HotS Replay Thread

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Or did they change that?

The string of numbers “was not allowed”


I’m a bit rusty because nowadays I don’t have much time to play ( :frowning: ) but I’m still having a blast xD


Anduin was so close.

He was. I just couldn’t believe I survived. I dived Hanzo with the intention of a trade. But Ming just couldn’t hit me :'D

Li-Ming literally blind doesn’t laser you lol.


This game is worth mentioning for me. I played with 3 of my friends and one random. He was our tank and he threw the game, when we tried to end the game.

He left, when enemy core was at 1%.


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I have ascended in replay usage beyond your own understanding.

also replay has funny moments

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Can’t argue there.



Whitemane: Wow the Tracer just fed, lemme just laugh at your own failures.

*celemency laugh*


“Fenix does low hero damage.”

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When in doubt, soak the lane instead of the literal offlaner.

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This is Q build Fenix. It’s easier to get dmg with that.

His AAs aren’t noticable if:

  • you don’t micro W well enough to get max dmg from 1 lvl W talent
  • you don’t have enough Q quest stacks
  • you don’t take % dmg at 16
  • you don’t take AA speed at 20

He needs too much time to deal enough dmg from AAs (until 16-20), comparing to other AA heroes.

Ex-Tassadar/TLV main’s laugh in background


That’s impressive if you played full laser.

Usually those numbers are seen with E build by aggro Fenix players.
Though it’s easy to see how laser also adds up to really high numbers late game, especially after you finish Q quest.

I think his weirdest build is taking W talents (“utility build”). He certainly wont be top damage with that.
Though he only has 2 W talents.


I am not sure when I will learn E build/argo style (if I even plan to do that).
Currently, I learn Q build, sometimes I take W at 1 if I can’t get enough Q stacks or if I can AA a lot.

A little detail - enemies were quite bad. They grouped a lot so hard I was able to hit most of enemies by my Q.

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That Hanzo did amazing considering how poor the team was and being 4 levels down.

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