?

Despite the fact that he trolls a lot (because he can lol), I agree that I’ve learned a whole lot by watching him and hearing him.

He does put out some good tips that seem small but make a huge difference. Case in point, the soaking and xp leading. I’ve won many matches simply due to this.

One of them was on Towers of Doom where I was Samuro and went top vs a Twin Blades Varian. Now obviously I couldn’t fight him all the time so I played safe and whenever Varian left the lane, I did my best to push it. Well, I kept doing this and more often than not we had XP lead AND despite losing teamfights on the majority of cases, top lane was extremely pushed.

Why? Because Varian would just occasionally go there but they prefered teamfighting and ignored soaking and clearing. I think I even got MVP and I killed like what, 3 people tops? Didn’t even did that much damage either but sieged a lot and made sure we always got that lane up.

Fan is also extremely entertaining btw haha.

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Honestly ranking up is a grind. One issue that I have with this game is that it takes forever to move up to your proper rank. If youre playing at a gold level you have to win 25 games in a row to get out of silver. In other mobas this isn’t too bad because your impact on the game can be much larger.

That being said I play with one of my friends in silver very often. One of his issues imo is that while he can play 1-3 heroes at a much higher level than silver, he plays most heroes at a silver level. I’m in no way saying to become a one trick, but you should work to have at least 2 heroes in every main role mastered when you play rank. Another thing I’d say is that you need to think through your shotcalls. If you say defend boss and then charge in alone (unless youre playing yrel bc she’s broken af), even if you were right to defend boss youre basically feeding by going in without your team. Personally id say that unless you play tank your main focus should be on not dying. When you get better at playing tank that can also be one of your focuses, but its a hard role and if you die to win a teamfight its a nonissue. Concentrate on not getting caught out and watch for the enemy to get caught out. I was playing in bronze as rehgar once and was carrying the game because I would wait for valla to try to rotate alone and then i’d dive her. So one of my teammates would die under tower before objective but i’d have secured a kill to even things out. Wouldn’t recommend that you do that because i’m a really good rehgar player, but if youre at the very least not the one dying then youre doing well.


This is exactly my situation; I’ve made multiple Smurf accounts to see my true rank (I’m diamond, masters on Aba) but my friends are bronze/silver and Jesus bronze players… Half are Smurfs from my rank and the other half are completely new


I would add Greymane in that list.

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I do think Greymane is really good, he can camp well, has nice dmg, has escape and engage, but his range is pretty low and he has no selfsustain, so I’m not sure.
Maybe give it a try, it might works.


Outmacro the opponent. You can do a lava wave but if you are fighting 24/7
Also git gud

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It is really hard alone. I think the only way is to play with good people to increase odds of winning.

Supposedly it ranks you based on your last season so you never really place higher than you left off. (for me it placed me plat 1 when i was diamond 2) But as for the how to climb. The only way to climb is make 5 man premades otherwise you are gonna keep getting these trash players.

yeah ranked is a contest of finding good people to play with at this point. It is hard to go up with solo playing. if you are good enough, you may go up but that is going to be very slow process. I have around 51 to 52% winning ratio so every 100 games I get the point of 400 (200*2). assuming 1000 is to move each division in ranked 5000 is from silver to gold, it would take 100 * 10 games give 4000 points and 300 games gives 1200 points.

So it would take about 1300 games to get to gold playing solo which is not practically impossible. Not sure if my math is correct, but it seems it would take very long time.

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I would disagree. Online guides and watching other people’s replay are out of date, plus it will not work on the current state as we are in today. It may help for one or two tips. But it won’t work overall. It’s better to watch your own replays and find out the mistakes you’ve made and your teammates on why you lost the game. I don’t bother watching my own replays cause I know already where I made mistakes and my teammates, (but it’s not basic mistakes at lease what I make). I could (or any of us on here) probably play high tier level if I didn’t had the players keep on making me lose games. But I always end up with teammates making simple mistakes that they never make correction. Cause they are afraid to be wrong at all times.

Question yourself in any particular game for what is the main reason your team lost. Is it pressure? or being outplayed by another player? or just too many basic mistakes that everyone makes the same mistake over and over and over. A lot of players will not admit their mistakes, cause they always want to be right. I try to tell them the truth on what they are making mistakes, but they don’t want to admit it. Cause I see too many mistakes that are the same in every game that I’ve played.

When getting feeders or afkers is just another path of some players lost confidence, cause what is happening repeatedly in the past games they’ve played.

But playing as a party can backfire as well, cause I’ve realized it’s the same result unless you are real friends with them that you’ve built chemistry and relationship

I sometimes throw in the towel in some games to make a point, but they dont’ realize the real problem cause they don’t look into specific details. They only look at a straight line rather then observing small little details.

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it would take at lease 25-30 games constant wins just to move up a category. but you can fall faster if you lose like 3-4 games in a row. pretty sad how the point loss works. Even your good enough or close to be one of the best in your category it is still hard to move up. It’s not the same before as in the past. the skill quality level of today’s players are just terrible.

They only rely on stats.


So this:

It also depends what hero you’re skilled with. I used Sonya to climb out of Silver. Your question was not how to climb to Diamond or Master, but to get out of Bronze or Silver.

I remember I went on a 12 game win streak in Silver just by drafting Stitches (old version) as it was so easy to punish the terrible positioning mistakes of players in Silver and he could do decent damage.

I found though I had most impact in the solo lane with Sonya, she could camp, double soak, do good damage in team fights. It does depend on what you’re good at though and what role you find yourself filling. Rehgar as others have said is a super choice for a healer as he can do almost everything Sonya can.

It shouldn’t be this way, but the less reliant your hero is on your team to soak, camp, fight, the faster your climb will probably be. I’m not a master expert like many people giving advice here, but I do have the experience of climbing out of silver and now hover between plat and diamond.

Best of luck with your games. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I made smurf out of curiosity, started at silver 5 and Im getting 490-499 points per win. Solo with healers btw, mostly Bwing to handicap myself.

There is system in place, similar to SC2, that moves you faster.

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I don’t understand your point. He streams daily and has done so for quite some years.
It is best of course to watch recent games, such as those played this month, or yesterday. Those are available on his channel too.

Do people really think they can play better than GM#1 or someone who earned hundreds of thousands of dollars playing the game?

Who else would you learn from?


I usually watch my own replays because I want to see how I messed up, but after a certain point it just becomes the blind leading the blind. Or taking investment advice from a beggar living under the bridge. A Silver can’t teach other Silvers how to get better. I can’t teach myself how to become a diamond.

To get better you eventually have to look at what the best people are doing and how they got there. How is the guy constantly ranking up accounts from bronze to GM in solo queue within a couple days? How is he maintaining 99-100% win rate in low leagues?

To me that makes streamers interesting to watch. Their brain works in a way mine doesn’t and I can pick up some of their thought patterns, then attempt to play like them.

I’m not very familiar with Fan, but I loved watching Grubby play HotS. That streamer got me out of permanently being stuck in around high silver to well over platinum.

Mostly because I learned from him how to avoid being ganked, and how much getting XP means (being ahead 1 level all the time because you soaked XP leads to a lot of won teamfights).

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