Hotkey to AA nearest target?

Is there a hotkey that makes your hero target the nearest enemy and start auto-attacking that doesn’t also force your character to move to your cursor position?

I’ve gone through all the hotkeys and it seems like my only option is the attack hotkey, which also always moves my hero as well, but I’m hoping I’ve missed something.

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I don’t believe there is such a hotkey as you are asking for Dreyda.

Pretty sure the H key is “hold position,” which makes you stop moving. If an enemy enters within AA range, your hero with automatically acquire the target. If there are multiple enemies already within range, your hero with automatically target the nearest unit.

The attack command will only move you if you are not within range of the target

There is an option you can turn on which makes your attack command focus on the nearest target to the attack point rather than attacking whichever target is closest to your hero

Should be in gameplay settings

the attack key only moves your hero if they have nothing to attack, bro :expressionless:

Actually, with Lucio and Tracer it always moves the hero which is super annoying. They’re the reason I was asking in the first place.

That’s called baseline kiting.

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Hold stops you from doing any actions, including attacking. Basically “stand and ignore everything”

Stop stops your movement. You will still autoattack enemies in range after pressing stop.

I’m pretty sure its the other way around.

Hold stops movement.

Stop cancels all active orders and basically sets your hero to standby mode.

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I know that both of these heroes can attack while moving. What i don’t like is that the attack command forces them to move. It makes the option to attack target closest to your cursor useless because it also forces your hero to move right to them. I want a button I can spam to auto attack the closest target that doesn’t force me to move wherever my cursor is so I can move my cursor around the screen without constantly issuing move commands.

The Key of playing Tracer is moving permanently. You don’t have to click where you want to go. Just keep right Mouse Button pressed and she moves according to your Cursor.
This is a complete different play style to the usual Stutter Stepping, but if you have mastered it, it will make your Tracer play much more effective.

Wrong. It is as the other guy said. Hold makes you stop moving and attacking. So if you are Tracer and a Genji using Deflect you can just press H and you are good. S just stops the movement command but you will still auto attack.

I do use my right click to move. I don’t want my attack action to also move my hero. Say I want to strafe parallel beside a target to stay in range as they move through their minions to attack but be able to have my cursor behind me ready to cast blink. I can’t because I have to click a to switch targets, but I can’t have my cursor where I want it.

And the interaction with clicking a on top of an enemy hero is really dumb, too. If I am holding down my right click to move and it happens to go over an enemy hero, it doesn’t automatically lock on them, so I can run past them. But if I happen to press a as I pass over them to switch targets, it’ll issue a move command to them and I need to move my cursor to an unoccupied area of the screen and click and hold right click again for it to register that i don’t want to move onto that hero.

The attack command is just a super clunky system for tracer and lucio. I’m sure I’m not the only one who wouldn’t appreciate a command that starts auto attacks, but doesn’t actually issue a move command.

You can set quickcast for Blink in the advanced settings of key binding (Settings / Advanced Settings / Quickcast). Although I haven’t tried it out, this could be a solution for you.

Why don’t you just set for her to attack somewhere just once.

Like this…

Uh, been a while.
You can bind A to LMB and then switch Attack Move Target Point in settings. Dont remember where at this point, I think I always did this ingame, once.

Thats a weird condition tbh, you cant AA while outside AA range :p. If use those settings your hero will stop to AA once in range. More problematic for Lucio or Tracer but easy to get used to. You simply RMB on desired location right after LMB.

EDIT - while ingame → options → gameplay
EDIT2 - what LMB does by default? I never used it since 2017 :stuck_out_tongue:

In my experience it’s A, A and clicking the ground makes your hero movei nthat direction and stop to auto attack anything within range prioritizing the nearest target