HotS Replay Thread

I noticed that in the later parts of the game I coudnt do that much as I wanted. The pressure wasnt there

But thank you in advance for reviewing!


Is that our last game?

Yes , I want to know if I could do anything better

I´m not big on Maiev, so all i can contribute are general observations that you often use the trait too early, and i think you chased quite a bit towards the end.

Also, that snowball of enemy Mei that carried pretty much the whole team behind the enemy gates and lead to three kills was neat.


Practice your combos more. It might seem that you were struggeling but you were the most impactful at that match. (Sorry dr logan but thats the healers curse) im actually intrested in why you didnt took loremaster on garden when your thrall just spammed abilities :p dont worry you did good tho

I cant argue with your macro because your better then me with that.

Thrall needed to pick EQ
But tbh he was bad. Where was his dmg and his roots? He did one decent ult. So if you can perform like this with a thrall like that with a all in hero like maeive. You can do great things with more experience!!

I laughed when I saw that.


So you hecking tell me I did nothing?!

These letters were directed towards you see my edit

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when any heroes reached level 15 I will changes format : move to an looking like “news focused” which have receive a Golden NewsCenter that created back in mid-1980’s which I have playing any heroes for 2 to 8 times. EDIT : I saw that the collections has been found for have wins 5 games.

What are these random anouncements?

I can see that several of these heroes has been waiting for these announcers which didn’t found it.

so as for rewards Mastery portrait & rings I can focused about “Golden format” I can see about these heroes reached level 15 which I have play for 2 to 8 times.

Yeah this was weird. I killed the valla. And the ktz was running away. I knew if I didnt chace him he would could back and possible combo.
So thats why I chased him. Not sure if that was the right call. But it was a 4v3 at that point of my team (with valla dead and me and ktz gone)

So bad. I dont know why he didnt do any dmg or late macro

Yeah the dmg combo is difficult because you go all in

Well have to say good video for asking for feedback. Ive seen screenshots. I know you can do well. But struggles where your not on your best are the best learning moments

so for next few days I want to purchase Jaina & I answers that will find it’s Nexomania chests for 3 loot boxes for these collections preview.

Today I play any heroes that losses which ended up to win as Lt. Morales. so tomorrow will play remained champions & some others I will focused preview to purchase Jaina.

Did not post anything here in a while and so i thought i add some new entries to the “loss by comp” and “Medivh bad before Master+ SL” categories.

This one is just because i see healers getting complimented so very rarely; even though i played pretty trashy in this one. Miss ol´ Whitemane still, got most healer-compliments on her :frowning:

Those two count for both Medivh and early gg´s, hope they are somewhat entertaining.

just a few days ago I purchased Jaina which would enter level 10 for it. I see that today played several heroes with 3 wins next I go with Abathur in Marathon & some others.

I think that 3 champions has opened it’s own Loot Chests : a Valla portrait : a Yrel & Zarya skins I see that our champions loot chests would opens for that.

Now I’m gonna check Harb’s vid (which I forgot, sorry :cry: )

And in the meantime:
A fun Leo game

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So I watched it.
You were good.
There were some avoidable deathes (one was mentioned to be cause of rl stuff).
There were also some really nice escapes.

I think I can’t really have an input regarding your Maiev, I’m not that good with her.
But I think there were times when you’d do more to the team if you’d stop the chase and go back to the others, scaring away is often enough. Khara wouldn’t be able to top them back.
And I think your Heroic usage could use some small tweaks.

But I think the main problem (not yours but for the team as a unit through the entire game) was eating all of those Avalanches.