HOTS Is actually pretty fun

View Storm League Profile JeanFrancois
Win Rate 27.27%

why is it always the worst failures who have the biggest egos?

probably got bullied at school and now spends his days beating on a game he hates


Why do people who don’t end their sentences with punctuation marks - let alone if they neglect capitalization too - share a certain quality?

you spend multiple hours a day posting about a game you hate, i don’t need to hit the shift key or period for people who fail at life as much as you do, i know your type

my english is also ok considering the native language here is portuguese


From what I’ve seen, you don’t want to be part of a community.

I’m not trying to be mean here dude, but you are hands down THE MOST NEGATIVE PERSON I have ever encountered on a video gaming forum, and that says a lot considering I’ve been doing this for 21 years now.

You never have anything positive to say. You ONLY want to tear down other people, Blizzard, and the game. You complain about the fact that the devs don’t want you to be able to be a complete and utter jerk to their playerbase, while you’re being a complete and utter jerk to their playerbase.

Why are you even here dude, if you hate the game and Blizzard so very much?

Case in sad, sad, pathetic point.


You obviously transform what people say to fit your narrative. I did not threaten you, i warned you that users here would do that and used french to be friendly because your name is a french name, but heh, think what you want, i don’t really care. You’re just another keyboard warrior. o/


Punctuation and capitalization is universal. And what do I post, genius?

Yes, you guys demonstrably stink and embrace failure in every nonsensical manner you can think of.

I’m not French or Canadian, in case the point was somehow too subtle.

Oh look, more negativity.

You think I didn’t read that one, singular thread in which you have one, singular post where you aren’t being a raging jackwad to other people?

Don’t even come at me like you’re going to win here by the way, because in this battle you are woefully lacking in the required armaments.

Your name is French, your attitude screams USA. While wearing a red hat.



The game is fun. That’s why I’m still here after 5 years. I would be here if I wasn’t having fun. Not sure why anyone would stick around if they weren’t having fun with the game.



And here I thought you couldn’t post anything that would make me pity you any more than I already did.

The truth is stranger than fiction, I guess.

Murky posters have a dangerous habit of being smart. You keep that up, and people are gonna expect us to adhere to some sort of standard of quality.



I certainly remember you. You and Lyrasona, perhaps with a few others, were most vocal in claiming what happened wouldn’t happen.

Sadly, it’s starting to look like the way of the world. But therein lies opportunity.


I never played LoL. Besides leveling and no items, what are the biggest differences?

When was the last time you saw HotS advertisement? I have never seen any Hots related publicity on Youtube.

If a bear shows up, it may end up being right. Whoever gets eaten is always wrong.



When it made sense.

I still log in nearly every day and play a few games. Queues are short. People are playing. I’m having fun playing the games.

I’m not really getting what you are trying to suggest.




What I’m trying to suggest is that you having fun is irrelevant or biased. As they say, this is not a charity.

Im having alot of fun with every champ ive played so far which is like this frost tank and all the ranged assassins too early to tell a favorite tho :slight_smile:


It’s not irrelevant.

You’re position is that the game is “dead” and as such nobody should care or be enjoying the game.

That’s a big honking pile of baloney.

If players are enjoying the game, who are you to come in and tell them they shouldn’t be?


This jean dude is one sad sad man i just posted about how a new game is fun and he wants it not to fun so badly on that note blizzard advertising this game when OWL was at its peak was not a good idea especially considering LOL was dropping numbers because people would rather watch that then play or watch that game just bad timing i think


It is indeed. Also, your*.

Yes it is.

What did I write about punctuation and capitalization? The windows to some people’s minds.