HotS Replay Thread

Forums have been in a bad mood last few days so here’s a highlight, enjoy.


A stomp.

vs an almost being stomped (deserved comeback)

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The life of a solo lane Blaze.

I am still convinced that the only reason they let us back into that game is they pulled a stupid and had their Sylv in the DK on their push that got our core down to half health. If she had been pushing with it, it wouldn’t have lost half its health before getting through our mid-keep. That delay gave us enough time for me and Imperius to respawn, and an Artanis eats DKs for lunch.

As I said, well deserved comeback. They failed to end the game and lost focus.

The second game looks epiiiic.

It was! You should watch it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My poor Hierarch got a serious workout. I died twice that I really shouldn’t have, my own fault for not leaving when I should have. Most of the match was spent taking camps since they had a Bribewing and a Hogger. I wanted to prevent as much poaching as I could. I think I ended up with something ridiculous like 215k siege damage and 25k XP, only beaten by their Sylv.

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A bribewing :joy: I’m ashamed I didn’t think of this sooner.
Jeez, the outmacro


I wonder how mad they (enemy team) are at me, you guys figure it out while watching this :wink:



Yes totally agree, we need to cheer i’m up!
Let sing for him

I dont know this song



Unfortunately hard to do, there is 6+ accounts by that name and i would not wonder if it´s all the same person behind each.



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This twitch channel streams replays from Heroes Profile for anyone interested.


Is there a specific theme to which replays are streamed, like funny/oddball games or something? Or pretty much anything?

Just random, any Unranked/SL/ARAM games, MMR doesn’t matter.

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