Hots is a love letter to blizz fans?

Then why you trying to gaslight me w your nexus originals? You already know what the fans want… grom, mannoroth, overmind, reinhardt, Baal, lady vashj, another d1/d2 class hero, some sc unit (infestor? Defiler?)… blackthorne even

Hey whats done is done and I’ll still play her. Just sayin

New content is new content, I remember when wc3 released new tavern heroes via patch and that was a big deal back then. But still… cmon team… you really think ppl care about some nexus hero over the demon lord of destruction, a hive mind entity that controls an alien army or a lightning wielding sea witch?


I would dearly love to play RTS as the Hive Mind in this game.

Or executing fellow hero(es) as Mengsk.


I agree.
I feel that with the slower hero releases that they should focus on characters from Blizzard franchises and not oc from a world we never even know existed.


My personal theory. When an organization is not receptive to feedback and has an echo chamber for its decision makers they will actual come to odds w their customers. Instead of asking customers what they want they tell them what they want.

Also may be a resume building activity for the program managers, executive folks. “Hey bob enough with the old blizz stuff, lets move into the new age, fans are crazy about the nexus heroes. Who says we can’t make games like the old days?” (Everyone in mtg answers yes because by this point corporate has made it clear they don’t care about dev or fan input)


Considering how popular Orphea is, I’d say yeah.

Oh don’t get me wrong, we need more melee assassins and qhira’s kit will be good. The balance team and hero design team has been doing a great job w gameplay components.

But if they decided to scrap and forget about this nexus lore narrative tomorrow would I care? No


When Orphea was released we got 9 heroes in one year. Now it is just 4 (most likely, fourth and final hero will be revealed at Blizzcon)!


HotS is a Love letter to Blizzard fans.

I’m a Blizzard fan and I love Qhira.

The math checks out.


To be honest, Warcraft fans want like 20 heroes for this game. I mean, the remaining important (Yes, this is the key word for this threads) Starcraft heroes are a pain to translate, Overwath heroes are generally hard to translate due their in-game mechanics, Baal would arrive eventually and probably D2 druid too, so Diablo fans will have every important hero eventually. But c’mon! Stop asking for litherally every Warcraf character!
This new girl with a stupid name is boring in personality but she has an amazing play style and it feels great when you play it. So, stop making this threads (I’m not talking about you yoloBaggins, I’m talking about anyone who is thinking in make another post like this).


I am sure I will come to love her kit and playstyle just like Orphea. But as a blizz fan theres no way in hell I can say Qhira has any significance when compared to sc, sc2, d1/d2, wc2, wc3, wow characters.

I like qhira’s look tho she reminds me of an old gf. Plus good to see there’s at least one human hottie that isnt white or asian in the game


They need to build the lore to make players care about it. You only care about things you know. At some point they had to make you care about Diablo, Starcraft and WoW.

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Well I don’t give a crap about D1, D2, or D3 characters, and I likely won’t care about any characters DI introduces either. To me those characters have zero significance.

But just because I don’t already know everything about a character already doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy playing them, and Qhira is no different in that regard.


Blizzcon ‘18 called, they want their naive youthful innocence back.

I think it’s not a far stretch to suggest any new IP will be much more shallow in depth and creativity. If down the road that changes then I will change my opinion too but as of now the new blizz team has to earn that respect by proving they can make original and in depth lore worthy of high fantasy or space opera.

So far all they have created is a facisimile of the MCU with gameplay/revenue taking priority over creativity (overwatch). Game play good, creative lore not good, it’s like playing a nintendo game. Good game, no plot.


Good point, well made. I concede the point, you’re totally right.

Good talking with you.

Thread with link to Strawpoll about the new hero just misteriously dissapeared :scream::thinking:


I wouldn’t have a big problem with nexus originals if we didn’t have a glacial release schedule tbh.


I dont understand adding nexus OCs when the absolute best way to get new players would be to cash in on their already popular franchises like overwatch and warcraft (Hearthstone specifically should probably get some heroes, as it is way more popular than wc at this moment in time).

The decision making just doesn’t make sense.

This is another big thing. When you only release a hero like every 3 months, people are gonna be mad that this is soaking up valuable slots far more wanted heroes could fill.


Thanks it is a good point, you guys have phones right nuffsaid


Not every new HotS player is already a blizzard Fan. If your game caters only to people who are already fans, then you’re limiting yourself. A brand new player is worth more than having one of your fans move from one of your game to another. You already own the second guy.

The best way to attract new players is to make the best game possible.

If they are new players or new to blizz then every previously existing character IS a new char to them. I don’t think anyone is sitting around going man I’d like to play hots but I’d really like a hots hero i know nothing about over a blizz hero I also know nothing about (from the “new fan’s” perspective)