Except you didn’t. Trying to claim you did is just more demonstrates of how you superficially grasp something, claim otherwise, and deride others for it.
Right. It’s not like I can quote exactly what I said:
“rather than treat me to a delightful wall of text with links and enumerated refutations, you’ve remained uncharacteristically vague, making only allusions to some unspecified past threads or some nebulous “consequences” that haven’t happened.”
Where the context is what I said it was and the part with “consequences that haven’t happened” is a word for word excerpt of you–I hope I won’t need to link your own words to you for you recognize them. In the place of that phrase in the quoted sentence, you should expect to see one of the vague arguments you’ve made against the patent and that’s exactly what that was. I suppose you probably think that the quotes around consequences somehow make it take on a different meaning but there’s a much more logical explanation for this: I quoted consequences to render it a direct reference to what your wrote, to emphasize that you were so vague that you did not do so much as even list some vague consequences. This is something that an enlightened being free of confirmation bias such as yourself should have been able to pick up on.
The teniable fixation you have in trying to goad the ‘mistake’ is that that is just more of the same superficial fluff of what you’re reading in this. “oh he mistook me for the OP, therefore yada yada” – to which that’s further strained by how you claim you can’t fathom the ‘acceptability’ to ‘put words in the mouth’ when that’s pretty much what you’ve been doing from the onset.
Oh so you’re a victim now? Smart move. It’s easier to play that card than to explain why you would attribute to me an attitude of “so obvious” solely on the basis of disagreeing with you and having a default avatar.
That conclusion there of trying to claim I “post for everyone?” That’s an indicate of you not reading the material, making assumptions, and then acting informed anyway, but then to try to bemoan others for something you didn’t think through.
It’s a good thing the “material” is available to us at all times, isn’t it?
“When I write, I tend to do so for more than just a single person; even if replies are direct, the post is going to be read by other people. It’s not a mistake, but attitude/reactions like yours are just replaceable.”
Would you feel better if I had written “multiple people”?
However, both parents are particular to first-person shooter games; the metrics, interactions, incentives, etc etc are for a particular genre. Even if someone were to say “oh well, they can just adjust some stuff to make it work for hots” it isn’t the same thing, and some of the changes that have been done with HotS matching have demonstrated the problems of trying to realize that.
What if that someone was the people writing the patent?
“While aspects of the invention may be described herein with reference to various game levels or modes, characters, roles, game items, etc. associated with a First-Person-Shooter (FPS) game, it should be appreciated that any such examples are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to be limiting. The matchmaking system and method described in detail herein may be used in any genre of multiplayer video game, without limitation”
And if you actually knew what my angle on this was you’d realize that this was exactly my point. I think Blizz is trying to match by more than just MMR in QM and that a “forced” 50% win rate under some circumstances (say, if you get a bunch of wins while still locked into the new player pool) could be one of the problems resulting from the realization of such schemes.
And I could go on, but here’s the main kicker: for people that look at activision patents, how many have bothered to realize that blizzard has its own list that they use instead?
You would call that a main kicker? I stumbled onto this patent through Kotaku. I viewed it through google patents, I didn’t even know there is a free site to look up all of a company’s patents. What’s your next kicker? How many people bothered to get a C.S. degree and code their own matchmaker?
Anyway, that doesn’t really prove much. Could be that patents filed under Blizzard are those that are specific to Blizzard IPs and are of no interest to any other subsidiaries. Certainly, the replay patents would fall under that one. Could be that patents are filed by place of development, which would not preclude Blizzard from making use of a patent assigned to its holding company.
But I applaud that you’ve taken a small break from the inquisition and actually presented a somewhat cogent counter-argument. If only so much of my post wasn’t wasted on some of the more inane things you’ve said. It’s come out to a dreadful wall of text now.