How come Gabriel Tosh is still not in the game

That is a possibility, take the things that are different and add them in. However will he keep his permanent invisibility?

You wouldn’t even need the race card. He’s not Qhira who was made up entirely to be “diverse.” Tosh was a fully fleshed out character in SC2 with a lore and unique story all of his own. He’s a compelling character that doesn’t need a race card to justify his addition.

The issue with Tosh I think is more of what Xenterex was addressing. You need to make him unique enough from Nova that he feels and plays differently from her. This is why Widowmaker (I think that’s the OW Nova clone) is only a skin and not in the game herself. It’s also why Maiev had to be completely remade and doesn’t resemble her Warcraft 3 build at all. That build is Zeratul, so Maiev had to be different.

Tosh would be cool for sure. As much as I hate fighting stealthies, he’d definitely be a valid addition to the game. I just don’t see this one coming for a long time. For now, I’m pinning my first draft pick on Broll Bearmantle as a guardian druid tank or bruiser.

Its been 5 years I think the statute of limitations on spoilers has expired… If you can search the trailers on you tube the cats out of the bag…

Personally, I am disappointed that TLV are the only hero from classic Blizzard games.

We need Kyle from Blackthorne.

And the last Starcraft Character was what, Blaze? Around the same time as Hanzo?

apparently you’ve never heard of Fenix.

Because he’s much less important than Mengsk, the Overmind, Duran/Narud, and they aren’t in the game either.


Because the legendary Overmind isn’t even in the game yet. How you expect him to be in there. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tosh, but I’ve been waiting for Overmind for years.

What’s with the OW hate again? So we got Mei, it’s not like we’ve been getting 5 OW heroes non stop like some other franchise who I won’t name. Also, pretty sure that the next hero is gonna be from WC given the upcoming release of Shadowlands. Don’t get me wrong here, I fully support and agree with you that we need more SC characters, but the hate on OW heroes and the franchise is so outdated really.

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I think he’d make a very interesting mid-range assassin/bruiser.

If devs focus on him being tougher than Nova, as well as his disruptions, bruiser.
If devs focus on his lethal psionic power, assassin.

Maybe every single OW release just has to have some hilariously overloaded kit that either breaks the game on release, or gets buffed a few weeks later and breaks the game then

Ana, D.Va, and Junkrat. All famously broken. Oh, and good ol’ OP broken ~54% winrate Mei.

Also, there’s never been an Overwatch character as broken as launch Maiev or launch Garrosh. Or launch Ming. Or launch Xul. Your point is moot.


Just gonna pretend Launch Genji wasn’t just Launch Ming 2.0 I see

Just as hard as you’re pretending Ana doesn’t exist.

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You mean the healer that instantly took over the entire support meta game since shes come out? She has one of the most overloaded kits I’ve seen.

Like why does a healer need so much Max HP% damage on a short CD again?

Because why not? Who are you to say what a hero’s design should have or not? She heals doesn’t she? Alongside other utilities.

Next you’ll complain all healers are just copy pasted kit reskin.

Also, pretty sure most broken release heroes were not from OW, given that non OW heroes outnumber then by quite a margin. As others have said, launch Ming was quite the demon.