HOTS Hall of Shame!

Speaking of Nova’s holo decoys, I’ve both Taunted and Colossus Smashed them.

I’ve also used Gravo-Bomb on one.

Awkward. Just makes you hope nobody saw.
I think it’s because she’s so rarely picked nowadays, I’ve become disoriented.

If both the real one and the clone just stand there not moving, it’s hard to tell immediately.


Easy. Yesterday I was playing a game on Cursed hollows, I died as Malthael while we were defending our core. And I forgot that I had “No one can stop deathand I could instantly respawn :frowning:


At least you’re not the KT that keeps Pyroblasting a shield wall Varian.
It takes pyroblast at least 6 to travel, even in very generous cases.

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Enemy Diablo casts apocalypse. Leoric is about to get stunlocked. Me casting Eye of Horus like “I’ll save you!

Oh wait”

Also, I did the thing: I took pyro into divine shield. I’m sorry.


Varian, Chromie, Genji, Medivh, good BWs, all mean I pick Phoenix.

Joking aside, I know very quickly that means they’ll play around my pyros because it’ll be a lot less they have to care about.

As for firing those Pyros, well, I plan my actions ahead. The plan was to blow my QWE, and then when Nova snuckysnuck into the fight, she’d eat the pyro and be forced to peel out.

Nobody mentioned it but that’s not shame that leaves you… nuh-uh.


I got flamed by half my team for not picking Pyroblast against a BW one time. There were no words.

Pyroblast is an okay ult I just hate the principle of it’s design. It’s too fragile to be used to secure kills so 90% of the time you just blow it at the start of a fight to scare off a backliner.
The average player that picks it usually just sees a big damage button and doesn’t have the awareness to avoid targeting heroes that have Ice Block.
I really don’t know what it is about KT players and targeting Naz with Pyroblast but it occurred at least once each time they were in a match together.

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I remember a game yesterday, when a KT want to pyroblast me as Genji. :joy: It was glorious.

this happens to me often when I pick Phylactery of Kel’Thuzad

Sometimes I’ve fired into a Naz whose block I thought down but if I can help it I just target someone who’s at risk to die from it. I usually launch it midfight based on comp, sometimes we got great collateral damage and it can be used to score a kill. Better yet when they run and tap fountain, then blow up.

It’s pretty binary design, though… I’m not really a fan of the concept to begin with, although I’m not a mage player really.

Or a KT that does this.

To which my response is this.

Yes, my language does tend to be a bit more, well, adult, when TL3 isn’t at risk.


I often have problems remembering I have a Lvl 20 activatable. Since very often I either don’t reach that level, or never end up using it. So I play most of my games without the ability, and forget it when I do pick it.

I used to be like this but it feels nice to get over that hump.
Anti-Magic Shell is so nutty.

Threw enemy Arthas into our retreating backline and our 20% hp Thrall into the enemy as garrosh, glorious times.


On topic i just hate people who ignore how much value spell shield gives vs burst dmg from spells.

Picking glass canon talents insteed of picking some defence talents in between will just woop thier hp away before they can have a chance to react.

You showed that KT how much value spell armor gives by picking the lvl 1 talent.


And it also amazes me how many people still do not check what talents the enemy team is picking when they choose their own talents, or adapt how they play.

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I go stage dive bc almost every mosh pit I do gets 0 people. It’s so bad that even tho DW is my #3 most played hero I have never gone bellowing roar bc I’m 100% certain I will never get any value out of it.
Oh! Guldan too, I always go rain of chaos for the same reason

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Won a ToD game a while ago with Bellowing Roar.
Both teams are at 3-4 Core Hp and it all came down to Boss fight, we’re all fighting on point and after everyone died it was just me at 10% health vs the Illidan who just Hunted into the the fight.
Roar made for an easy cap :^).
Stage Dive is a good ult but it’s definitely not the reason to pick ETC.
If you get good at it you can hunt Abas down like a beast but aside from that it just turns you into Brightwing: The Tank.
Rain feels just too goofy now. Back when it did more damage and was channeled it had a fun niche of being a fort killer when you took full spell power talents, now it’s just meh all around.

No shame in not being able to land CC ults, you need to mess up a lot before you start improving with them. You might feel like you throw some games but they’re very rewarding once you get the hang of them.

Another skillshot/CC ult people vastly underestimate is Valkyrie.
It’s level 20 is completely bonkers and the enemy team often won’t treat it as dangerously as it should be treated.
It blinds the primary target for a whopping 5 seconds while rooting and silencing everyone in the area for a whole 3. That’s a longer silence than Wailing Arrow.
It’s not as unconditional but I compare it’s impact’s to Leo’s silence on Entomb. Both ults have low cooldowns and can be used very aggressively in tight corridors.

Ha!.. Classic.

You deserve all the awards :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


In my case, lately with Imperious, it was more a communication problem rather than shameful play, but still annoying. All I can say is, “I’m so sorry, little sushi, but your Octograb R is faster than my Q, even if we press it pretty much at the same time, it was not my intention to save whatever hero that was you grabbed.”




You are not alone.
It’s not Modern Talking, it’s me on Thrall today, trying to land the perfect stuns during a learning session - messing with our poor Kel’thuzad.
Regardless, the match was won and KT was MVP anyway.
(It’s a pretty cool and useful ult but I should consider Earthquake as well, I guess.)